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Shen Yue was worried.
For several days now she had noticed that Wang He Di was behaving strangely ...
He was distracted and she often found him staring into space with an absent look.
Several times she had asked him what was happening to him, with good and bad manners, but she never got any answer.  Or at least, no sincere answer.
She was beginning to think that he was realizing that he had made the wrong choice by courting her.
And it literally panicked her.
She had never, never, experienced such strong feelings.
Her love for Wang He Di was making her discover so many new sides of her personality that she could barely recognize herself.
She was the usual tomboy, yes, but she was also a girl in need of attention and eager to give attention.
She wasn't changing.  She was getting to know herself  better.
The idea of ​​losing Wang He Di was inconceivable ... She needed him.  And she knew that he too needed her ... Otherwise who would have defended him?  Who would have given him all the assurances he missed?  Only she could do it.  Only she wanted to do it.
And so, once again, she found herself in front of Dylan's house in the middle of the night.
She looked for his window and she climbed up to reach it.
When she entered his room, Dylan didn't notice anything ... He was deeply immersed in the world of dreams.
She lifted the sheet and lay down beside him.
She wanted to wake him up and fill him with questions ... She really needed to understand what troubled him so much ... And instead she remained motionless to contemplate his sleeping face.
Wang He Di was handsome. He was so handsome to lose your head.  And she had completely lost it.
A small tear streaked her face.
"Tsk, look how you reduced me," she complained softly, wiping her eyes.
She crouched against his chest and breathed in his perfume.
Only once she had told him to love him, the day when she had confessed her feelings to him in the playground... She could have repeated it endlessly, because she loved him, she loved him very much.  She didn't care if they were too young, too stupid, too much many other things.  Shen Yue loved Wang He Di.
While Wang He Di ... Well, Yue didn't know.
He had never told her.
So she chewed her tongue and refrained from saying those three words that echoed in her head every time she was beside him.
She didn't want to scare him and risk to push him away from her.

