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"Can you explain to us why you keep going out with her? It's clear that it cannot work between you two!"
"Jaqi! Chen Duling is the perfect girl! I can't let her get away!"
Wang He Di was sitting at a cafe table with Jaqi and Zi Wei.
The two girls exchanged an exasperated look.
"Are you stupid or what ?! Why would she be perfect ?! Just because she is cute? Because she's shy? Because she blush when you talk to her? Wang He Di! You don't know anything else about her! And you don't really care about the little things you know! Stop living in your fantasy world! You can't communicate! You don't have fun with her! You can't be yourself! That's not how you build a relationship!"  snapped Zi Wei, angry.
Her best friend was so stupid!
Dylan lowered his head and sighed.
"I ... I want to try, okay? I just have to get to know her better. I'm sure she's the right one," he replied.
"I give up," she snorted.
"What time is she supposed to arrive anyway? And where's Yueyue?"  Jaqi asked.
"She should be here soon. And Yueyue wrote me that she is coming."
Dylan wanted to introduce Duling to his friends, so he organized an afternoon at the games room.
In addition, he hoped that she would feel more comfortable with them and that both of them would finally show their true character.
After a few minutes, Yue and Duling entered the cafeteria together.
"Hi! I met Duling out here and we already introduced ourselves," smiled Yue.
Dylan felt calmer now that she was there too.  Her presence was reassuring ...
"Hi! Er ... Nice to meet you, I am Duling," said the other girl almost softly, reaching out to Jaqi and Zi Wei.
As the girls introduced themselves, Dylan took Yue aside.
"Hulk, please try ... Not to be too much yourself okay? I want Dudu to feel comfortable," he whispered.
"Not too much myself?"
"Yes! Well ... be nice to her, okay?"
Yue snorted and pushed him, then she went back to her friends.

That afternoon was really ... Strange.
Wang He Di loved the game room!
But Dudu was afraid to touch anything and she didn't understand the rules of the games.
Dylan was next to her and helping her, trying to have fun, but then his eye ran away on Shen Yue and he saw her laughing like crazy while shooting at the enemies and he was forced not to go and play with her.
"Dudu! Forget about Dylan, come with us!"  Yue suddenly exclaimed, taking the girl by the hand.
She took her to a game where they had to dance following the dancers' moves on a huge screen.
Dylan followed them and found that Dudu was really good in that game ... Yet he couldn't stop looking at Yue, who was instead a total disaster.
"Hulk! Dancing isn't for you!"  he exclaimed, laughing.
"Shut up and come here too, you idiot!"  she retorted.
Jaqi and Zi Wei watched them from afar.
"Look at them ... They are having a great time! And they are totally excluding Dudu ... Why the heck Dylan doesn't open his eyes ?! He likes Yueyue!"  Zi Wei complained.
"You are right ... That stupid does nothing but look for the perfect girl and he doesn't notice that he has her there in front of his eyes" muttered Jaqi.

When it was evening, the game room closed and the guys decided to go home.
"I'll go with you, okay?"  Dylan proposed to Dulin.
She nodded with a smile.
"Hi girls, it was really nice to spend some time with you," she said.
"For us too! I hope you enjoyed it," Jaqi replied.
"Yes thanks!"
They hugged each other and then they said goodbye.
Yue watched Dylan and Dulin walk away holding hands.
"Is jealousy what I see in your eyes?"  Zi Wei grinned, putting an arm around her shoulders.
"Tsk. Nonsense," she sighed.

When Wang He Di and Chen Dulin arrived in front of the girl's house, silence fell as usual.
"Er ... So ... See you tomorrow. Thanks for this day together!"  Dylan stammered.
"It's me the one who must thank you! Your friends are fantastic! Especially Yueyue! She is ... Cool!"  answered Dudu.
"Yeah, she ... She's cool."
"So bye," she smiled.
Without warning, she leaned over to him and tried to kiss him.
Dylan jerked his head and the kiss landed on his cheek.
"I ... Er ..."
"Don't worry, I understand! See you tomorrow, Wang He Di!"
Dudu ran into her house with a red face like a tomato, while Dylan stood there like a fool.

