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Wang He Di snorted and threw himself on the bed next to Shen Yue.
"I've changed my clothes twelve times! At this point I think I'll go naked," he complained.
"Sure, if you want to make your future wife run away ..." Yue grinned.
Tant evening Dylan was supposed to go out with the girl who had declared her love for him, but preparations were difficult.
"You're not helping me at all!"
"And what should I do ?!"
"I don't know! Give me some advice!"
Yue looked at him for a few seconds and seeing him so agitated her heart narrowed a little.  She wished she was in that girl's place...
"Here, put this on," she said, passing him a black shirt.
"You say? Will it not be too elegant?"
"No, it's perfect."
Dylan smiled at her.
"Thanks! Then I'm going to change! Wait for me here!"
He ran to the bathroom and Yue went back to bed.
"It will be all right, Yueyue ..." she sighed.

A few minutes later, Dylan returned to the bedroom and noticed that Shen Yue had fallen asleep.
"Tsk! Is that how you help me?" he whispered with a smile.
He covered her with a blanket and leaned beside her for a few moments to look at her better.
Sometimes he understood the F3: as tough, strong and cheeky as she was, Yue seemed so small and fragile that she could pull out the protective side of people without even realizing it ... As at that moment, curled up on herself on Dylan's too long bed, with her forehead against her knees and her face hidden by her hair.
She looked like a kitten.
He gently stroked her head and she barely opened her eyes.
"Hey ... I have to go, but you stay here if you want ... Okay?" he told her.
Still half asleep, Yue leaned over and kissed him on the tip of his nose.
Dylan blushed.
"Come back soon," she said.
Before Dylan could answer, Yue had already gone back to sleep.
The boy shook his head and left the room, closing the door behind him.
He joined his mother in the kitchen and kissed her on the cheek.
"I'm going, mom. Shen Yue fell asleep in my room ... If she wakes up can you give her something to eat, please?"
"You talk about her as if she were your pet," laughed her mother.
"My domestic monster, you mean."
"Oh, stop it! She's an adorable girl! And don't worry, I'll feed her ... If she doesn't run out of the window as usual."
"Thanks! I'm going now, bye!"
"Don't come back home too late!"

Wang He Di was happy to be dating such a pretty girl, but ... He didn't know what to say.  And neither did she, it seemed.
The two had dined at a small cafeteria and then they had a walk through the streets of the town.
Silence reigned supreme ...
When Dylan took the girl home, she greeted him with a big smile and with the promise that they would see each other again at school the next day.
On his way home, Dylan thought back to that evening with a little disappointment in his heart.
"Maybe we were both too agitated..." he thought to himself.
Once he arrived, he entered the room and was surprised to find Yue still there on his bed.
His mother had left him a post it on his desk: "She hasn't woken up even once, so she hasn't eaten. Rice balls are in the fridge."
It was almost 11pm ... Maybe it was better to let her sleep.
He went to the bathroom and put on his pajamas, then he lay down on the floor on the carpet.
"What are you doing?"
"Shen Yue! Do you want to give me a heart attack ?! I thought you were sleeping!"
"I was sleeping! But you're so loud!" muttered Yue, rubbing her eyes.
She leaned on her elbows and leaned over to look at Dylan on the floor.
He wore blue pajamas with many Captain America smiley faces asleep.
Yue laughed heartily.
"Hey! Don't laugh at my pajamas!"
"I don't laugh at your pajamas, I laugh at you," she grinned.
"You shouldn't be so bad to the hero who's sacrificing his back to leave you his comfortable bed, you know?"
"Don't worry, I'm going back home now," Yue replied, getting up.
"You're not going anywhere at this hour!"  Dylan replied firmly.
"Wow! When you use that authoritarian tone you look like ..."
"Captain America? Ironman?"
"No, like an idiot."
"You! You are ... You are ... So mean! A few hours ago you kissed my nose softly whispering to me to return soon, as a wife who greets her husband who is going to war! And now look at yourself! You are turning green again!"  he complained.
Yue blushed and threw him a pillow.
"You are an idiot, Wang He Di!"
"You're an idiot!"
"No, you!"
Suddenly, a strange noise interrupted their "conversation".
"What was it? Thunder?"  Dylan asked, surprised.
"Er ... No ... It was ... It was my stomach," muttered Yue, looking away.
"Silly! Let's go eat immediately!"  exclaimed the boy.

Shen Yue and Wang He Di were sitting at the kitchen table eating Ms. Wang's rice balls.
"Haven't you dined yet?"  Yue asked.
"Yes, but I ate little ... I was agitated ," he replied.
"I see...By the way! How did the date go?"
"Mmh ... It was strange. She is a very silent girl. And I felt embarrassed, I didn't know what to talk about ... But maybe it's normal, isn't it? It was only the first date ..." Dylan replied.
"I don't know ... Maybe," Yue smiled.
"You too become silent with Song Wei Long, right?"
Yue held back a laugh.
The situation had changed by now ... Shen Yue had explained to Song Wei Long that her heart was beating for someone else ... And from that day, the two had become friends.  Yue still felt a little uncomfortable with him, but now she no longer felt shy in his presence and was able to talk to him calmly.
Still, she hadn't mentioned it to Dylan yet.
She wanted to wait a little longer.
"Your mouth is dirty, pig," she said.
"What ?! Couldn't you have told me before ?!"  Dylan complained, pushing his mouth with a napkin.
"Nah, you were so sexy ..." Yue laughed.
And so, they spent hours and hours chatting in the kitchen.
He made fun of Yue.  She made fun of Dylan.
They laughed.  Then they returned serious.  Then they laughed again...
When their eyelids began to weigh down, they decided to go to sleep.
Dylan sat on the floor while Yue sat on the bed.
"If you want you can come here with me ... We have already slept together," Yue proposed, sorry.
"I'm ok, don't worry! You kick too much while you sleep," Dylan replied with a grin.
Yue laughed and reached out to him, who jerked away.
"Hey! Why did you pull away ?!"
"I thought you wanted to hit me!"
"Idiot! I wanted to caress you!"
"I don't believe you..."
"Why not? I'm Princess Peach! I'm sweet as a sugar cube!"
Dylan looked at her sideways and then he decided to trust her.
He went back to where he was before and Yue stretched out her arm again under the bed to be able to touch him.
She gently stroked his hair.
Dylan's face relaxed in a blissful expression and this made her smile.
With a finger she went down to his face and she delicately traced his features.
"Hulk?"  he called her with his eyes closed.
"I love you".
Yue's heart began to beat wildly. She knew it was just friendship for him, but that moment was too precious to let it be ruined from negative thoughts.
"Me too, Super Mario," she replied.
She kept to caress him until she saw him falling asleep ... And then she continued again.
With each caress his face always relaxed a little more.
"Goodnight, my stupid disaster."

Author's corner
How are you?  Did you have a merry Christmas?  ☺️😘
I hope you like this little chapter 😉 and I hope to be able to update another one before the end of the year 😁
Thank you very much for continuing to read this story ☺️ and thank you to those who always look for me when I disappear 🤭
A big hug,

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