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Wang He Di had never seen so much water come down from the sky.
The rain fell thick and thick, filling the air with its scent.
Sitting under the porch of Zi Wei's house, he and the girls were sipping hot tea in silence.
"What peace," Jaqi whispered.
"Mmh ... It seems like the end of the world, but in fact it is relaxing" replied Zi Wei, with her eyes closed.
Wang He Di squeezed more in the blanket.
"What are you thinking about, Didi? You're silent," Jaqi told him.
What did he think?
To a nonsense.
"If Shen Yue were here, it would be anything but relaxing ... She would start jumping from one puddle to another, in the rain, without thinking about the cold she would catch," he chuckled, shaking his head.
"Oooooh! Shen Yue! Now you think of her as well as you see her in secret!"  exclaimed Jaqi.
"I've already apologized for not telling you that I'm helping her do that thing, okay?"  he muttered.
"This is not what you should answer ... So? Do you think of her?"  sneered Zi Wei, looking him straight in the eye.
"I don't think of her! I was just saying that she is so annoying and she makes so much noise that when she's not around, it all seems much quieter!"
The two girls exchanged a knowing look.
"Take that smile off your face, you two! I don't like Hulk!"

Meanwhile, at Yue's house ...

"Look at how it rains! Don't you feel like going out ?!"  exclaimed Shen Yue, looking out the window.
Caesar watched her eyes full of light and her bright smile.
Only she could get so excited about running under a downpour.
"Yueyue, haven't you learned anything since last time? You had a high fever for days!"  Darren said, looking up from his History book.
"I agree with her. I would also be willing to catch a cold, so as to avoid studying all this stuff," grumbled Connor, exhausted.
"Come on, there are still a few pages left! We need to get a good grade in tomorrow's test"  sighed Caesar.
Everyone nodded and went back to repeating the lesson together.
Suddenly a thunder rumbled loudly and everything became dark.
"Damn it! The light!"
The boys took the cell phones and turned on the torches.
"I'm going to check the electrical panel ... Do you know where it is, Yueyue?"  asked Darren.
"No you don't go! It's dangerous!"  Yue answered.
"And what should we do? Stay in the dark until the rain stops?"
"Laser Game! Me and Caesar against Darren and Connor!"  exclaimed Yue, excited.
"I adore you!"  Caesar laughed.
Yue, accompanied by the boys, went to her room and looked for the equipment that her three friends had given her for her fifteenth birthday.

 Each of them wore armor and held a gun

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Each of them wore armor and held a gun.  The game consisted of aiming at the center of the opponents' armor.  The monitor built into the armor signaled the number of shots received.  Arriving at twenty shots, the enemy was beaten down.
Once ready, Yue lit some candles and placed them here and there in every room, to be able to see at least a little and not risk getting hurt.
"Let the war begin!"  the girl screamed, taking Caesar by the hand and starting to run.
The two hid in the kitchen, trying to hold their breath so as not to be heard.
Yue leaned just beyond the door and spotted Darren wandering in the corridor, so she fired a shot and hit him straight in the back.
"Run!" she whispered to Caesar.
The two hurried to get to the bathroom, while some shots reached them.
"Tsk, they hit you three times," Caesar said, checking Yue's armor monitor.
"It doesn't matter. We'll destroy them."
An hour passed and now only a few shots were missing from both teams to be put k.o.
"I got an idea, follow me," Yue whispered.
Without being seen, they entered her room.
"We will use Teddy as a hostage," she said.
"You are wicked!"  exclaimed Caesar.
"This is a war, my friend. We need to get Connor here first, then we will both hit without mercy. There are only 3 shots left for Darren while at Connor 2. I only have one left, we have to be very careful"  .
"I'm willing to throw myself in front of you to protect you."
"There will be no need ... Teddy will protect me."
She took her giant teddy bear and wrapped her arms around its neck, holding it in front of her.
Caesar hid behind the bedroom door.
Yue made a little noise and soon, luckily for them, the first to enter the room was Connor.
"Teddy!"  he shouted, shocked.
Yue pointed the laser gun at the bear's temple.
"Put the weapon down and nothing will happen," Yue warned.
Connor hesitated for a few seconds.
"Do you dare to hesitate, Connor? Don't you remember all the nights spent hugging him, when we were children, when you stayed here sleeping? "
The boy sighed and put the weapon down.
At the same time, Darren also entered.
"What's happening ?! Why are you unarmed ?!" he exclaimed.
It was a matter of a second.
Caesar came out of his hiding place and fired 3 shots at Darren, while Yue finished Connor.
"Yes! We won! Weeeee are the chaaaampioooooons my frieeeeeeeends!" she began to sing, hopping in Caesar's arms.  He held her tightly to him.
"I will never forgive you for using poor Teddy as a hostage!"  Connor declared angrily.
"I know you can't be mad at me for more than a minute," Yue replied.
A little laugh escaped her as she removed the armor.
"Why are you laughing?"  asked Darren.
"I was thinking of a person I know ... that if he played with us he would be defeated in less than a second," she replied, smiling.
"Oh ... And who would it be?"
Yue hesitated a moment and then shrugged without answering.

It was time to go to sleep, for Wang He Di.  The rain continued to fall but slowed its pace.
Lying on his bed, he tried in vain to sleep.
Something agitated him ... And as he watched the raindrops running down the window glass, he knew what it was: he had neither seen nor heard Shen Yue that day.
He hoped she hadn't really jumped into puddles ... She would certainly have fallen ill.
After a moment's hesitation, he took his cell phone from the bedside table and wrote her a message ...

D: What a quiet day without you!  Finally some peace!  😌
Y: If you're writing to me it's because you miss me 😏
D: Absolutely not!  🤢 Have you studied with your friends?
Y: Yes, more or less ...
D: More or less?
Y: There was a blackout ...
D: Oh! All right?
Y: Yes ... We took the opportunity to play 🤭 What did you do?
D: Tsk, you're always the same... I had tea with Jaqi and Zi Wei
Y: God ... It's like talking to my grandmother 🤦🏻‍♀️👵
D: Hey!  Next time it rains I will invite you to have a tea ... You will see how relaxing it is!
Y: And I'll invite you to play Laser game ... So you'll find the young man in you, if he's not dead yet 👵
D: Ok ok!  Goodnight Hulk! 🧟‍♂️
Y: I'm Princess Peach!
D: Yes, keep dreaming!
Y: Idiot.
D: 🐶
Y: 💩

Dylan smiled and put the phone down again.
After a few seconds, he finally fell asleep.

Author's corner
Here is a very small chapter on a rainy day 😊
Thank you very much for continuing to read this story 😘
A big hug,

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