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That morning, Shen Yue received another note from Song Wei Long.  The boy invited her to visit him in the flower shop in the afternoon.
After thinking long and hard, she decided not to go. She didn't know what was happening to her, but suddenly the idea of ​​seeing him made her feel uncomfortable.
What she needed was to relax and release all the tension accumulated in those days.
She went home to remove the school uniform and put on her comfortable clothes, then she took her skateboard.
Before leaving, she received a message from Wang He Di.

D: Hulk! 🧟‍♂️
Y: What do you want?  🙄
D: I'm bored ...
Y: So?  Go to your friends
D: I can't ... They went to the beautician ☹️
Y: Go too ... It seems that now shaved legs are fashionable ✌🏻
D: SHEN YUE! Is it possible that you don't understand? Do I have to tell you clearly?  🙄
Y: Tell me what?  You're stealing my time 😒
D: That I want to spend some time with you 😌

Yue's heart started beating fast.
"Idiot," she whispered.

Y: What do you need?  😒
D: Tsk ... It's so difficult to be nice to you 😒

Yue looked at her skateboard ...
She had refused to go out even with her three best friends for a moment of her own.
"But ... It could be fun," she thought to herself.
She sighed.

Y: I'll wait in front of the park near my house in twenty minutes.  Wear comfortable clothes ... Very comfortable 😏
D: What's in your mind?  🤔
Y: Trust me 🤭

When Wang He Di arrived in front of the park entrance, Yue was not there yet.
He saw her arrive a few minutes later, riding her yellow skateboard.
Her smooth hair moved by the wind made her really beautiful, he had to admit it.
"Hey dumb! Don't look at me with those boiled fish eyes," Yue greeted him, stopping in front of him.
"You're always so kind ..." he muttered, rolling his eyes.
"I know! So ... Are you ready?"
"Ready for what?"
"Today you'll learn skateboarding!"  Yue smiled, clapping her hands enthusiastically.
"WHAT ?! DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!"  screamed Dylan, backing away.
"Oh yes, instead! You ruined my afternoon, so I decide what to do," she replied.
Dylan tried to resist, but eventually gave up.
Yue led him to a tree-lined street.
Around them, some passers-by scrutinized them curiously.
"Why right here ?! There are too many people!"  the boy complained.
"Because I want to humiliate you," Yue laughed.
Dylan tapped her forehead with two fingers.
"Ouch! Don't do it anymore!"
"And you behaved well!"
"Ok, ok! Now listen to me: we have to understand with which foot you will be pushing the skateboard. Get up first with your right and give yourself a little push with your left ... Then try to do the opposite," she explained.
Dylan obeyed, hesitantly.
"Better the left," he said.
"Perfect! Then you will push with the left! Once you have pushed, bring both feet on the skateboard. One in front and one behind.
To stop you, it will be enough to stop pushing and put your foot down again ".
At the first attempt, Dylan fell to the ground ... as well as the second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth.
"I can't do it!"  he complained.
"You really are a disaster, Wang He Di! It's simple! Look at me!"
Yue showed him for the umpteenth time how to do it.
She turned to him and noticed his sad look.  She sighed again.
"Mmh... I'll hold your hand ... Ok?"  she proposed.
He nodded.
She took his hand and encouraged him to push the skateboard.
As soon as he did it, she shook his hand and told him to put his other foot on the skateboard.
Dylan held firmly to Yue and managed to put both feet on the skateboard.
He was finally moving!  Yue ran to keep his speed, without leaving his hand.
"Now stop!"  she ordered.
Dylan obeyed.
"Did you see ?! I did it!"  he exclaimed, happy as a child.
"Bravo! You were great!"  she smiled, raising her thumbs up.
"Now I try alone, okay?"
"Ok! Jayou!"
Yue sat on the street and let the boy become familiar with the skateboard.
Soon the falls diminished until they were no longer repeated.
"I teach you to make curves, okay?"  Yue proposed.
She was happy that he was trying so hard to get into her world.
It was strange to see him with a wide hoodie and a pair of comfortable trousers, but it made him somehow ... Cool.
"Actually ... I'm a little tired of falling, for today. It hurts everywhere ... But I want to learn! Can we try again another day? It's fun!"  Dylan answered enthusiastically.
Yue looked at him and noticed a scratch on his cheek.
She smiled and she stood up on tiptoes on the skateboard to be able to reach his height a little better, then she touched his small wound.
Dylan remained silent, still.
The sweetness in Yue's gaze drove him to repay the caress ... But she stopped him with her hand before he could touch her.
Somehow he felt hurt.
"Put both your feet on the skateboard and hold on to me," she said suddenly, turning her back to him.
Yue's skateboard was long enough for both.
As soon as he did as she told him, Yue left.
Dylan clasped his hands around her waist ... Surprised at how tight it was.  Her baggy clothes disguised her forms.
She seemed so fragile ... He was afraid of hurting her, but the speed with which Yue was piloting the skateboard forced him to hold on to her.

