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Shen Yue wasn't ready.
She wasn't ready at all.
That day she should ask Song Wei Long to go out with her for a date.
After school she ran to Dylan's house, who had lent her his bike, and she headed for the flower shop.
While pedaling, she couldn't help but think that her skateboard was definitely better than that damned two-wheeled weapon.
And yet, she had to admit that she really hoped that Song Wei Long was watching from the window at that moment, because the scene was exactly what Wang He Di had described to her the day before: the wind in her hair, the sun at her shoulders, the skirt that rose slightly on her knees ...
"I'm irresistible," she thought to herself.

Wang He Di was out of breath.
He hated running.  He hated damn running and everything that involved sweat and physical fatigue.
But that day he found himself running at breakneck speed to reach the flower shop before Shen Yue.
He wanted to be sure that the hard work of the previous day was not wasted.
He wanted to see her coming.
Incredibly, Song Wei Long was indeed cleaning the shop window ...
And there was the right light, the right wind ... Everything was ready for the moment when Wei Long would have been struck by the image of Yue coming by bicycle.
Suddenly Dylan, hidden behind a pole, heard the sound of wheels on the asphalt.
She was arriving.
Everything was perfect.  Everything.
It was a pity that...
While riding, Shen Yue lost her balance and fell.
Wang He Di was about to run to her, but Song Wei Long preceded him, so he decided to remain hidden.
"Man, he's faster than Flash," he commented, amazed.

"Yue! Did you hurt yourself ?!"
As soon as Shen Yue met Song Wei Long's worried gaze, a few tears began to flow down her red cheeks.
She had ruined everything.  Now who knows what he would have thought of her!  Surely that she was awkward and clumsy ... Yue felt awfully embarrassed.
"Hey ... don't cry ... Come on, let me see if you have any wounds," the boy whispered, wiping her tears.
He checked her knees and elbows and then he took her hands gently and checked her palms.
"Fortunately, no scratches," he smiled, stroking them with his thumbs.
If possible, Yue blushed even more.
"I'll help you get up."
With one hand he wrapped Yue's waist to support her, while with the other he picked up the bike.

As he watched the two from afar, Wang He Di thought it was going even better than expected.  The hero had just rescued the damsel in distress ... The marriage was now certain.
He waited for Yue and her future husband to enter the store and after a few minutes he decided to make his appearance.
Once inside, he immediately noticed Yue sitting behind the counter with a huge and very hairy Chow-chow.  Both pretended not to know each other.
"Good afternoon, how can I help you?" Song Wei Long hastened to greet him.
"Oh, I just want to look around ... Thanks," Dylan replied.
"Ok, if you need me, you find me here," the boy smiled.
He had to admit it: Shen Yue had good taste.
He pretended to be interested in some plants and meanwhile he continued to study how the two lovebirds interacted.
Song Wei Long looked like a chatty person... While Yue ... Well, Yue looked like a totally different girl from the one Dylan knew.
At first he was afraid that she would behave with the boy as she behaved with him and the others ... That her bad mouth would shoot jokes or provocations, or that her ungraceful ways of act would contaminate her graceful appearance as usual...  But no.
Yue, in front of Song Wei Long, was the perfect protagonist of an anime.
She blushed, she spoke little and when she did it her voice was sweet, her eyes pure and uncertain ... Dylan didn't expect her to be so good at acting!
"You know, with the girl I went out with the other day it didn't go well at all," he heard him say, all of a sudden.
"Oh, I'm sorry!"  she answered, clearly lying.
"Yeah ... Well, it's not the end of the world," he smiled, shrugging.
Yue nodded and smiled back.
It was the right time!  She had to ask him to go out with her!
Why didn't that stupid say anything ?!
"Wait for me here, I'm going to clean your bike a little bit. Falling, it was filled with dust."
"It's not necessary!"
"Don't worry, I do it with pleasure".
After affectionately ruffling her hair, Song Wei Long came out of the store.
Dylan hurried to join Yue.
"Shen Yue! Ask him to go out, you idiot! What are you waiting for ?!"  he exclaimed.
"No. I can't do it. I can't do it!"  she answered, panicked.
"Yes you can! You've gone very well so far! You're pretending very well! Now you just ..."
"Pretending ?! I'm not pretending! It's that when I'm with him I can't talk, dammit!"
Dylan's eyes widened.
"Seriously? Wow! I thought you were acting! Courage, Shen Yue ... You just have to ask him to go out with you and have a coffee."
"I hate coffee".
"It was an example, you idiot!"
"You're the idiot!"
"No, you are the idiot!"
"Hey! What's going on?"
Song Wei Long had just returned and was eyeing Dylan with suspicion.
He and Yue exchanged glances, unsure how to explain that they were insulting each other.
"I caught him trying to steal a plant!"  Yue answered, pointing him.
"WHAT?!"  screamed Dylan, incredulously.
"Really?"  asked Wei Long.
Yue nodded.
"You! Get out of this shop!"  the boy screamed.
"But I..."
"I said Get out!"
Casting one last glance at Yue, Dylan went out without further protest.

Song Wei Long kept his eyes fixed on the boy he had just tried to steal from Mr. Ping's shop, until he saw him leave and walk away.
Then he turned to Yue and gave her a smile.
"Have you tried to stop him?"  he asked.
"Well ... I ..."
"Whould you like to have a coffee together one of these days?"  he proposed.
Yue's eyes widened and Wei Long burst out laughing.
That girl was adorable.
He liked her company.
"I hate coffee," she replied.
Before he could say anything else, he saw her hurry out of the store.
She picked up the bicycle and ran away, pushing it by hand.
"No coffee," Wei Long sighed with a smile.

Shen Yue rushed to Dylan's home, put his bike down and looked around.  Wang He Di's window was open.
In a moment, she was in his room.
"Go away," he said to her, sullenly.
"You left the window open. You don't really want it," she replied, sitting down on the bed.
"Do you realize what you did ?! You made me pass for a thief! Me! I am a hero! A paladin of justice! I catch the thieves!"
"You catch the thieves?"
"In my mind yes, ok ?!"
Yue held back a laugh, certain that it would make him even more angry.
She got up and took his hand.
"Hey ... I'm sorry, okay? I didn't want to do that ... But I couldn't think of any other excuse," she said, looking at him with sweet eyes.
"It's useless for you to pretend with me, Hulk. I know your true nature. And anyway ... Did you manage to ask him to go out with you?"
"He asked me ..."
"... And I ran away".
Dylan stood still for a few seconds in silence.
"ARE YOU STUPID?!"  he shouted then.
"I don't know what I got ... He was there and he looked at me with his sweet eyes and smiled at me ... He caught me off guard! I went into a panic!"  Yue complained, twisting her hair.
Dylan snorted and rubbed his temples.
"Ok, ok. Don't worry. You'll come back to him tomorrow and fix it," he said.
"I can't, tomorrow ... I promised the boys that I would study with them".
"You study?"
"No, but I'm an excellent moral support," Yue replied, raising her thumb up with a big smile.
A little laugh escaped Dylan.
"What a dumb face you have when you laugh!"  she exclaimed.
"No, really! You look stupid! Don't laugh when you'll go out with a girl."
"This is the last time I leave the window open," muttered Dylan.
"I'll find another way to get in, don't worry," Yue replied, winking at him.
He shook his head in disbelief.
That girl was really something.

Author's corner
Thank you so much for all the beautiful things you have written to me, both here and in private ❤️
It's fun to write this story 🤭
A big hug,

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