Chapter 29

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It was time for the rehearsal dinner. I was brought back to mine and Tuck's rehearsal dinner. We rushed home to Kentcuky, got married, then went right back out on the road not that long after. The same pastor that married Tuck and I were marrying Ridge and Isaiah.

Watching the two of them up there was one of the most heartwarming and saddening things to me. I didn't want my baby to grow up, and I had known Isaiah since he was four years old. It was so strange to me that he was about to get married, and to my daughter of all people.

After they ran through how the ceremony would work, I grabbed Ryne, Rocky, and Marissa to try on their dressed for the last time. Carrie went to take care of Isaiah and his groomsmen. Ryne and Jacob were walking down the aisle together followed by Rocky and Jase then Marissa and Kane.

"God, I hate this dress" Rocky complains.

"I do too" Marissa adds.

"I don't care. You guys are wearing them for one day. You can live with that" I say. They both roll their eyes.

"I'm going to complain about this all day tomrrow" Rocky says.

"Oh, knock it off" I say. "Besides, you both look beautiful, and now you can go change". They both looked so relieved. I moved onto helping Ryne try hers on.

"Mama, it doesn't fit right" She complains. "It shrunk! Are you sure thet Rocky or Rissa don't have mine?". I smile.

"Yes, I'm sure" I say.

"Well, something is wrong" She says.

"Ryne, nothing is wrong. The dress didn't shrink" I say.

"Then what happened?!" She shrieks. I give her a mom stare.

"You're pregnant! The dress didn't shrink, you grew!" I say. She bit her lip and nodded.

"I guess I didn't think about that" She says. I roll my eyes.

"It fits fine. It's just going to be a little tighter around your stomach. The wedding is tomrrow, so we can't really fix much" I say.

"I'm gonna be bigger tomrrow. I get bigger every single day. Maybe I'm having twins too" She says. I look st her with a smile.

"You better hope not. Twins suck" I say jokingly. She gives me an angry look. I laugh and kiss her head. "Oh, I love my twins".

"You better" She says. "Now, can I change back into my clothes, because I'm ready to go eat".

"God, you're your fathers daughter" I say. She smiles and goes on to change her clothes.

Everyone had tried on their wedding clothes and finally got to sit down to eat. The wedding party was up on the stage while all us parents were sitting on the floor. That was unusual for us. We were all used to being the ones up on the stage with the wedding party, but I guess now we were all getting old.

Ridge and Ryne invited so many of our Wilder Friends like Thomas Rhett, Lauren, and of course their girls. Brett Young and his family came, and so many more. Kelsea actually even came with her husband, Morgan. We hadn't got to see them in a while due to Kelsea switching labels.

We had all mingled and eaten dinner, and then Ryne and Jase walked up to the mic. We were all so big on speeches in this family.

"Hello, everyone. Most of you guys know, My name is Ryne and I am the twin of the bride. I-I'm not really into the whole sentimental thing, but when you're watching your twin sister get married, you can't help but feel a little sappy. Ridge, are my bestfriend and I love you more than you'll know. You...keep me going, you inspire me, you motivate me, you lift me up, you make life fun, and there is no other person that I would rather call my twin sister. Seeing you and Isaiah go from little kids that liked to run around and play with blocks on the back of the tour bus, to two amazing adults that are planning a life together and a future is incredible. Isaiah, I'm so grateful that you are the person I get to call my brother, and I can't wait to see where the two of you go in life. Also, neither can your niece or nephew. I know you're going to be the best Aunt and Uncle there is...besides the ones we have. I love you two. Here's to forever" Ryne says. She was fighting back tears when she got to the part about the baby. She went and hugged Ridge. Seeing how much my kids loved each other was heartwarming.

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