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When Dylan realized that Shen Yue, the big-eyed girl, was not at all the one who would become his future wife, his life and soul returned to normality.
He no longer looked for her and he simply concentrated on his comics and study, as usual.
"I don't understand why you gave up on her so easily ... You could have insisted a little more! Ok, she's not the sweet girl you thought she was, but maybe you'd find out you might like her anyway!"  Jaqi told him a few days later.
"Yeah! And then, Dylan, you don't need a girl to protect ... You wouldn't be able to!"  Zi Wei added, stroking his arm.
Dylan shook his head and pouted.
At that moment, as they sat on a park bench, they saw the F4 pass by on the road.
They were competing with the skateboard ... Shen Yue was leading the group.
"She's really pretty, even with those clothes," Jaqi commented.
Zi Wei nodded.
"Girls! It could never work with her, okay? How could it work with a girl who throws eggs against the house of people she doesn't like ?! With a girl who fights with her male friends! And who, I can swear to you, doesn't even feel embarrassed if a burp escapes her! I look for a princess, not a Hulk " he exclaimed, waving his hands with disdain.
Her friends sighed, resigned.

"Guys, I'm going! See you tomorrow at school!"  Yue smiled once they got to Darren's house.
"What?! Don't you come and play with us?"  he asked her, sadly.
"No, not today! I really have to go ... But tomorrow, if you like, you can come to me," she replied.
"How is it that lately, at this hour, you always have to run away? Do you have a date with some other good guy?"  sneered Caesar.
Yue kicked him in the ass and ran off with her skateboard, laughing.
"We love you! Be careful!"  yelled Connor from afar.
"Me too!"
It was almost time, she had to hurry.
She arrived in front of Mr. Ping's small flower shop, she took off her hat and adjusted her hair.
As soon as she put her hand on the door handle of the shop, it opened and she almost fell against a boy.
"Shen Yue! Are you here to say Hi to Bong?"  he asked her.
He was Song Wei Long.  He was three years older than Yue and he was studying botany.  In his spare time, he helped Mr. Ping in the store.
Yue blushed slightly and nodded, suddenly unable to say a single word.
"Come in, he's hidden behind the counter. He was waiting for you, you know? Every time someone opens the door of the shop he looks up and, as soon as he sees it's not you, he lowers his head back with a sad air" he smiled at her, letting her enter.
"Really?"  asked Yue, amazed.
As soon as Yue stepped into the store, a huge brown Chow chow ran up to her.
"Hi Bong!"  she exclaimed, bending down to pamper him.
The dog started jumping around here and there, too happy to be able to sit still.
"He really loves you!"  said Wei Long.
"Yeah, he's adorable."
The two exchanged a look and immediately Yue looked down shyly.
"Er ... You know, Shen Yue ... Tonight ... Um ... I have a date with a girl from my course. I know you really like flowers ... Would you recommend me one to give her as a present? " the boy asked as he rubbed the back of his neck.
An enormous weight hit Yue's chest, which suddenly forgot how to breathe.
"Shen Yue? Do you feel good? You are pale!"
Yue shook her head and jumped to her feet.
"I'm sorry, I don't feel well. I'd better go home. Hi Bong!"  she caressed the dog one last time and she ran out of the shop.
She arrived home without even realizing it.
"Yueyue! You're back!"  her mother welcomed her.
She didn't answer.  She sneaked into her room and locked the door behind her, then she threw herself on the bed and hid her head under the pillow.
"What's going on? Was she crying?"  his father asked his wife.
"I think so ... Damn it! I haven't seen her cry since she was a child! We should talk to her," she replied worriedly.
"Ok, you go."
"No! With you she's more open, you go!"
"But you are a woman! Certainly she's crying because of some boy ..." after her father had finished the sentence, the two looked at each other for a few seconds and burst out laughing.
"Impossible. Shen Yue? A boy?"  the woman grinned.
"Right, I don't know what came to my mind! Let her let it out a little, okay? Then we'll go together and talk to her," the man proposed.

A few hours later, at Wang He Di's house ...