Wang He Di woke up with a smile that morning.  He had dreamed of his Princess Peach, like every night, but this time it had been more vivid.  It had seemed to him that he was really close to her and to breathe the scent of her hair.
He got out of bed and stretched.
He was about to go to the bathroom when he noticed something strange and he jumped high enough to almost touch the ceiling.
"SHEN YUE!"  he screamed, bringing a hand to his chest.
He felt that one day he would really die of a heart attack!
The girl was curled up on the floor of his room, aside the bed.
When she heard Dylan scream, her eyes widened and she jumped up.
"ARE YOU STUPID ?! YOU SCARED ME!"  she scolded him.
The two remained silent for a few moments, trying to catch their breath.
When they had calmed down, Yue smiled at him.
"Good morning, Super Mario," she whispered.
Wang He Di's heart stopped abruptly.  Her sudden smiles hit him straight in his chest every time and clouded his mind for a few seconds.  Every.  Holy.  Time.
And it was especially in those moments that he wanted to scream how much he loved her.
Because yes, Wang He Di loved Shen Yue.  He loved her madly.
Maybe they were young, stupid and many other things, but he was sure that he was also and above all in love with her.
What prevented him from saying those three simple words then?
Well, he was just waiting for the right moment.
He had grown up reading comics, watching Japanese anime, movies and TV series ... He knew that those three  words were not absolutely simple as they seemed.  They were something really important and profound.
They had to be said in a magical moment.  Shen Yue deserved a magical moment.
He replaced the "I love you" with the "I adore you" so as not to go crazy.
For this reason, in those days, he was splitting his head to try to understand how to organize everything.
Yue sometimes worried about seeing him distracted, but he didn't explain to her what the real reason was that sometimes his mind seemed light years away.  In reality it did not seem, it really was.  It was projected when he would take her in his arms and whisper the most epic "I love you" in history.
"Didi?"  Yue called him.
"Mmh? Oh! Good morning, Princess Peach" he replied, approaching her to kiss her.
"Stop! Brush your teeth first!"  she exclaimed.
"What ?! Are you serious ?!"
"Do you want to kiss me with the heavy breath of the morning ?!"
"Let me understand ... When we'll get married, will you expect me to brush my teeth every morning before kissing you?"  Dylan asked, upset.
"When we'll get married ?! Hey! Don't rush too much with your imagination!"  Yue retorted.
She turned abruptly not to let him see the redness that had reached her cheeks as soon as she heard him say those words.
She heard him mutter something incomprehensible as he headed for the bathroom.
"What did you say?"  she asked.
"That neither you have the breath that smells of rose in the morning!"  he shouted from the bathroom.
Yue's eyes widened and she ran to him, but Dylan had already locked the door.
"Open the door! Now!"
"No," he replied on the other side.
"Absolutely not. I don't want to die killed by a green monster."
Yue took a few long breaths and smiled.
"There is a reason if I came here last night..." she hummed.
Dylan was surprised to hear her playful tone.
Leaning against the bathroom door, he decided to try to investigate.
"Really? Which one?"  he ventured.
"Mmh ... Let's say I had a surprise," replied Yue.
"What surprise?"
"I'll just tell you... Lace. Red."
Wang He Di's eyes widened and his imagination immediately began to gallop towards images of Shen Yue wearing red underwear ... The blood from his nose almost blew!  He and Yue had never gone beyond the kiss ... And as much as Yue hid her shapes under her clothes of three larger sizes, Dylan was endowed with a lively imagination and ... With hormones!
He tried to compose himself and casually opened the door.
Yue entered and passed him without saying anything.
She took the toothbrush she kept in Dylan's bathroom drawer and she started brushing her teeth.
He looked at her for a moment, undecided about what to do, then he imitated her.
When they were done, Dylan turned to her and rubbing his neck with embarrassment he said: "So? Lace ... Red ..."
Yue moved his hand from the back of his neck and replaced it with hers, and then she pulled him towards her.
She put her lips close to his ear and whispered: "In your dreams, you idiot."
Wang He Di's upset face made her laugh.
"You play dirty!"  the boy mumbled, pouting.
Yue stood on tiptoe and kissed him.
Dylan wrapped his arms around her waist and he held her close.
"You should have woken me up when you arrived," he said, stroking her hair.
"You slept like a baby."
"I would have slept even better knowing that you were there with me."
Yue raised her head to look him in the eye.
She thought back to the words Dylan had said earlier, in the bedroom ...
"When we'll get married" ...
Maybe it was foolish on her part, she knew it was still very, very soon, but looking at his eyes she couldn't help thinking that maybe, in the future, they would kiss each other like that every morning in front of the bathroom mirror, after  have squabbled and brushed their teeth together.  Yes, maybe it was really foolish.  But...
"I love you," she said, unable to restrain herself.
Wang He Di's reaction was not what she expected ...
The boy widened his eyes and he started coughing like crazy, escaping from her arms.
"Hey ... are you okay?"  she asked, worried.
"I'm ... I'm fine! I'm fine!"  he reassured her after drinking two glasses of water.
"You're fine and ..."
"And it's time to go to school!"  exclaimed Dylan.
He ran away from the bathroom leaving her there alone.
Shen Yue had no words.
She had just said "I love you", damn it!
"Wang He Di! We need to talk!"  she shouted, reaching for him.
"Later, Princess Peach, okay? Come on, now go home to change your clothes... See you at school!"
Dylan pushed her out of his room and locked the door.
"This is the second time you slammed the door in my face, you stupid idiot! Don't try to get close to me at school!"
Yue kicked the door and left.
Dylan dropped onto the bed and sighed.
Yue had just said she loved him. She had said it before him!  Again!
He wanted to answer her, but then she wouldn't have had her magic moment!
Certainly at school she would have beaten him ...
He got up and started getting ready.
He was determined to act as soon as possible.
Meanwhile, however, he allowed himself to smile as he thought of the sweet eyes of his Hulk and the tenderness of her voice as she said: "I love you."
"Wait for me, Princess Peach!"

Author's corner
Today a short chapter, but soon the next one will come ☺️
Unfortunately (or fortunately, I don't know 😂) this story is almost at the end.
I think we will have two more chapters ...
I really thank you for everything! 🙏🏻💜💛
A big hug,

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