Chapter 47

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CMA Week! It was November 21st and we were all back in Nahsville. We had a ton of press to do today. Carrie, Maddie, Tae, Hannah, Naomi, Jennifer, Ridge, and I all got dressed at mine and Tuck's house. I had on a red dress that turned into shorts at the bottom but also had a long train behind it. Ridge dressed in a strapless dress that was the same color as mine. Tuck and Isaiah were going to wear matching bow ties tomorrow with our dresses. We all loved to get dressed up like this, but we didn't do it very often.

We all were going to the Bridgestone Arena to do live videos for Facebook and Instagram. I was up now for Facebook. I was answering fan questions.

"Hello Everyone, I'm Eliza Rose and I am so excited to be here with you guys today. I have some fan questions I'll be answering, and you guys can still send some in to me" I say. One of the crew members handed me a card with three questions. "Okay, first question: 'are you excited to see your daughter nominated this year? do you think she will win?'. Well, of course I'm excited that she is nominated. I'm so proud of her, and as a mom, I want to say that she should win, but as an artist, I know the talent she is up against, and they all deserve it". I say. I truly thought Ridge was the most deserving though. "Okay, this person wants to know: what has been the wildest thing that has ever happened on the Women of Wilder tour?' Wow, um...I'd have to say that craziest thing is when my daughter, Ryne, went into labor when our bus was broken down and my grandson was delivered in our lounge by Hannah Mulholland. I think Hannah and Ryne would both agree that that was the craziest too. Third question: 'is it hard having your whole family on the road with you mixed in with other families or do you all understand each others parenting well enough to know how each other work?'. Well, I have three girls and even though two of them are technically adults, I still have to crack down on them a lot, and all of us are kind of parent to each others kids. Even the ones that don't have children. They boss them around just as much as us parents. It's always worked liked that".

The producer handed me a card with three more questions.

"Okay, there more questions. The first one is asking: "do you wish that all the women on tour had kids? is it weird that all of you haven't been able to become mothers together?'. I-I don't to answer this question really. Uh, I wasn't planning on having kids as early as I did, but I had twins at twenty two then another daughter at twenty four. Whatever all the other girls have decided to do with their reproductive systems is not my business and does not concern me at all and I'm not going to tell them what they should or shouldn't do" I say. That question kind of made me angry. "Someone else wants to know: 'what are your favorite songs by Carrie Underwood, Maddie & Tae, and Runaway June?'. Okay, this I can answer. My favorite song by Carrie is 'Mamas Song' because it was the last song I ever sang to my mother. My favorite Maddie & Tae song is 'Everywhere I'm Goin' because my husband sings it to me all the time and he has for as long as I can remember. And, My favorite Runaway June song is 'Lipstick' because it's the first song that my kids were ever on a stage for, and it was the first song I remember them ever singing". The last question is: "i know you guys preach to your kids that love and family is the most important thing in the world. what made you start telling them that?'. We started teaching them that when they were old enough to understand it, and the reason for it is because the one thing that our own individual families and our Wilder family had never ran out of is Love. Even when you don't want it to be there, it is. It never fails. Things babe happend to us all that we thought would really kill us, but the one thing we had in the end was each other and the love that we all share. We don't just tour together because we're on the same label. We tour together because we're a family that love each other. And we always will be long after we stop touring and mother nature takes over for us. Family and Love lasts forver if you let it. I will never not teach my children that".

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