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Shen Yue was sure she could confide everything to her three best friends.
Anyone in the classroom knew that the F4 were like brothers.
Their friendship was born when they were still children.  But here's how it all started ...

First day of school, 11 years before ...

Darren Chen was a silent but very attentive child.  He was about to start his first day of school and if on the one hand he was excited, on the other he couldn't wait to go home and take a nap.  He wasn't used to waking up so early!  His mother held him by the hand, outside the school, waiting for the teacher to call them to finally enter their class.
As he looked around with sleepy eyes, Darren noticed a little girl who seemed to be much younger than him, with huge glasses and bangs.  She was sitting in a corner of the courtyard, alone, and crying.  He asked his mother to let him go and he ran to the little girl.
"Hey ... Are you lost?"  he asked when he reached her.
She shook her head.
"You shouldn't be here, this is a school for older children! Where's your mom?"
"I ... I am six years old! And my mom went home, she had to work," replied the little girl, between sobs.
Darren's eyes widened.  He couldn't believe they were the same age ... She looked really younger!
"Oh, I see. Why are you crying? Don't you want to go to school?"
"Mom... Mom says the teacher ... will ask us to introduce ourselves ... I don't want to! I don't want to talk in front of everyone!"  she explained.
"Mmh ... I don't want either. Don't worry, we don't have to do it. Sit next to me in class, okay?"  he smiled at her.
She wiped her tears with a sleeve and nodded.  An hour later, both were placed in punishment for not having answered to the teacher.

Caesar Wu was a child with a strong sense of justice.
That morning, his mom had combed him carefully and kissed him on the forehead.
"Be good, okay? Your teacher is a very severe woman," she told him.
Of course, his mother had warned him, but he'd never expected that old witch would have been so bad with a poor little girl just for not having answered her!
Something inside him pushed him to act like any child with a strong sense of justice would have acted: he stood up and told the teacher that  she was exaggerating.
And so, he received his first punishment.

Connor Leong was an extremely sweet child.
He loved cuddles and ... soft toys.
He begged his mother to let him take to school his favorite teddy bear, but she had explained to him that it wasn't possible.
When he sat at his desk in the classroom, he felt tremendously agitated at the idea of ​​being in a new place without his teddy.
Suddenly, he saw the teacher scold a tiny girl, with bangs and huge glasses ... She was so ... Cute!  And so, while one of his classmates stood up and accused the teacher of being unfair, he got up and ran to hug the little girl tightly.  If he couldn't have his teddy bear with him at school ... Well, that little girl would become his stuffed animal.
Needless to say, the teacher punished him.

The four children found themselves in the School's gym, forced to clean the floor.  It was then that Caesar took Connor and Darren aside and said in a low voice: "That little girl is too small and frail for this bad place. I saw what you did for her and you look like cool guys. So ... From now on the three of us will take care of her, okay?"
The other two nodded solemnly.
They hadn't yet introduced themselves to each other, yet they were already united by an extremely important purpose: to protect the little girl with big glasses and bangs, at any cost.
Since then, the four children became inseparable.

