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"So, the answer is ...?"
"Mmh ... Gravitational force?"
Shen Yue had to admit it: studying with Wang He Di was really boring!
All he did was scold her and never let himself be distracted, not even for a second!
"Tsk, Caesar told me to go to him," she muttered, fiddling with her pencil.
Dylan's eyes widened.
"Are you saying you prefer to study with him than with me?" he asked.
She didn't reply, she just continued to play with the pencil.
"Well. Go to your Caesar, then! I don't care! It's almost midnight and your boyfriend is helping you prepare for the exams, but you're thinking about your Caesar!"
Yue peeked at the boy without being noticed ... His pout was something adorable.
She decided to play a little.
She got up and went to her bedroom door.
"Ok, so bye!"  she said.
She barely had time to touch the handle, when two strong hands grabbed her wrists and forced her to turn around.  With her back to the door, Yue looked up at Wang He Di's red face.
"Are you serious ?! You can't go to him!"  he exclaimed.
"Why not?"  Yue asked, pretending to be innocent.
"Because I'm your boyfriend! You fool! Not him! I ..."
"Kiss me, you idiot," she interrupted him.
Dylan looked at her suspiciously.
Yue could see the battle going on in his head: still pouting or kiss her?
She stood on tiptoe and gave him a small kiss on his chin, then on his neck.
She felt him hold his breath and a smile escaped her.
She looked at him with sweet eyes and rose again on tiptoe to barely touch his lips.
The grip on her wrists increased slightly.
She loved to see the effect she had on him ...
"Kiss me," she whispered again.
"This time you won't win," muttered Dylan.
Yue smiled and it was at that moment that she felt her head press against the door while Wang He Di slung her lips.
When Dylan finally let go of her wrists, she brought her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss.
There was not only sweetness in their movements at that moment ... Something was different.
"Don't make me fall," said Yue.
With a small jump, the girl wrapped Dylan's waist with her legs, almost making him lose his balance.
"Hey, little monkey," he laughed, giving her a kiss on the tip of her nose.
Yue laughed with him and went back to savoring his soft lips.
One hand of Wang He Di released his grip on Yue's thighs to rise and tuck it under her large shirt.
He caressed her hips and then her bare back ... His light touch was enough to make her tremble.
"HEY, SPIDERMAN! IT'S MIDNIGHT! GO OUT OF MY GIRL'S ROOM!"  shouted Mr. Shen's voice from the living room.
The two guys jumped in fright.
"God!"  Yue sighed, trying to catch her breath.
They heard the man snort loudly and they burst out laughing.
"All this is embarrassing, you know? Seriously ... It's really embarrassing," he commented.
"I know, I'm sorry," she chuckled.
Their eyes met and they remained silent for a few moments, without stopping to look at each other.
"I love you," said Yue softly.
"I love you," replied Dylan.
"You should go now ..."
"I don't want ... I miss you too much when you're not with me ..."
"Tsk! You are so sticky! How did I fall in love with you ?!"
"Sorry, sorry! Anyway ... There would be a way, you know?"  Yue pointed to the window and Dylan's eyes widened.
"I don't even think about it! If your father finds out what I did, he will kill me!" he exclaimed.
"Coward ..." she muttered.
"I'm a reasonable person, not a coward."
"Ok, so... Good night?"
Wang He Di watched her for a few seconds and then sighed.
"Wait for me here," he said.
He left the room and Yue heard him greet her parents before leaving.
After a few minutes, here he was knocking on her window.
"You're getting good at climbing," Yue laughed, helping him enter.
He mumbled something and straightened his messy hair.
Meanwhile, Yue lay down on the bed and waited for him to join her.
"If your father finds out what I did, he will kill me," Dylan repeated, as he went under the sheets with her.
Yue laughed and moved closer to him.
"Hi, reasonable person," she whispered, stroking his face gently.
Wang He Di smiled and hugged her.
She let herself be pampered ... His warmth made her feel so good that she would remain there in his arms forever.
She hugged him closer and she gave him a kiss on his chest, where she felt his heart beat faster.
"Don't ever leave me, okay? Promised?"
Wang He Di moved away slightly and lowered his head to be able to look her in the face.
"Where does it come from?" he asked.
He saw her eyes become shiny and his heart squeezed.
"It's just that ... I love you so much. I really, really love you. And ... Since when you're here with me everything is more beautiful and I ... I've never felt so happy and ..." the voice  of Yue broke.
"Yueyue! I will never leave you, understand? Never. Promised. You are oxygen for me now ... I can't stay without you even for one night, how can you think I could even think of leaving you? You are everything. And I have never felt so happy too... Every time I stand beside you everything becomes magical and... God, I love you. I love you like a madman "he said softly.
Tears streaked Yue's red cheeks.
"Oh, come here! Where did my boy go?"  Dyaln chuckled, holding her tight against his chest and stroking her hair.
Yue punched him in his ribs.
"There he is. Idiot," she muttered.
"Ouch! It hurts!"
"You deserved it!"
She turned away and covered her head with blankets.
"Hey, Hulk ... Come on, I was joking!"
No reply.
"Yueyue ... Sorry ..."
Yue turned around again and jumped astride him.
Dylan's eyes widened, taken aback.
She pressed his cheeks hard.
"Who's the boy?"  she asked him.
"Not ... Not you!"
She let him go and went back to lie down next to him.
"You're stupid," she muttered.
"I was joking, Yue! I know very well that you are a girl ... I know it TOO well!"
Yue saw him blush and she looked at him curiously.
"Do you really want me to explain?"  he complained, covering his face.
Yue laughed and hugged him again.
"You are adorable," she smiled.
"Now ... Can you promise me too that you will never leave me?"  sighed Dylan.
"Pinky promise?"
The boy raised his little finger and waited for Yue to intertwine it with hers.
"Are you serious?"
"I'm serious!"
Yue laughed and did as he wanted.
"Pinky promise" she said.
They exchanged a look full of love and still with their little fingers intertwined, they exchanged a kiss and fell asleep tightly to each other.

