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Wang He Di was sure he had done something really bad in his previous life, because otherwise he couldn't explain the fact that he had to put up with Shen Yue and her moments of madness.
He was playing with Aquaduck in the garden, when he saw the girl arrive riding his bicycle.
The little duck was at his house and at Yue's house every other day.
"YOU'RE AN IDIOT!"  shouted Shen Yue, giving him a small slap behind the back of his head.
"Ohi! What have I done ?!"
"Hulk, tell me what is the problem!"
Yue took a breath and told what had happened a little earlier in the ice cream shop with Song Wei Long.
Dylan received another slap.
"Stop hitting me! But ... Hey! What are you complaining about ?! You should just thank me!"  he exclaimed.
"It was embarrassing!"  Yue complained, covering her face with her small hands.
Wang He Di looked at her and burst out laughing.
"Why are you laughing?! There's nothing to laugh about!"  she muttered.
He noticed her shining eyes and smiled.
"You're right, sorry. It's just fun to see when Hulk turns into a simple girl," he said.
Yue wanted to argue, she wanted to beat him, but ... The sweetness in his tone stopped her.  And something in her stomach made a somersault.
She looked away and focused on Aquaduck.
"It looks sad," she said, pointing to it.
"Did you notice it too? I think it wants to go home ... It will surely have a mom ..." Dylan answered.
The little duck was now completely healed.
"Let's try to get back to the river"  Yue proposed.
"Let's try".

Once they reached the point where they had found the little duck, the two  looked around.
"Try to put it in the water..." Yue told Dylan, who held their little friend in his arms like a child.
"And if it gets hurt again?"
Yue smiled.
"We'll be ready to save it again," she replied.
Dylan nodded and patted Aquaduck tenderly.
"Hey man, don't worry ... Okay? Hulk and I are here with you" he whispered before putting it in the water.
When he put it down, Aquaduck started shouting loudly: "Quack quack!"
Dylan was about to intervene, but Yue took him by the hand and stopped him.
"Wait," she said.
After a few moments, they saw some ducks coming from far away.
One was bigger, while the others around it were small like Aquaduck.
They swam rapidly in its direction until they reached it and together they set off again.
"It must be its family," Yue smiled, happy.
She turned to Dylan, whose eyes were bright.
Their hands were still intertwined.
"Hey! Now that you've made Aquaduck stronger, it's ready to save the world with its family," she told him to console him.
He nodded, but a tear slowly ran down his face.
Without thinking twice, Yue pulled him towards her and hugged him tightly.
Wang He Di was puzzled by that gesture, but he didn't hesitate a second to return the embrace.
Perhaps in his previous life he hadn't been so bad.
Crazy as she was, Shen Yue was a true friend.

Meanwhile, hiding behind some bushes ...
"Did you see him ?! He cries like a child! How can he protect her if she has to look after him ?!"  complained Caesar in a low voice.
The F3 were accidentally passing by the river, when they noticed the presence of their best friend and that strange boy.
"But it was a romantic moment," said Darren.
"Romantic ?! A man crying for a duck and a poor girl forced to comfort him? Connor, what do you think about it?"
"I think Yue hasn't hugged me since yesterday and my cuddling supply is running out so please, boys, hug me now!"
Caesar and Darren pushed him and they ran away.
"You are bad friends! So bad!"  he shouted, chasing after them.

"Mmh ... I seem to have heard Connor's voice," Yue said, moving away from Dylan.
They looked around, but they saw no one.
"Now you hear voices too ... Stay away from me, Hulk".
Yue kicked him against his knee and started to leave, but Dylan grabbed her hand again.
"Anyway, Shen Yue, what happened with Song Wei Long is positive. He likes you, I'm sure. Go straight on your way and don't worry about anything," he smiled at her.
Yue looked into his eyes ...
"Tsk, I know ... I'm irresistible," she muttered, looking down.
Dylan laughed and ruffled her hair.

On her way home, Shen Yue spotted her three best friends from afar on the street.
It looked like Connor was running after Darren and Caesar.
"Hey you! What's up ?!"  she screamed, running towards them.
"That stupid one wants to cuddle us!"  explained Caesar.
"Yueyueeee! I need pampering! Come here!"
"Don't you dare! You're all sweaty! Stay away from me! And you two too!"
The three exchanged a glance and they understood each other instantly.  In a second they ran to her and wrapped her in a giant hug.
"You three! I hate you! You smell like a wet dog!"  Yue complained, in their midst, laughing.
"We love you!"  exclaimed Darren.
Yue smiled.
"Me too! "

Author's corner
Here are two little updates ☺️
I recently had little time to write and when I tried I always fell asleep 🤭 I hope it doesn't happen to you as you read 😂
Thanks for everything, as always! 💜💛
A big hug,

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