Chapter 7

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It was already December 6th. We had all been fast at work on tour prep. We had our first rehearsal today with music and we were adding in costumes and makeup in the coming weeks. Ridge still hadn't played her song for Isaiah yet, so she was doing private rehearsals so he wouldn't hear it just yet. However, they had an amazing four year anniversary. He took her to the first restursunt they ever went to on a date and gave her blocked numbers that were numbered to 4, and on each number he had created a collage of pictures from their 1st, 2nd, and 3rd years together. He told her that the fourth was to work on now. She hung them up in her room. She was also coming along great with her mandolin. She really looked up to Hannah a lot.

"Alright, I need Ridge out here running her songs" Tuck says. He was out tour manager. Ridge hopped on stage and began with her first song. She was only doing two songs, so that's why Tuck started with the girls and worked his way up. She sang her first song , 'Jump Then Fall' then went backstage with Hannah to do the newest song.

"That was good, baby" I say to her. She smiles and I kiss her forehead.

"I'm up next" Ryne says. She sang both songs that she had written for Jase. It was kind of funny because he played guitar for her and for himself, so he went right after her. When they came offstage, I hugged them both.

"Beautiful, but keep some room for Jesus between y'all up there" Maddie says. Ryne faked a smile and went backstage. She was getting more and more uncomfortable around Maddie everyday after she had started saying stuff like that. She felt like she was being too controlling.

"Is she okay?" Maddie asks as we watch the two of them walk away. I nod.

"She's fine. She's just...stressed" I lie. She believed me though.

"She seems distant" She says.

"No...I think she and Ridge are just...growing up" I say.

"I guess so. I just hate it. I mean, I don't want Jase or Riss to grow up, but I feel like your girls are mine too. I just want them all to be little again" She says. Hearing her say that kind of made me feel bad for thinking she was too controlling. Ridge and Ryne walked up to join us.

"Jase and Isaiah are heading out. I told then it was fine because it's just you guys and Runaway June and Carrie that need to run your sets" Ridge says.

"Yeah, that's fine. Do you guys want to go too?" I ask.

"I don't. I wanna see Hannah sing this new song she wrote" Ryne says.

"Hannah's singing a song?" Maddie asks.

"Yeah. She told Naomi today that she wanted to take lead on it. I don't even think that Naomi or Jenn have heard it" Ridge says.

"Well, that's...a change" I say.

"Must be really important to her then" Ryne says. I stayed quiet, but then it hit me. I knew exactly what she was going to sing about. I looked over at Ridge and she looked at me. Hannah had told me that Ridge overheard our conversation, so I asked her about it. We both knew not to say anything.

"Yeah...really important" Ridge says.

I had done my set and Maddie and Tae, and Carrie had too. Runaway June went last because they were a group. They ran 'Buy My Own Drinks', 'Head Over Heels' , and 'Lipstick'.

"Tuck, I wanna run a new song" Hannah says. He gave her a thumbs up. She took center stage with just her guitar and the girls on either side of her. Then she began to sing.

"I ain't gonna stay for the weekend
I ain't gonna jump off the deep end
I ain't gonna ask where your ring is
Thing is, we all got secrets

You don't wanna hear about my last break up
I don't wanna worry 'bout space you take up
I don't even care if you're here when I wake up

It's just a room key
You ain't gotta lie to me
Can't you just use me like I'm using you?
How it goes is, bar closes
There's no king bed covered in roses
Just a room without a view

I don't want a number, you ain't gonna answer
Let's just stick to the one night standards

Well, I ain't Cinderella, but who is?
Call me what you want if the shoe fits
I ain't gonna say I never do this, 'cause truth is
Lonely makes a heart ruthless

Ain't nobody gonna hurt nobody
Ain't nothing wrong with needing somebody
You can leave all that
Down in the lobby

It's just a room key
You ain't gotta lie to me
Can't you just use me like I'm using you?
How it goes is, bar closes
There's no king bed covered in roses
Just a room without a view

No, I don't want a number, you ain't gonna answer
Let's just stick to the one night standards

Well how it goes is, bar closes
There's no king bed covered in roses
Just a room without a view

No, I don't give a damn about the morning after
Bottles on the floor, don't even matter
I don't want a number, you ain't gonna answer
Let's just stick to the one night standards
The one night standards
The one night standards".

Everyone just stared at Hannah. I didn't expect to hear that from her at all. The girls and I were all sitting in the beside the light boards in chairs. Tae had joined us at this point. Ridge was the first person to speak.

"That was so good" She says. Hannah smiles.

"I...Where did that come from?" Naomi asks.

"It...was just an idea that I got. Nothing important. I'm gonna go home" She says and walks offstage. Maddie shot a look at me.

"They're her bestfriends, and they can't tell that something inspired that, but I can" She says.

"Nothing has been going on with her to inspire that" Ryne chimes in before I could.

"She's right. You know she know who. She vowed she was done with relationships after the divorce. Maybe she did just get the idea" Ridge says. Ridge was the honest one of the two, so I knew Maddie would believe her.

"She did seem kind of into the song" Tae says.

"Isn't it our job to be?" I ask. She thought for a moment.

"You have a point there" She says.

"Guys, I'd say we need to just leave her alone about it. It's Hannah's business. And I think I'm going to join her in going home" I say standing up. I really just wanted to see if Hannah was okay, but I knew I wouldn't be able to alone.

I was gathering my things when Ridge walked into the room in was in. She closed the door behind her.

"Mama, that song was definitely about...him, wasnt it?" She asks. I slowly nod.

"I think so, but do you think that Hannah wants them to know that?" I ask.

"No. Not at all" She says.

"Ridge, what's going to happen when Naomi and Jenn find out? You know they're going too someday. They'll kill Hannah" I say.

"I know that, but she got herself into this mess, so she's going to have to get herself out" She says.

"God, we didn't even have this much drama when we were younger. I mean, the worst thing that happened to us was when your father kissed Tae. None of us kept secrets from each other and now look at Hannah and the girls. It's not like it used to be" I say. I was kind of missing when we were all so close and nothing stoop in between us.

"Yeah, but mama, believe me when I say that there are so many things that so many of us don't know about" She says.

"Time will only tell, but I just got a very bad feeling about this tour. I don't think it's going to be as perfect as we hoped".

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