Chapter 28

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It was March 17th. We had just gotten back to Nahsville. The girls and I wanted to do something for Ridge to celebrate the marriage, so we planned a last minute bridal party for her. Everyone brought gifts and we had food and everything. I didnt really know what the boys were doing but right now, I was only worried about Ridge.

We were at the point where it was time for her to open up her gifts. She had gotten a dish set from Me. They were dishes my mama gave to me before she died all those years ago. Carrie gave her a quilt that her mama had made. Tae got her a bunch of picture frames and house decor, and Maddie did the same thing. Naomi and Jennifer went in together on getting them a huge collage canvas made that had pictures of then from when Ridge was a baby to the current day. Ridge said that was going in their living room when they bought a house. Hannah asked her to open her gift last, so that's what she did.

"What did you get me?" Ridge asks Hannah. She shrugs her shoulders. Ridge opened the box and her haw dropped. Hannah had given her a wooden box that was decorated in photos of them, but not like glued on. The pictures were printed onto the box.

"When I got married, I had someone give me one of these for...he and I. You're supposed to put every single picture and letter or anything that he gives to you in this box and when you're fighting or things aren't going to best, you go look in the box and you're reminded of why you fell in love with them in the first place. I always called it the box of memories. Also, I took it upon myself to put the first picture in there for you" She says. Ridge opens up the box and tears rushed to her eyes. She held up the picture. It was the first and only sonogram picture she had of the baby they lost. We never told her that the doctors did an ultrasound before they told her what happened.

"Our baby?" She asks and looks at Hannah.

"Your mom didnt tell you that the doctor gave her this because she didn't want to upset you" She says. She looks at me. "I'm sorry, but theres a reason that I wanted to give this to her. I hope you're not mad".

"I'm not" I say.

"Ridge, you and I had a talk a while back about you being scared that you not being able to have kids would tear you and Isaiah apart. I wanted to put this picture in here because I know that there will be times that you guys fight and really hate each other, but then you're going to look in this box and see this picture of this baby, of your baby, and you're going to remember why it was you two fell in love. A few months ago, you were afraid that this baby tore you guys apart before you even told Isaiah what happened, but what it did was bring you two closer than ever. This baby may not be here, but I promise you that in a way it is. I want you to always remember that, okay" Hannah says. Ridge was sobbing. She stood up to hug Hannah. I heard her whisper to Hannah.

"Your baby is here too" She says. I didn't question anything. Hannah pulls away and wipes tears from her cheeks.

"They're bestfriends up there" She says. Ridge nods and then turns to face everyone. "Thank you guys for everything, and I dont just mean for everything today, but everything that you guys have always done for me. Mom, I don't even think I can tell you how thankful I am that you're my mother. Hannah and Tae, you two are the best aunts and friends that I could ever have in the world. Maddie, Naomi, Jenn, I love you guys endlessly, and have always loved me as your own girl and I can't wait to finally be your daughter. You guys have given me the best life I could have asked for. Not to mention that I have the absolute best sisters. I love you all so much".

We all crowd around and hug her. When she pulled away. She had another announcement.

"I also wanted to take this time to tell you guys that there is a new Wilder Woman in town" She says. It took everyone a minute to realize what she meant.

"You're getting signed?" Naomi shrieked. Ridge nods and everyone hugs her again.

"I am, and that's not the best part. My first single is a collab" She says.

"So you must need a partner" Tae says. I think she was hinting that she wanted to do it.

"She did" Hannah says. Tae raises an eyebrow.

"On my wedding day my single is released. It's called 'Small Bump' by Ridge Edwards featuring Hannah Mulholland!" She says. Everyone cheers. I hug Ridge and squeeze her tightly. I was so so proud and so happy and felt so much love. I couldn't have asked for a better life to live and better people to live it with.

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