Chapter 36

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The months had been passing quickly. It was ready June for us. Ryne was six months pregnant and starting to find it hard to perform, but whe. You're growing a human, that's how it works.

We were in New York for the next couple days for a few shows, then we were going to Canada for a few shows. The days that we were all excited about shows were the best. Tonight, we were excited because we were kind of doing a throwback/ duet kind of thing. I was going to he singing my collab with Tae that se recorded back in the day, and Ridge and Hannah were performing their collab for the first time tonight.

I was so excited to see them all do their sets.

Jase and Ryne had already sang, so Ridge was up next. She did a song for Isaiah and then she did another song before talking to the audience for a bit.

"Oh, my goodness. New York, you guys are great tonight!" She says. "I wanted to take a minute and say 'hello' and introduce myself. My name is Ridge Edwards-Fisher and I'm so excited to be hanging with you guys and my family tonight. And especially my husband! I got married three months ago and it has been the best three months of my life. Isaiah is truly the best man that I know. I also got signed to Wilder Records and released a single that I would love to sing for you guys tonight for the first time ever. What do you guys think of that?". The audience cheers. "Perfect. But, I think I'm going to need some help with it, so.....put your hands together for Hannah Mulholland!". Hannah walks out on the stage to join Ridge.

"Let's get it" Hannah says. She and Ridge start strumming away and singing. Their voices sounded amazing together. Hannah's was deeper and Ridge had an extremely powerful voice, so it flowed nicely.

When they finished the song, Hannah squeezed Ridge tightly.

"New York, you're going to see Hannah in a bit with the rest of Runaway June, but give it up for her" Ridge says. The audience claps as Hannah waves and walks backstage. Ridge bowed and came backstage. I hugged her and kissed her cheek. Isaiah greeted her also. We were all so proud of her.


Everyone had amazing sets tonight. I had just finished singing 'Roses', which was usually the last song that I sang at the show, but not tonight.

"New York, you guys have been spectacular. And usually that song is the last one that I do, but tonight seemed to be a day for duets. Speaking of that, How amazing were Ridge and Hannah tonight?". The audience cheers. "Well, if you've been a fan since the beginning, you know that I've had some collabs in my career. The first one, I wrote when I was in the hospital with my girls. The very girls you guys saw on this stage tonight. I usually don't sing it very often anymore, but tonight I wanted too. So, Tae come on out. Let's get this" I say. Tae walks out and we sang the song.

We had bowed and waved goodbye, but tongiht we had a surprise. The original Wilder Women and I were doing our version of 'Man! I Feel Like A Woman' tonight. We all came up on different platforms around the arena and sang. After the first verse, we had an even better surprise.

"Ladies and Gentleman, you know her and you love her. Reuniting with us for the first time in forever, Kelsea Ballerini!" I yell. Kelsea comes up in the center platform and finishes the song with us. We had talked about Kelsea joining us for the tour at some point for a special appearance, and we thought New York was the perfect place for that.  "Thank you, New York for being so amazing tonight and allowing us to do things a bit different. We're the Women of Wilder and we love you so much! See you next time!".

The platforms lowered us down under the stage. It felt like we were back on the first tour we went on on our closing night. I'd give anything to go back and live those days just one last time.

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