Shen Yue stopped only when they reached the courtyard of an old abandoned kindergarten.
"What kind of place is this ?! Why did you bring me here ?! It's like being in a horror movie!"  exclaimed Dylan, agitated.
"Because nobody can see me here," Yue replied.
The two were still on the skateboard.
The girl turned so she had him in front of her.
"Seeing you doing what?! Killing me ?! I knew it! I knew I didn't have to trust you! Please, Hulk! I don't want to die and..."
Before Dylan could finish the sentence, Yue took his face in her hands, she stood on tiptoe and gave him a long kiss on his forehead.
When she pulled away from him, Wang He Di had his eyes closed and his cheeks were red.
"Seeing me doing this," Yue said simply.
"Wow ... Er ... I ..." Dylan didn't know what to say.
"Don't put strange ideas in you head, Super Mario. I have to confess something to you: my kisses bring luck."
"What nonsense is this?"  Dylan asked, confused.
"My kisses bring good luck, I swear. Ask my friends. Every time something goes wrong, I give them a kiss and everything adjusts. A lot of good things happen to them when I kiss them on the forehead," the girl explained.
"Mmh ... And why would you have given me one of your lucky kisses?"
"Because despite being a burden and a nuisance capable only of making trouble ... It's fun to be with you. And I want many beautiful things to happen to you," Yue replied, looking at the tip of her shoes.
Now she felt stupid.
For his part, Wang He Di could have teased her about the absurd story she had told him about her kisses, but the fact that she really believed in it and she decided to use her super power for him, moved him ...
So he bent slightly and this time it was his turn to take her face in his hands.
He forced her to look at him.
Her big brown eyes looked even deeper, seen from so close.
Before Yue could beat him or scold him or insult him, he lifted her bangs and he returned the kiss on her forehead.
For an instant, just an instant, the two remained speechless.
What for anyone else might have seemed a simple or normal gesture, was something extraordinary to them.
The fact of becoming so close was extraordinary.
Trusting each other was extraordinary.
And they knew it.
Passed that moment of momentary magic ...
"YOU! IDIOT! STUPID! KNOWING YOU, YOUR KISSES CAN BRING JUST  BAD THINGS AND MISFORTUNE!"  shouted Shen Yue, pushing him off the skateboard.
Dylan laughed, but not for long, because Yue started to go away at the speed of light.

That night, Shen Yue turned and rolled over in bed so many times that she was going to get seasick.
The afternoon with Wang He Di had been beautiful, but now she felt agitated.
Suddenly she took her cell phone and decided to send him a message.

Y: Your stupid kiss is already taking effect 😡

She didn't expect him to answer ... It was almost 2 AM.
But yet...

D: Are you sick?
Y: Why are you awake?
D: You woke me up 😒 are you sick?
Y: Sorry ... I'm fine ... But I can't sleep 😭
D: I know, this is the effect I make on girls 😏
Y: What an idiot 🙄 Sorry again for waking you up!  Goodnight ✌🏻
D: Wait ... I'll call you
Y: Why?  😱
D: Because you can't sleep.  I'll keep you company

Yue was about to write him that it wasn't necessary, but he called her before she could do it.
And his voice calmed her immediately.
They talked for hours, until Yue fell asleep while he was telling her how as a child he learned to make perfect models of paper airplanes.
Wang He Di smiled when he heard the heavy breathing on the other side of the phone.
"Good night, Hulk," he whispered.
He ended the call and closed his eyes.
In an hour the alarm would start ringing, but he didn't care.

Author's corner
How are you? 🥰
I hope you'll tell me what you think about this chapter 😉
Thanks for everything! And goodnight from this part of the world 😴😊
A big hug,

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