Chapter 10

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Let the tour begin! It was finally January 2nd. We were staring off our tour in Tennesse at the Bridgestone Arena and traveling down to Memphis. We were all beyond excited of course. The girls were all getting dressed and putting on makeup and everything while us older girls prepared for our meet and greets. We had all gotten meet and greets down since we first started them all those years ago, but they were still as fun as ever.

After the meet and greets, we only had about an hour before the first act went on. Jase was first. He was nervous, but Ryne made sure he was comfortable.

I was waiting by the stage to see Jase go out when someone grabbed my arm from behind, I turned around to see Ridge. She looked panicked.

"Mama, come here" She says dragging me into an empty area.

"What is it?" I ask.

"James is here" She says. My heart dropped.

"Please tell me you're not talking about who I think you are" I say. She swallows.

"I wish I could, but I saw him when Isaiah and I were looking at the crowd. He's front row" She says.

"So...there's no way that Hannah won't see him" I say.

"No chance" She says.

"If Naomi and Jenn see him, Hannah is screwed" I say.

"Yeah, I know. In more way than one" She replies.

"Okay, just don't tell her. Let her see him, so she won't be as scared to go on tonight" I say. She nods and disappears down the hall. I knew I'd be worried all the show about Hannah, but I couldn't say anything about it. It was only our first show and we already had drama happening.


The whole show had gone fine, but Runaway June was next, so I had began to get worried. Thankfully, our show consisted of so many hidden doors to come up from the ground, and the girls did most of their show at the middle stage. Ridge and I both stayed by each others sides during their set. I knew whatever was going to happen wasnt going to end well.

***Hannah's POV***

I couldn't have been more excited to be playing the Bridgestone Arena. It was one of my favorite arenas. Our show had been amazing and the crowd was so into it. We stayed at the middle stage and last stage for most of the show, but when I sang 'One Night Standards' we had to go to the front because my mandolin was there and that was what I used for the song that we did after that one, so we wanted to be prepared.

On our way back to the front, Naomi liked to talk.

"You all have been incredible tonight, Nashville. We couldn't be more happy to be out here with you all on this reunion tour. We're so glad you decided to spend your night with us" She says. The crowd cheered. "So, enough of you guys hearing my voice, how would you like to hear the voice of this angel?" She asks pointing at me. I smile and look around the crowd. I gaze over everyone fast, but my eyes were drawn back to one person.  My ex husband was in the front row. My heart dropped and I immediately wanted to sob. "Hannah, take it away!". Naomi said. I had hoped her and Jenn stayed on the other side of the stage while I sang the song.

Half way through my song and the girls hadn't seen him. I was so thankful, but then my world felt like it ended. As soon as I sang the line "let's just stick to the one might standards", he held up a sign that read: 'does your band know that im your one night stand?'.

I froze in time. I could see Naomi's face turn bright red and Jenn stood still and looked white as a ghost. I couldn't believe what was happening.

***Ridge's POV***

Mama had gone to get ready when Hannah started to sing 'One Night Standards'. She had done so good until her ex held up a sign that completely gave everything away. Hannah couldn't speak and Naomi and Jenn looked mad and shocked. The band kept playing the music over and over waiting until she sang. She didn't sing, though. She just sat on the stage sobbing. I needed to save her. I grabbed a tech guy and told him to let the platform next to where Hannah was standing down and I grabbed a mic. The platform took me and up and I sang the rest of the song. Hannah was sat on a platform too, and when I got up there it lowered her down. I probably shouldn't have done that, but I did.

"Well, give it up for Miss Ridge Edwards filling in for Hannah. Ridge, you play a pretty good mandolin, wanna join us for 'Lipstick'?" Naomi asks. I could tell she was mad, so I agreed. I honestly just wanted to go check on Hannah.

I bowed with the girls when they were done, but instead of going off the stage with them, I ran off the opposite way. I looked everywhere for Hannah, but I only found Ryne.

"What happened to Hannah?" She asks.

"I-I can't say, but help me find her" I say. Before she could say anything back, we heard Naomi yelling. We looked at each other and ran to the noise. They were in their dressing room.

"Hannah, what the hell was that?!" She yells at her. Hannah was wiping away tears from her eyes. Ryne and I just stood and watched.

"I-I'm sorry" Hannah says quietly.

"Have you been screwing him?" She asks. Hannah was quiet. "Oh my freaking god. What the hell were you thinking? You're such a whore!" She screams at her. I don't know what came over me, but I spoke up when she said that to her.

"Shut your mouth, Naomi" I yell stepping toward them. Ryne grabs my arm.

"Stay out of this" She says.

"No. No, I won't. I'm not letting you sit here and bad mouth her" I say.

"You're on the side of the fake bitch?" She asks.

"The only bitch here is you!" I yell.

"Ridge-" Hannah starts. 

"This is adult business, so stay out of it" Naomi says.

"If you're an adult, then why are you being petty like a little teenager?" I ask.

"Probably the same reason she's sneaking around fucking her ex husband" She says.

"Leave her alone" I say. "Maybe if you talked to her about it and understood why she did it, you'd feel differently". Naomi pauses then turns to Hannah.

"You...told Ridge about this, but not Jenn and I?" She asks. Hannah sniffles and nods. Naomi scoffs. Jennifer had stayed quiet this whole time, but she wasnt the type to ever argue.

"Wow. You really are a fake bitch" She says.

"Naomi, I-".

"No. I...I'll perform with you, but I am done being your friend" She says.

"Please just-".

"You just threw twenty years of friendship down the drain in five minutes. So much for friendship lasts forver" She says before walking off. Hannah fell to the ground. I sat down next to her and hugged her so tightly. I could tell right now that this tour was going to suck.

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