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A few days passed since when Yue asked Dylan to leave.
Since then they had never seen or heard each other.
Shen Yue returned to spending more time with her best friends, but stopped attending Mr. Peng's shop.
Without Dylan's support, she didn't feel confident enough to face Song Wei Long again.
Wang He Di, on the other hand, spent his days reading comics and often went out with Jaqi and Zi Wei.
Everything was back as before ... Everything, except them.
Even if admitting it costed a lot of effort, the truth was that the two were terribly missing each other.

No matter how hard she tried, Shen Yue couldn't help but worry about the dumb guy who lived in a world of dreams and fantasy.
She wondered how he was ... Often, she was tempted to approach the two girls who were always with him to ask them.
However, she didn't have the courage.

No matter how hard he tried, Wang He Di couldn't help but worry about the green monster who could do nothing but get herself into trouble.
He wondered how she was ... Often, he was tempted to approach ... Er... No, he wasn't at all tempted to approach her three friends.
He definitely didn't have the courage.

One day at school, Yue was in the girls' bathroom and suddenly she heard someone mention Wang He Di.
"What can we do to cheer him up? I can't see him so sad!"
"I don't know ... I searched in Internet, but I can't find it."
Taking a long breath, Shen Yue came out of the bathroom.
It was Dylan's two friends talking.
She approached them, hesitantly.
"Sorry ... Um ... I'm Shen Yue. I don't know if Dylan told you about me, but ... Well, did something happen to him?" she asked them.
Jaqi and Zi Wei widened their eyes.
"Yue! We're so happy to finally be able to talk to you! Dylan forbade it!"  exclaimed Jaqi, embracing her.
Yue stiffened, surprised, but didn't move.
"Dylan told us what happened between you two... Please don't leave him like this ... Try to know him better, you'll see that you'll like his company!"  Zi Wei said hopefully.
Yue didn't know what to do.
"You were talking about him. Did something happen to him?" she asked again.
The two looked at each other and sighed.
"His mother accidentally threw away one of his favorite comics. It was a special issue of Spiderman ... Obviously he didn't take it well. He treats those books as if they were children, you know? So now he's really sad ...  We tried to look for the same comic, but it seems to be an incredibly rare copy! "
Yue thought about it for a while, then reached out to Jaqi.
"Give me your phone," she said.
The girl hesitated, uncertain what to do.
"I don't want to steal it".
Jaqi decided she could trust her and handed her the phone.
"This is my number. I need you to ask Dylan for more information on that comic. I want to know the exact title and year of printing. Oh! And ... ask him where he kept it too, okay?"  Yue said, typing some numbers on Jaqi's cell phone keypad.

That evening, for dinner, Wang He Di's mother cooked all his favorite dishes.
"My darling, I'm really sorry about that comic book! I didn't want to throw it away, I swear!"  exclaimed Ms. Wang, almost in tears.
Dylan looked at her gently and tried to smile at her.
He felt so sad!
"It's ok, Mom, really!"  he reassured her.
After eating, he went to his room and sat at his desk.  Inevitably, the look ran to the place where the comic should have been.
He almost fell out of his chair when he realized it was there again, where it had to be.  He took it with trembling hands and opened it.
He was almost convinced that it was really his, but then he noticed that something was missing ...
It was not signed.
Wang He Di used to write his name on every book.
He felt confused ... Who could have bought him a new copy of that comic?  It was practically impossible to find it!  Judging by his parents' desperate attempt to be forgiven at dinner, he was certain that the two of them had nothing to do with that apparition.
Jaqi and Zi Wei, perhaps?  But when would they find the time to look for the book?  He had been with them all day!  And then he would have noticed if they had entered his house to put it back in his place.
Suddenly, a flash went through his mind ...
He turned abruptly toward the window.
He felt stupid, but he never stopped leaving it open ... Just in case ...
A smile escaped him.
He took his jacket, greeted his parents without another word and ran out of the house.

Shen Yue was lying on her bed, listening to her favorite rock band.
With her eyes closed, she kept one hand on the huge yellow headphones and swayed her head to the rhythm of music.
Meanwhile, outside of her home, Wang He Di was sure his time had come.
Clinging to Yue's window frame, he realized that he didn't have the strength to rise enough to get into her room.
Soon his arms would betray him and he would find himself smashed to the ground.

Shen Yue took off the headphones and went to the window.  That night it was too cold to leave it open.
With a jerk, she closed it and ...
"What the hell ...?"
Yue opened the window again and noticed the red fingers she had just crushed.
She leaned forward, frightened, and she saw him ...
"Wang He Di! Are you stupid ?!"
"Please help me! I don't want to die!"  he pleaded.

A few minutes later, the two were sitting on the bed.
Yue had rushed to the kitchen to get some ice, telling her parents that she had been screaming after she hit her foot against the corner of the bed.
Dylan held the ice tight on his fingers.
"Can you tell me what's on your mind?! You know you're a disaster! What did you think you were doing ?!"  Yue scolded him, giving him a slap in the back of his head.
"I wanted to try the thrill of entering the window, okay ?!"  he snapped, annoyed.
Yue was about to reply, but then she realized how good it was to have him there again with her, to squabble as usual ... And she smiled.
"What are you doing here?"  she asked him.
"You know what. The comic book," he replied seriously.
"What comic?"
"Don't pretend to be dumb with me. I know it was you who put the new copy in my room."
Yue nodded and looked down, embarrassed.
After a few moments of silence, Dylan took courage.
"Listen ... I know I'm just a stupid masochist, but ... I miss you a little, okay?"  he muttered under his breath.
Yue's heart skipped a beat.
She raised her head again and saw his red face.
"I knew it! You fell in love with me!" she exclaimed, pointing a finger at him.
Dylan shook his head in exasperation and gave her a little push.
Yue was falling out of bed, but Dylan caught her waist.
"Tsk, too bad that you're Hulk ... I saw this scene in a million anime," Dylan snorted.
Yue laughed.
"Wang He Di, I ... I think we can be friends," said Yue, so softly that Dylan couldn't hear her.
"You have heard!"
"No, silly! How can I have heard if you talk like Voldemort?!"
"So now I'm Voldemort ?!"
"Yes! Repeat!"
"I said we can be friends!"
Dylan's eyes widened in surprise.
"Really?"  he asked.
She nodded with a smile.
In a second, she found herself locked in a very strong embrace.
"Thanks for the comic ... How did you find a copy?"  Dylan asked, holding her close.
"It doesn't matter," Yue replied.
"Shen Yue!"
She laughed again, then wrapped her arms around his waist and returned the hug.

Author's corner
Here's the second update! Sorry for my English...
I hope you like it 😉
A big hug,

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