Dylan thanked his parents for dinner and returned to his room, ready to finish his English homework.
He closed the door and turned on the light.
"We read the same manga".
A female voice almost made him die of a heart attack.
The girl got up from the bed and ran to cover his mouth with her hands.
When she saw that he had stopped fidgeting, she let him go and smiled at him.
"Hello?! What are you doing here?! How did you get into my room?!"
"The window. And can you stop screaming, please? Otherwise the next time I'll knock on your door and you'll have to explain to your parents why you frequent a girl like me," said Yue, spreading her arms.
Dylan looked at her ... Yue was wearing yellow pajamas with some white mice on it.
"Did you come in your pajamas?"  he asked incredulously.
"Yes ... I didn't think about it before coming here," she replied, shrugging.
"Anyway, you're adorable," she added, pointing to his red Flash pajamas.
Dylan blushed and looked away.
Yue lay down on the bed and folded her arms under her head.
"Sorry if I came here suddenly ... Don't ask me how I know where you live, it's not important ..." she sighed.
"O ... Ok ... But ... Why did you come? Wait! I understand! Don't say anything! You realized you couldn't stop thinking about me anymore, right?  You fell in love with me ... Oh, that's normal!  Don't feel embarrassed!  But I'm sorry, it can't really work between us ... I'm sorry to make you suffer, but it's better for both of us ..." Dylan said quickly, sitting down next to her.
Yue's eyes widened.
"Are you stupid ?! I don't like you at all!" she exclaimed.
"Mmh ... So why did you break into my house at this time? Do you want to hurt me? Do you want to kidnap me ?!"
"I'm here to ask you something."
"Oh ... Okay, tell me."
"Why couldn't it work between us? Why when you saw my true nature, you stop looking for me?"  she asked him.
"Mmh ... Are you sure you don't like me? Why are you asking me these questions?"  Dylan whispered uneasily.
"I don't like you! It's just ... Damn, I never told anyone, but ... Well ... I like a guy, okay? And ... He looks like you. I mean ... It's a quiet and kind and polite boy ... And I don't know how to get his attention..."
Dylan noticed the sadness and uncertainty in Yue's eyes and he was surprised.
"How did you meet him? Tell me a little about him," he smiled at her.
She glanced at him and then took a breath and began to tell:
"A few months ago I went to Mr. Ping's flower shop ... I hate flowers, but my mother needed some roses to give to a friend and so she sent me there. And there I met him. It was his first  day of work. I don't know what happened to me ... I saw him and something inside of me has moved ... My heart started beating fast ... He's tall and handsome.  That day we chose the roses together and he explained me a few things about them. I pretended to be interested ... Now he is convinced that I love flowers. With him there was his dog, Bong.  I stayed there a while to cuddle him ... So my future husband, as you would say, and I talked a little bit. Since that day, I go to the store at the same time every day with the excuse of saying Hi to Bong. The thing I like most about him is that he has always treated me like ...  Like a girl. In short, of course I'm a girl, but everyone who knows me treats me as if I were a boy.  Sometimes I allow myself to hope that there's something between us ... But then ... Well ... Today he told me that tonight he would go out with a girl who attends his own university.  And I felt so stupid ... So now I'm here to ask you ... Well ... How can I conquer him?  Why can't he like someone like me?  Am I really that bad? "
For a moment, silence fell in the room.
Dylan thought carefully about what to say to her.
"Yue ... I believe that if you really want to conquer him, you will have to change a little. Your ways of doing intimidate calm and quiet boys like me. You should show yourself sweeter, more delicate, more gentle, more ... Female"  he said.
"But I'm not like this!"
"Then I'm sorry, but you have no hope with your future husband."
Yue's eyes filled with tears.
"Oh no! No, no, no! Now don't cry!"  Dylan instinctively hugged her.
"Wang He Di ..." Yue whispered, her head hidden in his shoulder.
"I want to change. Will you help me?"
Dylan wiped away her tears.
He wasn't sure he wanted to deal with that strange girl ... But how could he say no, if she looked at him with those sad, big, eyes?
"Ok, I'll help you," he replied.
Yue got out of bed and started to jump, happy.
"Ok, now I have to go home," she said.
She went to the window and opened it slowly.
"Wait, I'll take you home," sighed Dylan.
"There is no need".
"Yue, do you think I can let a girl in pajamas walk around alone at this time?"
"Damn, you're just like Spiderman!"
"Really?"  Wang He Di's eyes lit up.
"No," Yue replied, before closing the window and bursting out laughing, leaving him alone in the room.
"I already regret having agreed to help her," he muttered to himself.

Author's corner
It's rainy here... And I have a fever ... So let's write ❤️
Thank you very much for all your  comments 💜💛
A big hug,

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