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Wang He Di loved his school desk by the window.  When it rained he watched the drops flowing along the cold glass of his class, he selected two of them and then he imagined that they were Batman and Robin running to fight against the other bad drops.
But that day, however, the two drops weren't Batman and Robin ... They were Wang He Di and the big-eyed girl, who ran away from everything and everyone.  A real escape of love.
"What is that stupid smile?"  Zi Wei, his classmate, asked him softly.
Wang He Di was awakened from his daydream and his eyes fell on a girl who was walking in the courtyard, under a yellow umbrella.  She had short hair, she was petite and her eyes were big, very big ...
"WOW!"  exclaimed Wang He Di, leaping to his feet.
The whole class turned to him.
"Wang He Di? What's up?"  the professor asked him, worried.
"Er ... Nothing, Professor. I'm sorry," he replied, blushing.
He sat down again and when the professor returned to writing on the board, he took another look out of the window.  Now the girl was jumping from one puddle to another, with a beautiful smile on her face.  She was wearing her school uniform, but she seemed to care nothing about the fact that she was getting dirty.
Why was she out there?  Why wasn't she in her class?
Wang He Di believed that it would be difficult to find his future wife, and instead there she was, in his own school, the day after their fateful meeting ... As a help sent by fate.
He turned to Zi Wei, who was watching him as if he had gone mad.
"It's her," he whispered, pointing to the window.
Zi Wei's brow furrowed into a confused expression.
"She, who?"
"The girl about Jaqi and I talked to you this morning!"
She widened her eyes and leaned toward him to be able to see the girl.
As soon as she managed, they both turned to Jaqi, sitting behind them.
"It's her!"  Zi Wei mimed with her mouth.
"She, who?"
"Can I know what's going on down there ?!"
The professor's voice made them jump and return quickly to their place.
As soon as the lesson was over, Jaqi joined the two friends at their desks.
"What were you talking about ?! You looked like crazy!"  she exclaimed.
"Jaqi! My girlfriend is out there!"  Wang He Di explained, his eyes bright with joy.
All three of them looked out of the window again.
The girl was still there.
"Damn it! She's really pretty, Didi!"  commented Jaqi.
"You are lucky, apparently she attends our school! I think I have already seen her ... I believe she is from section D," said Zi Wei, scratching her chin.
"So she's our same age ?! Our destiny is sealed! I just have to declare my love!"  exclaimed Wang He Di.
"Dylan ... My friend ... ARE YOU STUPID ?!"  shouted Jaqi, making  their companions turn in that direction again.
"Why?!"  he complained.
"Because you don't know her! You saw her only once! I tell you what to do!"
"Shadowing her".
Dylan and Zi Wei looked at each other with wide eyes.
"Did she really say that?"  Zi Wei asked him incredulously.
"Yes, she said it. And ... IT'S A GENIAL IDEA!"  Dylan answered, hugging Jaqi tightly.
Zi Wei shook her head annoyed, but she already knew that it was useless to try to counter those two, so here they gave life to the operation "I.S.S.Y.Y.A.D."  (wich means: "If she sees you, you are dead").


Day 1

"She's cute.  Simply adorable," whispered Dylan, hidden behind a plant in the schoolyard with Jaqi and Zi Wei.
Yue was sitting on a bench with a book in her hands.
"What is she reading?"  asked Jaqi, leaning over the plant a little more to be able to see her better.
"It has a pink cover ... It must be a love novel. She's also romantic, seen?"  Dylan gloated.


Yue sat on a bench in the schoolyard and pulled out a book from her backpack.
Caesar had lent it to her and she couldn't wait to start it: "The best skaters in the world".

Day 2

"Look at her! She helps her schoolmates with their homework!" Dylan smiled admiringly, peering at Yue from her class window.
She was with a tall, sleepy-looking boy and she was pointed to something written on a piece of paper.
"So she must be good at school ..." Zi Wei commented.

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