Chapter 2

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I always liked to spend Monday's and Tuesday's in the studio. Ryne and Ridge always joined me.

"Mama, December 1st is mine and Isaiah's four year anniversary. I want to write a song for him" Ridge says.

"Haven't you written about him enough?" Ryne asks. She was joking.

"Baby, when you're in love, that's all you write about" I say to her.

"I've been working on a song called 'Sparks Fly' , but I just have a chorus" Ridge says.

"Let's hear it" Ryne says.

Ridge sings "Drop everything now
Meet me in the pouring rain
Kiss me on the sidewalk
Take away the pain
'Cause I see, sparks fly, whenever you smile".

"That's good. Work with it" I say.

"I'm trying, but I'm blocked. It's like it's impossible to write about him sometimes because of how much I care about him. I want it to be perfect" She says.

"Say it like it is, Sis. You're so in love with him, that it's insane. And I've got news for you, you don't need to try to be perfect for him, because he already thinks that you are" Ryne says. She and Ridge had a interesting sibling relationship.

"Speak from your heart, baby. Nothing beats the words that your heart says" I say. She smiles.

"There's something to remember. That may inspire a Jase song for me. Thanks, mama" Ryne says. I smile and shake my head. The door then opens.

"Somebody say my baby's name?" Maddie asks. She and Tae bounced into the writing room with us.

"Just me" Ryne says. Maddie leans down and kisses the top of her head.

"That boy is crazy about you" She says.

"I'm crazy about him too" Ryne replies.

"Just remember that he's my baby boy, okay?" She says. Ryne shakes her head.

"I know" She says. We all laugh.

"Ridge is writing a song for Isaiah for their four year anniversary" I say. Tae looks over to Ridge and holds her hand out. Ridge gives her her journal. Tae reads.

"Sounds good. Go with it" She says.

"Okay" Ridge says and gets up. I knew she was going to go to the roof with her guitar to write. She always did that. Ryne followed her.

"Now, I told her that not even five minutes ago and she did nothing. You tell her and she goes on and listens" I say. Tae smiles.

"It's an 'Elizabeth' thing. You wouldn't understand" She says. I roll my eyes.

"You forget that I gave her that name, so, I could easily change it" I say. I was joking.

"If you change her name, then I'm going to have to change Rissa's" Maddie says. She had named her daughter, Marissa, who we called 'Rissa' or 'Riss', after me. Her name was 'Marissa Rose'. She also looked just like Maddie. We often joked that neither of her children were Jonah's because Jase and Marissa looked identical to Maddie.

"You wouldn't" I say. She smiles.

"You're right" She says. We all laugh.

"I've got to get with Tuck tonight about the tour" I say.

"Can you believe we're going to be on tour with each other for another year again?" Tae asks.

"And with our kids" Maddie adds.

"Rocky will love it. Sitting at the tech stage with Tuck every night. That's her only dream in life" I say.

"I'd love to convince Kane to come, but he's glued to Josh's hip" Tae says.

"At least your boy wants more in life than to wait hand and foot on her daughter" Maddie says pointing to me. She was clearly joking.

"My girl is worth it. Plus, Jase loves music, so he has something going for him" I say.

"Ryne, Ridge, Jase, and Isaiah are our music kids" Tae says.

"Jacob and Kane are glued to their daddy's" I say.

"Rocky and Rissa are our techies" Maddie adds.

"God love em" I say. The girls laugh.

"I never knew we would all end up here, but I'm glad we did" Maddie says.

"Me too. Life turned out way better than I ever could have imagined" I say.

"You know, not that long ago, it was us trying to navigate our way through life, now it's our kids" Tae says.

"If my girls lives are anything like mine was, they're in for a wild, and incredible ride. I can't wait to go along with them".

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