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Everyone at school loved the hour of Drawing.
At the beginning of each lesson the teacher wrote on the blackboard what the students should have drawn, leaving them free to use the style and colors they preferred.
Shen Yue also loved Drawing time.
She loved to draw something completely different from the one decided by the teacher.
That day, for example, they should have draw a cup of coffee.
Shen Yue drew a lama.
"Why ?! Why are you doing this ?! Why a lama ?!"  shouted the teacher, at the end of the lesson.
"Because I hate coffee," the girl replied, shrugging.
The same story every time.
By now the teacher had resigned herself ... After all, she couldn't get angry with Shen Yue.  She was her best pupil. She  had a great talent!
When the lesson ended, Yue leaned on Darren's shoulder and sighed.
"Are you tired?"  he asked her, worried.
"I'm sleepy. I didn't sleep well."
"Why? Some bad thoughts?"
Yue shook her head and smiled.
She didn't explain how difficult it was to sleep with a duck.
Suddenly, an apparently younger boy came into the classroom and headed straight for Shen Yue.
"This is for you ... A boy gave it to me at the school entrance," he said, handing her a piece of paper.
"A boy? Who was he?"
"I don't know..."
"You don't know?"
The boy shook his head.
"Then you are useless. Go," Yue muttered.
When he was gone, she opened the piece of paper and she read it.
"Hi Yueyue!
I haven't seen you at the flower shop for a few days ... I hope you're okay!
I want to see you ... If you like, I'll wait for you this afternoon at Gelateria Sole at 4pm.
A kiss,
Song Wei Long "
"Who writes to you? A secret admirer?"  asked Darren with a grin.
Yue quickly hid the paper in her backpack.
"Don't talk nonsense," she hastened to reply.
Darren laughed and turned to Connor and Caesar.
"Hey guys! Our Yueyue has a boyfriend!"
The two widened their eyes.
"WHAT?!"  they exclaimed.
"Don't listen to him," Yue muttered.
"Then why are you blushing? Since when are you so shy?"  insisted Darren.
"Yueyue doesn't have a boyfriend ... She would tell us if it were like this," said Connor.
"Hmm ... She just received a note from a boy and she read it with a dumb smile on her face ... What do you say?"
"Stop being idiots and give me your math homework ... I have to copy" Yue pretended she was busy taking the math book in her backpack, trying to hide her red face.

After school, Shen Yue rushed to look for Wang He Di.
She found him walking with his two friends.
She reached him, took him by the collar of his shirt and dragged him to an alley not far from there.
"Hulk! What the hell are you doing ?!"  he shouted, surprised.
"You have to help me! Song Wei Long asked me to go out with him in ... Between ... Half an hour! In ice cream shop!"  Yue explained, hopping like crazy.
"Seriously ?! That guy really took the bait like a fish!"
"Wang He Di! You have to help me!"
"To do what? Go to him! Shen Yue, he asked you to go out! It's wonderful!"
"I'm not ready! I ..."
Dylan snorted and put his hands on her shoulders to make her stop jumping.
He leaned toward her and looked her straight in the eye.
"Hulk, your future husband just asked you to go out with him. That's what you dreamed of. That's what we've been so busy with in the last weeks. This is the second time he's taken the initiative ...  It clearly means that he is interested in you, so now wear your adorable girl's mask and do your best to definitely win his love. Go to him, order a trivial strawberry ice cream like all adorable girls and speak as little as possible. Be careful not to get dirty. Sit in an elegant way. Wipe your mouth often. I'd like to suggest you to lick your ice cream by looking at that poor boy with a languid look, but this is a higher level of anime ... We'll talk about it in a few years."
"WANG HE DI! YOU'RE A PORK!"  shouted Yue, kicking him.
"Ouch! I was kidding! I was kidding! Come on, go now!"

Caesar had seen Yue run away as soon as the school bell rang to signal the end of classes.
He knew it wasn't a fair thing to do, but he decided to follow her anyway.
He saw her run to meet Wang He Di, that weird boy from the other class, and drag him away.
He tried to listen to their conversation, but they were too far from him.
He could only see the dumb boy  put his hands on her shoulders and bend down to look into her eyes.
Before they could find out, he hurried away.
"You followed her, didn't you?"  grinned Connor, when Caesar joined him and Darren at his home.
"Man, really? Are you still trying to tell lies? You know you can't do it," laughed Darren.
"Ok, ok, I followed her. The guy who sent her the piece of paper... It's Wang He Di. I saw them talking in a back alley ... They seemed very close," the boy confessed.
"Are you sure?"
"He had his hands on her shoulders ... And you know that Yue lets herself be touched only by those she likes. And then you saw her during gym time at school... She spent all the time behind that idiot ".
"Mmh ... Actually Yueyue looks different recently. And she spends less time with us ... Maybe there really is something between those two," said Connor.
"Well, I don't like it. I don't like him," Caesar muttered.
"Why not?"
"Because he is incapable and he could never take care of her".
"Caesar, you know that Yueyue won't remain single for life, right?"
Caesar looked Darren in the eye and snorted.
"I know. I just want her to find the right person," he answered.
"Let's give that boy a chance. Let's keep an eye on him and see how he behaves with her, okay?"  Connor proposed.
The three exchanged a knowing look and nodded.

Meanwhile, at the Gelateria Sole ...
"Yueyue! You came!"  exclaimed Song Wei Long, as soon as he saw the girl enter.
She smiled and nodded.
"I'm really happy! Come, I'll offer you ice cream!"  he exclaimed, putting his arm around her shoulders.
Yue immediately felt her body stiffen.
"What do you prefer?"
"STRAWBERRY!" she screamed.
Wei Long's eyes widened in surprise.
"Er ... Ok!"
Once they took the ice cream, the two sat down at a table to eat it.
"I know it's a bit cold for ice cream, but I'm too greedy to resist," the boy laughed.
"Me too" replied Yue timidly.
While Song Wei Long was busy telling her some anecdotes about those days in the store and at the university, Shen Yue was too focused on not getting her mouth dirty to hear him.  Dylan had told her to be careful and wipe her mouth often, speaking as little as possible.
A mountain of  napkins reigned in front of her.
At the umpteenth napkin, Song Wei Long grabbed her hand and forced her to stop.
He leaned over the table with his elbows and brought his face close to hers.
"What are you doing?"  asked Yue, embarrassed.
"I'll help you," he replied.
With his free hand he caressed Yue's lips. His thumb traced its outline slowly.
Yue remained motionless, unable to move a single muscle.
After a few moments, the boy returned to sit in his place with a satisfied smile.
"You're so cute when you blush!"  he exclaimed.
"I ... Er ... I have to go ... The homework ... You know ..." Yue stammered, still shocked by Song Wei Long's sudden gesture.
He nodded and watched her run out of the ice cream shop.
"How lovely," he sighed.


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