Returning to the present ... Shen Yue was sure that she could confide everything to her three best friends.  Everything except the questions of love.
It would have been too embarrassing.
So she didn't tell them about what l happened the night before at her house.  She made no mention of the boy who had declared himself to her without even knowing her.
She believed that she would never see him again, that her words were enough to make him surrender, and instead ...
"Shen Yue!"
Oh no.  Yue knew that voice.
"Shen Yue!"
She had just left school with her three friends and couldn't wait to get home.  But here comes the mad boy again.
He was waiting for her outside the gate.  He wore the uniform of her own school and this surprised her ... She had never seen him before that damn day when she saved him.
"Yueyue? Who is that guy who keeps calling you?"  Darren asked, curious.
"Nobody. Ignore him," she replied, walking on.
Without saying a word, they passed him.
The sound of footsteps behind them forced them to turn abruptly.
The boy was following them.
Connor glanced at Yue, who looked annoyed.
"Hey! What do you want from Yue?"  he asked the boy.
"I want ... I want to talk to her."
"Who are you?"
"I'm the one who saved her life two days ago."
"WHAT ?! I SAVED YOU, IDIOT!"  exclaimed Yue, incredulous.
"It depends on the points of view..."
"Stop following me!"
"No! You are my future wife!"
Caesar, Connor and Darren's eyes widened and they laughed out loud.
Yue covered her face with her hands, exasperated.
"Do you have to tell us something, Yueyue?"  grinned Connor.
"That you can beat this idiot. That's what I have to tell you," she muttered.
"Shen Yue ... I like you! Please give me the opportunity to let you know me! Let's go out together!"  Wang He Di pleaded.
The three boys, meanwhile, couldn't stop laughing.
Yue snorted and thought about how to get rid of that mad boy.
He had a totally wrong idea of ​​her.  He thought her a sweet and defenseless girl ... A princess to save ... Good. She would show him who the real Yue was.
"Okay, let's go out together. I'll wait for you at 6pm in front of my house, you already know where I live ... Stalker," she told him.
"WHAT ?! REALLY ?! THANKS! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!"  he shouted, taking her hands.
Caesar turned serious and with a slight push forced Wang He Di to break off contact with Yue.
"Don't touch her until she gives you permission, okay?"  he warned him.
"Ok ... But who are you? Why are you always buzzing around her?"  muttered Dylan, offended.
"They are my best friends ... And later they will come with us," Yue replied, with a smile.
"You will change your mind, my dear ... "  she thought to herself.

Dylan ran home, did his math homework quickly, and prepared for the date with Shen Yue.
Shen Yue ... And her friends.
"I hope when we'll get married you won't ask me to live with them," he said to himself, raising his eyes to the sky.
He wasn't happy about dating with them all, but he thought that maybe Yue was really too shy and pure to go out alone with a boy.  This thought made him smile and gloat like a fool.
He took one last quick look in the mirror and hurried out.
When he arrived in front of Yue's house, he found her ready.  She was wearing ripped jeans, a red sweatshirt and a black hat ...
Strange look for a first date ...
Around her, Caesar, Connor, and Darren were dressed almost like her.
"Here you are, my hero! Are you ready?"  she asked, with a big smile.
He was speechless for a moment, enchanted by the light in her eyes.
Maybe he could really conquer her!
"He lost his tongue," laughed Caesar.
"Come on, let's go!"  she exclaimed.
She took Dylan by the hand and dragged him with her, followed by her friends.
Dylan watched their intertwined hands and his heart started beating wildly.
"Where are we going? I know a nice place nearby and ..." he tried to say.  Yue stopped abruptly and interrupted him.
"Now I'll tell you what we'll do ... Darren found out where those idiots from who we ran away the other day live. So we'll go down there and we'll make a joke to them. Understand?"
Dylan almost fainted.
"You're kidding me, aren't you?"  he murmured incredulously.
"Of course not! You said you wanted to get to know me better, didn't you? And in this way I can know you better too," Yue replied, winking at him.
She took his hand and started walking again.

They arrived in front of the house of the first boy.  Yue, Dylan and the F3 hid behind a tree in his garden.
Yue took a box out of her backpack and opened it in front of Dylan.
"Eggs?"  he whispered, confused.
"Eggs. Come on, throw one against the house," she replied.
"Absolutely not. Yue is very wrong!"
"Ok, so I'll do it."
Yue took an egg, leaned over the tree and threw it with all her strength against the front door.
"Run!"  she shouted then, running as fast as she could.
The boys ran like mads for a few miles.
When they stopped, they looked at each other and burst out laughing.
Everyone except Dylan.
"You are crazy!"  he exclaimed, his heart still in his throat with fear.
"You say? Come on, we have four more houses," Yue smiled.

After escaping even from the last boy, they returned to Yue's house.
Darren, Connor, and Caesar left them alone and went away.
Yue invited Dylan to sit with her on the bench in the garden.
"So? What is the verdict?" she asked him.
"I don't like you. I don't like you at all," Wang He Di replied, looking into her eyes.
"Good boy. I'm glad you understood," Yue smiled at him, ruffling his hair.

Author's corner
So?  What do you think? ☺️
Our poor Dylan realized that little Yue is not as sweet and innocent as he imagined ... 🤭
Who knows what will happen now 😁
I hope you'll leave me some comments, you know how much I appreciate when you tell me your opinion 😘
Thanks for everything!  💜💛
A big hug,

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