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Wang He Di appeared at the door of Yue's class, during a break. As usual, she was joined by her three friends. The tallest of them was curled up on her shoulder, his eyes closed, while she gently caressed his face.
"Shen Yue" called her Dylan.
Everyone turned towards him, surprised.
"What does he still want from you?" asked Darren.
Yue looked up, alarmed.
"Shen Yue, can you go out for a moment?" Dylan called her again.
"I'll send him away for you," said Caesar.
"No! No, I'll go! Connor, get up a minute," Yue replied, slightly shrugging.
"But it's pampering time!" complained Connor.
"I will be right back soon".
Yue stroked him one last time and headed for Dylan. She took his hand and dragged him away from the classroom.
Caesar watched as she went away, hand in hand with that boy.
"She hides something from us," he whispered.
"Do you think she's going out with him?" asked Darren.
"I don't know ... She's acting strange these days ... I'll try to talk to her later."
"I need pampering!" exclaimed Connor, resting his head on the desk.

She pushed Dylan in an empty classroom and point a finger at his chest.
"Don't come to me when I'm with my friends!" she said, looking ominous.
"Why? And then you're always with your friends!" muttered Dylan.
"Tsk. What do you want, anyway?"
"I want to know when you're going to start our lessons."
"Oh ... Mmh ... Can I come to your home after school?"
"Only if you avoid entering through the window" replied Dylan.
Yue laughed and nodded.
"See you later then!"
"See you later, Hulk!"
"How did you call me ?!"
Dylan put his tongue out and ran out of the classroom.

Once out of school, Yue invented an excuse and greeted her friends to reach Dylan's house.
When she arrived, Dylan was opening the door with the keys.
"Hey, come in," he said.
Yue followed him and looked around. The house was small, but very well maintained.
"Aren't your parents there?" asked Yue, curious.
"They're at work. They run a grocery store".
"I see!"
"Are you hungry?"
"No, thanks. So where do we start?"
Dylan took her to his room and Yue immediately jumped onto the bed.
Wang He Di glared at her, then pointed to a blackboard that hung on one of the walls of the room and he began to write.
"Shen Yue, you're a big mess. From your style to your personality, everything is wrong with you ... Do you understand?" he explained.
"Sorry, but it's true. No boy like me could ever fall in love with you. The first thing we'll talk about is your way of dressing. As long as you wear the school uniform, you look like a lovely girl ... The typical girl who captures the protagonist's attention in every anime. I admit it: your stature and your being so minute capture the attention of good guys. Your strength? Your eyes, of course.  And your haircut also makes you interesting, because it highlights the delicate features of your face... "
"Woah! Here someone has a crush on me!" Yue chuckled, barely covering her face with a blanket to hide the blush on her cheeks.
"Idiot! Follow my reasoning! I'm telling you it would be easy to fall in love with you if you knew how to exploit your potential!
From now on, no hats.
No baggy clothes.
No cuffs and Converse.
And you usually wear contact lenses ... I suggest you to wear eyeglasses more often, because ... Well, I saw you when I spied you and ... They look good on you. "
"Little perverted stalker," Yue muttered under her breath.
"Let's move on to the next thing to change absolutely: your attitude. You are rude and brazen. Every time I talk to you it feels like talking to a guy! You tease, you never have kind words or kind gestures... But this morning you surprised me".
"At school ... You were stroking your friend. And you did it very gently. You should be like that with everyone."
"He's Connor! He's my friend! And he always needs cuddles ... It's obvious I'm like that with him" replied Yue, on the defensive.
"Well, I'm your friend too ... Or not?" Dylan ventured.
"No. You are the idiot I need to reach my goal."
"Here, you see? That's exactly what we need to change! You can't answer that way!" he exclaimed, spreading his arms, exasperated.
"Ok, ok, ok! Sorry! Anything else?"
"The skateboard. It's not feminine at all. From now on you will go to your future husband on a bicycle! Imagine: he who cleans the windows of the flower shop and suddenly sees you coming from afar riding your bike ... The wind in you hair, the will of the uniform that rises slightly, the sun behind you ... "
"No. Absolutely no," she interrupted him.
"Shen Yue!"
"I don't have a bike".
"I'll give you mine".
"But you ..."
"I don't need it. I prefer to go to school on foot or by bus."
The two looked into each other's eyes for a few moments.
Something was wrong, Dylan felt it.
Yue looked nervous, agitated, and she suddenly blushed.
"Don't tell me ..."
"I can't ride a bike, ok?!" she snapped, looking away.
"Ahyoooo Shen Yue! In fact it must not be easy for Hulk to pedal" Dylan raises.
In a second, he found a pillow straight in his face.
Suddenly, Yue's cell phone started ringing.

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