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Wang He Di loved his two best friends, but he knew them well and he couldn't help feeling anxious.
That afternoon, they begged him to ask Shen Yue to spend some time with them.
Yue didn't want to.
"Wang He Di! There's a reason if I only have male friends! I can't communicate with girls! And your friends seem so ... Feminine! They'll hate me!"  she had told him, agitated.
Somehow he managed to convince her and now she was at Jaqi's house.
He wanted to go with them, but the English teacher had asked him and other students to stay in school after class to help some kids in trouble with their homework.
While the little boy he was helping was doing an exercise, he decided to send a message to Jaqi.

D: Is everything ok?
J: Yep!  I love your girlfriend!  ❤️
D: She's not my girlfriend! 🙄 Anyway ... What are you doing?
J: Chat among girls
D: Jaqi ... Don't make her feel uncomfortable ... Ok? 🙏🏻
J: Look how much you care about her ... 🥰
J: 😂 she's having fun!  Don't worry 😌

Dylan looked at the photo and instinctively touched the screen with a finger

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Dylan looked at the photo and instinctively touched the screen with a finger.  Although Yue had a bad temper, Wang He Di had to admit that Hulk had the sweetest and most sincere smile he had ever seen.

Meanwhile, at Jaqi's house ...
"Yueyue! Your boyfriend just wrote me to know if we're torturing you," laughed Jaqi.
The three girls sat on the floor of her room.
While Zi Wei painted her nails, Yue and Jaqi ate their mother's chocolate cookies.
"My boyfriend?"
"He's not my boyfriend!"
Noticing her red cheeks, Zi Wei sensed something was underneath.
"But you like him... Right?" she asked.
"What ?! No! Of course not!"  Yue almost shouted, her eyes widening.
"I see ... So ... Mmh ... Do you like someone else?"
Yue remained silent for a few moments, considering what to answer.
That was the first time she spent time with girls.
And that was also the first time she didn't feel completely like a tomboy.  She thought that maybe it would be nice to have a feminine opinion and then she knew she could trust Dylan's best friends.
"Well ... Yes, I like someone," she confessed, staring shyly at the floor.
The girls obviously wanted to know more.
So she found herself telling the story of Song Wei Long.
"Are you sure you like him? Apparently you run away every time he takes a step towards you," Zi Wei commented, confused.
"I don't know why I do it! It's just that I don't feel completely at ease ... Maybe it's because I'm filling him with lies," Yue replied.
"Or maybe you're realizing that you don't really like him. Or that you liked him before, but not now. It happens, you know? And it's normal to feel embarrassed the first time you attend a boy ... But feeling so uncomfortable and in need of lying it's not good at all. You should think carefully about how you feel about Song Wei Long," said Jaqi.
"I don't need to think. I know he's the right one," Yue said.
And yet, suddenly, she no longer felt so convinced.
"Ok, ok. But ... Yueyue, if you really like him, try to be yourself with him. You are so cool! I'm sure many guys would fall at your feet, knowing you better!"
Yue laughed.
She was sure that no boy could ever feel attracted to her true nature.
"Look at that fool! He doesn't want to leave us alone," Jaqi sneered, showing Yue her cell phone.

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