When Wang He Di opened his eyes the following day, he smiled to see Yue beside him still asleep.
He arranged the covers better and kissed her forehead.
He looked around ... The room was illuminated by the light of the sun that penetrated through the window.
There were the comics he had lent her scattered here and there, a huge Super Mario poster with Princess Peach was hanging on a wall, from the half-open wardrobe he could see the clothes he had bought her ... And then,  next to the door, his princess' yellow skateboard was propped up beside his, purple.
Yes, he had bought a skateboard and he was learning to use it, for her.
It was amazing how much their lives had become intertwined.
"I don't like you at all," he said after what he hoped was their first date.
That day he had observed the prettiest girl he had ever seen on the face of the earth throwing eggs at the home of some bullies and then running away at the speed of light.
He had seen her making silly jokes with her friends.
He had seen her beat them.
He had even heard her burp!
He was shocked!
And now here he is, in the same bed as that little hooligan, unable to stay even a minute away from her and all her oddities.
Loving her was the only thing he  really felt capable of.
And being loved by her was the only thing he really needed.
Because yes, despite his being hopelessly clumsy, despite his inevitably being nerd and coward, Shen Yue really loved him.
He gently stroked her face.
"Mmh ..." she muttered, barely opening her eyes.
"Princess Peach ... I have to go ... If your mother comes in and sees me here ..."
"I don't care" .
"Yueyue ..."
"Shhh ... Get some more sleep, future husband."
At those words, Wang He Di's heart swelled with joy.
"Can I kiss you even if we haven't brushed our teeth yet?"  he asked, impatient to touch her lips.
Yue smiled with closed eyes and nodded.
"I love you, Princess Peach."
"I love you too, Super Mario".


Author's corner
Here we are at the end 😊 💜💛
This story brought me so much joy and lightness ... It was fun to write it ☺️ So many aspects of Yue and Dylan here are part of me and it was funny to put them on paper, mix them and play them to create two characters so different but so perfect the one for the other! 💜💛
For me it was also important to show how much beauty we lose, sometimes, remaining firmly clinging to our beliefs ... Or when we never let go of the mask of strength or perfection that hides our fragility and our defects.
Let's keep our eyes open and capture every beauty that diversity has to show us and offer us 😉
Thank you for all the affection you have shown towards this story ❤️
I know I say it too often and that maybe now I don't even seem sincere ... But believe me, since I started publishing here on Wattpad, not a day goes by when I don't feel grateful and above all incredulous in seeing all your votes and  comments!
I hope I gave you many smiles .. At least as many as you gave me ☺️
Thank you very much for your support!  ❤️
I'll be back with a new story soon ... See you there?  😊🤞🏻
A big hug,

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