Shen Yue looked at the window of Dylan's room, undecided about what to do.
She wanted to go to him, but the image of his hand entwined with that of Dulin that afternoon continued to kick her stomach.
Eventually she took a long breath and she made up her mind.
She climbed up and entered his room.
Dylan was sitting at the desk and he had a pair of headphones covering his ears.
He was watching some videos on the computer and he hadn't heard her come in.
Without making a sound, Yue slowly approached him and peered over his shoulder ...
"WANG HE DI!"  she screamed, punching him on the arm.
"SHEN YUE! ARE YOU CRAZY ?! YOU SCAREED ME TO DEATH!"  he shouted, turning abruptly.
"You're watching a porn movie! You're a pork!"
"What the hell are you saying ?! And stop yelling! It's not a porn movie, you idiot!"
"So what is it ?! Look how those two are kissing !"
Dylan stopped the video he was watching and rubbed his temples.
"They're just kissing! I ... I need to practice," he muttered.
"I need to practice! This evening Dudu tried to kiss me, before saying goodbye ... But ... I didn't feel ready. I don't know how to do it! I never kissed anyone! So I moved away. And ...  And now I'm watching some tutorials on the internet" he explained, embarrassed.
"Are there tutorials that teach kissing?"  Yue asked, shocked.
Dylan nodded.
"Are you sure it's only because you're not capable that you didn't want to return her kiss?"  the girl ventured, with a small light of hope in her chest.
"What do you mean?"
"I don't know ... Maybe, unconsciously, you're not sure about your relationship and that's why you didn't want to kiss her," explained Yue.
"Oh not you too! Jaqi and Zi Wei have already scolded me! I like Dudu!"  snorted Dylan.
"Ok, ok! Show me those videos ..."
Yue took a seat next to him and they watched some videos together.
"I don't think I can ... Look how that guy moves his tongue! It looks like a war!"  Dylan exclaimed in shock.
"Yeah ... It's ... It's absurd!"  Yue replied, as shocked as he was.
"Maybe we should look for something simpler ... Let's try to read something."
"Mmh ... This article says you need to practice and suggests to try with an orange or an apple ..."
"I don't want to kiss an orange!"  laughed Dylan.
"Then kiss me."
As soon as Yue realized what she had just said, she bit her tongue.
Dylan's eyes widened in disbelief.
"I was just kidding, stupid!"  Yue hurriedly said, with a hysterical laugh.
Dylan laughed with her, but after a while he became thoughtful.
"Maybe, though ... It's not a bad idea! I mean ... You have to learn too, right? So when you will kiss Song Wei Long, you'll be ready! And ... And then we're friends, so it wouldn't mean anything, right?  We can help each other, " he said.
Yue thought about it for a moment, trying to figure out if he was serious.
"Dylan ... It would be our first kiss. We should give it to someone important."
"You are important to me! But ok, it was a stupid idea, I understand it, it doesn't mat ..."
"Let's do it," Yue interrupted him.
"Are you sure?"  asked Dylan.
She nodded.
She didn't know if that was really a good idea ... In fact, she was sure it wasn't.  But ... She really wanted her first kiss to be Dylan.  And she wanted to be his first kiss.  Maybe she was selfish, but she didn't care at the moment.
"Okay, so ... Let's try!"
They stood up and stood looking at each other for a few moments.
"We should get closer," Yue whispered.
Suddenly there was no more air in the room.
"Well, now ... The boy in the video hugged the girl ..." Dylan said.
Slowly, he wrapped Yue's tight waist with one arm and he brought her even closer to him.
"You're so short," he grinned.
"Shut up and focus!"  she snapped, hitting his chest.
She left her hand there, feeling the strong beat of his heart.
"Are you nervous?"  she asked softly.
"A bit'".
"It's me, don't worry."
Yue's smile, Dylan discovered, was even more beautiful when viewed from so close.
Instinctively he leaned towards her and closed his eyes.  When their lips met, it was pure magic.
Butterflies in the stomach, chills down the back, heat in the chest, fog in the mind ...
Yue stroked his face with her hands, overwhelmed by all the love she felt exploding inside her.
By now breathless, the two separated and remained silent looking each other in the eyes, looking for an answer to that question that buzzed in the heads of both: "Did you feel the same thing too?"
They found the answer in the second kiss ... And then in the third ... And then in the fourth ...
Their lips had no intention of speaking.
Their lips just wanted to keep touching and exploring each other.  So also came the fifth kiss ... And then the sixth ...

Author's corner
Mmh ... Nothing to say, I'm waiting for your comments 🤭😘
@Ray_T_S I hope you're happy 😉😘
A big hug,

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