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The sun shone high in the sky that Sunday morning.  A great day for shopping!
"Wang He Di! I don't want to! It's embarrassing!"
"Shen Yue! You have to do it! You don't want to go to your date with your future husband dressed like that, right?!"
Dylan and Yue, standing in front of a clothing store, quarreled animatedly as usual.
That was the day of truth: Shen Yue would finally ask Song Wei Long to go out with her.
Dylan ignored her protests and pushed her into the store.
"Ok, tell me what clothes you like," he said, keeping his hands on her shoulders, behind her.
Yue looked around and a grimace immediately formed on her face.
There were a lot of outfits too much feminine for her.
As attracted by a magnet, she turned to the male ward, but ...
Two hands grabbed her again by the shoulders and pushed her to sit on one of the couches in the shop.
"Stay here and wait," Dylan told her.
Yue pouted, but she obeyed.
He grinned ... She looked like an angry child.
After a few minutes, he returned to her with five different clothes.
Yue looked at him in horror.
"I think these are perfect for you. Try them," the boy told her, handing them over.
"Please, Wang He Di ... No ..."
Dylan rolled his eyes and knelt before her.
"Ok, let's go home," he smiled.
"You look confident that Song Wei Long will like you even with your baggy clothes ... So it's useless to stay here, right?"
Yue looked into his eyes and sighed.
"It's just that it's hard ... I ... I'll look ridiculous with the clothes you gave me. I ..."
"Shhh. Don't talk nonsense. Just try them, okay? I know it's hard, but you're doing it for the person you love. It will be worth it."
Dylan ruffled her hair and Yue smiled.
Finally she decided to enter the dressing room.
She tried all the clothes and every time the amazed and ecstatic face of Dylan made her blush.
"So? Which one should I choose? I like the yellow one," she said, returning to him with her plaid shirt and ripped jeans.
"Me too," Dylan whispered, touching the back of his neck.
"Hey! Are you making obscene thoughts about me ?! Pervert! I can read it in your face!"  she exclaimed.
"Are you stupid ?! Who would ever make such thoughts about you ?!"  he replied, turning away.
Yue laughed.
"Can you put all these clothes back in place? In the meantime I pay this yellow," she said to him.
Dylan nodded and walked away with the clothes in his hand.
But instead of putting them back in place, he stalked to another cash register and he bought them all.
He had seen Yue's happy and embarrassed smile at every compliment of him ... And even going into that shop and trying those clothes in front of him was a big challenge for her.  She deserved a prize.

Shen Yue was again sitting on the couch in the store.
"How long does it take?" she thought to herself, puffing.
When she finally saw him appear again, she realized he had a plastic bag in his hand.
"Did you buy something for yourself too?"  she asked him.
Dylan tossed it to her and he left the store with a grin.
Yue watched him go, frowning, then she peered into the bag ... It was the clothes she had tried.
"That idiot ..." she whispered, unable to suppress a smile.
She ran up to him and hugged him from behind.
"Ouch!"  exclaimed Dylan, surprised.
That was the first time Shen Yue had embraced him.  It was ... Pleasant.
"Thank you" he heard her say as she pressed her forehead against his back.
"I believe in you, Hulk," he replied, stroking the small hands that held his waist.
In a second, the situation changed completely: Yue grabbed Dylan by the hips and gave him a knee in the ass.
"You deserve it!"
"Ugly monkey!"
They continued to insult each other until they arrived in front of a shop that left Dylan breathless.
The window showed superhero costumes.
Yue noticed the glow in the boy's eyes.
She took his hand and dragged him inside.
They spent at least two hours in there, happily jumping around here and there, trying on every costume.
Suddenly, Dylan stood in front of Yue with a Hulk costume in his hand and an evil grin that curved his lips.
She took a step back and pointed a finger at him: "Don't even think about it!"  she warned him.
Shen Yue didn't know why, but she found herself obliging.
She put on the Hulk costume and joined Dylan.
The two looked at each other for a few seconds, then they burst out laughing like crazy.  They laughed so much and so hard that everyone in the shop turned to look at them.
When they finally managed to calm down, Dylan pulled his cell phone out of his pants pocket.
"Please make an angry face," he told her, ready to take a picture of her.
Yue snorted and shook her head.
She took the phone from Dylan's hands and stopped a girl passing by them.
"Excuse me, can you take a picture of us?"  she asked.
They posed: Yue pretended to throw a punch at Dylan, who played the game and made a sore face.

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