Chapter 20

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***Eliza's POV***

Ryne and Naomi came bursting into my dressing room door. Ryne was sobbing. I immediately went and wrapped my arms around her.

"Baby, what happened?" I ask.

"Jase" She sobbed. I looked behind her at Naomi. She held up her hands and formed a heart then tore it apart.

"You broke up? Why?" I ask. She still couldn't speak. She was absolutely heartbroken. Naomi puts her hands on her stomach indicating the baby. "Oh, my god. You told him".

"He-He made me...choose" She sobs.

"Choose?" I question. She pulled away.

"He said that I had to pick between him and the baby. He broke up with me when I chose the baby" She says. I was in complete shock when I heard that.

"Baby, I'm so sorry" I say squeezing her. "I love you so much. I'm sorry".

"How can someone do that?" She asks.

"I-I don't know" I say. She continues to sob until Maddie walked in.

"Hey, Tae we need to- What happend?" She asks once she realizes Ryne was sobbing. Ryne pushed past her out the door. Maddie looked at Naomi and I.

"Uh, she...she's-" I had no idea what to say.

"Hormonal! her period and came to ask me for a tampon" Naomi lied.

"Well, she's a woman. She has to deal with it like the rest of us" She says.

"Well, you know how she is. Just like me" I say. Maddie nods.

"Okay, well, Tae we have to get ready for soundcheck" She says. Tae nods and they walk out.

"I'm going to kill Jase" I say to Naomi and begin to walk out of the dressing room.

"Hey. Hey, no you are not" Naomi says grabbing me by the arm and pulling me back.

"He hurt my baby" I say.

"I know. I know he did, but Ryne has to fight this battle herself. There isnt anything you can do. Plus, if you say something, Maddie will find out and Ryne needs to be the one to tell her" She says. I sighed and sat on the couch.

"I know. I just want to fix it all" I say.

"Liza, you've always been the fixer, but things happen that you just can't fix. I hate to tell you that, but it's true. You've got to let Ryne fight her own battles" She says.

"I'm supposed to protect her. I'm her mother" I say.

"You can't keep protecting her. You have to let her learn. Plus, she's going to be a Mother soon. You're going to have to let her grow up" She says.

"Yeah. Yeah, I know. I just didn't expect her to be a grown up at seventeen. I want that girl to wake up at 2am and come crawling into my bed and nuzzle her head into my chest. I want her to need me still" I say.

"She's always going to need you. Like you said, you're her Mama" She says. I know she was right, but I still wished that I could fix everything. And I mean everything that had happened since we started this tour. It had been a crap fest and I just wanted to fix it all.

The show was as amazing as always. Anytime we had bad beginnings, the shows always ended up being amazing. Ryne had pulled herself together enough to perform, but after she did, she stayed locked away in my dressing room sobbing.

After the show, Tuck and I met up in the lobby of our hotel. We barely got to see each other it felt like. I sat down beside him in a chair.

"Ryne seemed off tonight. What's going on with her?" He asks.

"She and Jase. They broke up because of the baby" I say. He was enraged with anger, but he knew nothing could change it. "I-I can't believe that he would do something like that to her. They're so in love, and just like that, it's over for him".

"He's a boy. You can't expect him to stick around" He says. I nod.

"Good luck explaining that to Ryne" I say. "She is absolutely miserable. I've never seen her like this".

"Yeah, I get it. But, she chose the baby, right?" He asks. I nod. "Then it sounds like she's going to be okay".

"I hope you're right" I say.

"I am. I know I am because you're her mother and you're the strongest woman that I know".

"Well, let's hope one day that she's going to be that person" I say. He kisses my forehead and pulls me into him. All this drama we were facing but at the end of the day I had the best man in the world to come home too. I was so so lucky, but I still worried about my girls.

***Ryne's POV***

Everyone was asleep in our hotel room. We had a suite, so they actually had bedrooms. I was up online. I had something to do that I couldn't have anyone know about. I thought no one would know.

Rocky walked in and sat beside me.

"What's up?" She asks leaning over to look at the computer screen. I tried to shut it, but she still saw. "Oh, my god. Please tell me you're joking".

"Keep it down. I don't want Ridge to wake up" I say.

"Why? Don't you think she should know?" She asks.

"No! No one needs to know" I say.

"Ryne, you're googling abortion clinics" She says.

"Shut up! Don't tell anyone" I say.

"It's safe to say that everyone will find out" She says.

"I'll tell then I had a miscarriage. I can get Jase back" I say. She scoffed.

"You are the biggest ass I've ever seen. Our sister, your twin sister, just found out she can't have a baby. And that is something she always wanted, and here you are with a perfectly fine one that you're going to kill just because the boy you think you love told you too. You're pathetic" She rants.

"Say what you want. I don't care. I don't want this baby, I never did, and I don't care about Ridge right now. I'm getting this abortion tomrrow and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it" I say. I felt so evil. Her face was white as a ghost.

"Good luck explaining that to her" She says and points behind me. I turn  around to see Ridge standing behind me with tears rolling down her face. I really just screwed up.

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