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Face to face, Shen Yue and Wang He Di stood motionless, in silence, with their eyes closed.
Dylan's voice was only a whisper.
"Listen ... I want to kiss you again ... Do you think it's normal?" he asked.
Yue smiled.
"It's Dudu the one you should kiss, remember?"
"Yeah ... Er ... Yeah ... Right."
Yue looked up and met his eyes.
He seemed so lost, so confused ... With one hand she stroked his cheek gently.
"I'm going home, okay?"
"Oh ... Er ... You can stay if you want ... I ... Well ... I ..."
Yue hugged him tightly.
"See you tomorrow, good night!"
She moved away from him and went to the window.
Before Yue could get out, Dylan took her hand and stopped her.
"Yue, really, I want ..."
He could not finish his sentence.  He didn't know what to say.  He was too confused!
"It's okay, Wang He Di," Yue smiled.
"It's not ok! You didn't feel anything? Because I felt ... I felt ... I don't know, a big mess inside! In short, is it always like that when you kiss someone?"
Yue stood on tiptoe and kissed him again.
"I don't know, Didi. Find out and let me know," she replied.
She ruffled his hair and left, leaving him breathless again.

That night, Shen Yue fell asleep touching her lips with a finger.
While Wang He Di didn't close his eyes.

The following day, the boy arrived at school and looked around for Shen Yue.
He peered into her classroom and saw her talking to one of her friends sitting at her desk.
"Didi! What are you doing there?"
Dylan spun around and found Chen Dulin.
"Oh ... nothing. How are you?"  he asked.
"I'm fine, thank you! Do you mind if we go out together this afternoon?"
Dylan hesitated a few moments ...
He glanced again at Yue, who was clearly copying homework from her friend.
An entire army of butterflies moved in his stomach.
"Didi?"  Dulin called him again.
"Yes, okay," he replied.
It was not possible that he liked Shen Yue.  It was not possible that kissing her was enough to find out that he felt something for her.
In short, she was Shen Yue! She was  Hulk!
And then why was she so quiet ?!
Was it possible that only he had felt the fireworks explode around and inside them as they kissed ?!
"If you like, you can invite the girls too," smiled Dulin.
"Yes! It was fun yesterday!"
"Okay, then! See you later!"

After school, Wang He Di waited for Yue to greet her friends and he ran to her.
"I'm Princess Peach!"  muttered Yue.
Dylan was about to retort, but suddenly he thought back to the night before and he blushed.
Yue noticed and held back a laugh.
"What do you want, Super Mario? I'm in a hurry," she said.
"Are you going somewhere? I wanted to invite you to go out with me and Dudu ..." Dylan replied, somewhat annoyed.
"I'm sure you and Dudu prefer to go out alone ... And anyway Caesar invited me and the boys to dinner tonight, so I have to go to the supermarket to get something to drink ... Oh, and first I have to meet Song Wei Long"  Yue explained.
"I see ... So we won't see each other tonight?"
"I think not ".
"You're not avoiding me, right? I mean ... What happened yesterday ..."
"I'm not avoiding you, why should I?"  she smiled.
She seemed truly peaceful and happy.
And somehow Dylan felt disappointed.
"Have fun with Dudu, okay? Bye!"
He watched her go away with her skateboard and his face twisted into a grimace.
"Did you really not feel anything?"  he whisper.

That evening, Shen Yue felt there was something strange in the air.
Her three friends welcomed her to Caesar's house with hugs and smiles, as if she had been the guest of honor.
"What happens?"  she asked with a suspicious look.
"Nothing? Why? Come on, sit down and eat!"  Caesar exclaimed, pushing her towards the table.
After dinner Yue got up from the table, ready to play with the playstation as usual, but she saw the three boys exchange a knowing look and she stopped.
"Now explain to me what's wrong with you! You're behaving strangely!"  she snorted.
"Okay, okay, come with us to the living room," Darren said, taking her hand.
The four friends sat on the carpet in a circle.
Yue looked at them waiting for someone to explain something to her.
"We're going to give her the speech, aren't we? I'm so excited!"  Connor grinned, clapping his hands.
"The speech? What speech?"  Yue asked.
"Yueyue, we want to talk to you about something important," Caesar announced.
"TALK! You're scaring me!"
"Okay, okay! Er ... Darren, start it."
Darren nodded and moved a little closer to Yue.
He took her hands and smiled gently.
"Yueyue, you know how important you are to us ... True? You are really, really important to us. You are our best friend. You are our little sister. You are our rock. So ... Well, we know you and we notice what happens to you... We know you like a boy. "
"Guys, please don't ..." Yue tried to stop them.
Connor took Darren's place:
"No, Yueyue, listen to us! At twelve I read a book from my mother just for you, you know? It was called: How to handle your daughter's first crush. This because we are all male and I was afraid that we would make you feel uncomfortable the moment you fell in love. I wanted to be ready. It's been a while since I read that book and it never helped me ... Until today. From how you behave, from how you changed, from  ... I don't know, it's clear! So ... "
"So we want you to know that we are here for you and that we love you so much and that you can talk to us about everything," Caesar concluded.
Yue's eyes were shiny.
"Did you seriously read such a book for me?"  she asked to Connor, poised between bursting into tears or laughing.
"Sure! And then I wrote a summary for Caesar and Darren," he replied, satisfied with his work.
"Guys ... you are crazy! I love you so much!"  Yue exclaimed.
The F4 squeezed into a big group hug, then they sat down again.
Yue cleared her throat and took courage.
"Since you've worked so hard ... I want to be honest with you. It's true, I like a boy," she confessed.
"Who is him?"  Caesar asked, pretending he hadn't spied on her and Wang He Di for weeks.
"Oh, it's not important."
"At least tell us what he's like," smiled Darren.
"Ok! He is ... Stupid. He's really stupid. And then he's sensitive, sweet, attentive ... And he makes me laugh. I'm fine with him ... I ... I can be myself."
"Wow! He looks like an interesting guy," Connor said.
"He is!"  Yue exclaimed.
"And at which point are you with him? Are you together? Are you dating? Did you already kiss?"  Caesar asked her.
"We're not together. Let's say that ... We are dating. The fact is that he doesn't yet know what I feel for him. And I still don't know what he feels for me, even if I begin to guess it. But ... There was a  kiss. A beautiful kiss. I ... I don't even know how to describe it! It was magical! "
Caesar watched her as she spoke.  It was the first time that Yue had opened up so much on such a speech.  He realized that as much as he, Darren and Connor worked to make her happy, it hadn't always been easy for her to have only male friends.
And now seeing her with her eyes so bright, with red cheeks and those timid expressions on her face, it made him understand once and for all that under the large clothes and hats, there was a wonderful butterfly ready to fly.
"Do you want a hand? We can help you wake up that badass!"  proposed Connor.
"No! Forget it! I'll do it myself!"  the girl hurried to answer.
They talked in the living room a little longer, until it was time to go home.
"I'll take you home," said Darren to Yue.
They all said goodbye to Caesar.
When it was Yue's turn, the boy hugged her tightly.
Yue smiled into his arms.
"You are the best brother in the world," she whispered softly.
"Can I tell this to the other two?"  he laughed.
"We already heard," muttered Connor, pretending to be offended.
"How ungrateful," added Darren.
Another group hug.
The F4s were the best.

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