Chapter 15

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"What do you mean 'how far is she into her pregnancy?'" I ask.

"I'm a doctor, so I can take one look at her and know that she is pregnant" He says. I look over at Ryne. She was so embarrassed.

"Go on and answer the question" I say giving her the mom stare. She gets up off the floor with tears in her eyes.

"Mama, I-".

"Answer the question!" I yell. She starts crying.

"Eight weeks" She says. I sigh and run my fingers through my hair.

"Oh, my god" I say.

"I can give her an ultrasound to confirm, but I'll need an adult present" The doctor says.

"Jenn and I will go" Naomi says. I nod and watch the three of the the girls walk out of the room.

"I'll give you guys some time to process" The doctor says before following them out. After he leaves, I fall into the chair by the bed. Hannah and Tae sit on the couch.

"Mama, I'm sorry" Ridge says. I stand up and sit beside her.

"Baby, don't be. You didn't do anything" I say.

"I-I won't be able to have you and grandbabies" She says.

"No, but I think your sister has that covered" I say. She laughs. Tae and Hannah join us by the bed.

"Ridge, did you know that Ryne was-".

"No! I thought she and Jase were going to wait" She says. "They must have done it the day of the chirstman party".

"How do you know that?" I ask.

Because Isaiah and I did before we went on tour and that was two weeks after the party. I was six weeks, she's eight. It fits" She says.

"Do you think Ryne knew?" Hannah asks.

"She answered how far she was, so I guess she did" Tae says. Her eyes suddenly got huge. "Oh, my god".

"What?" Hannah and I ask.

"Maddie is going to kill her" She says.

"I hadn't even thought of that" I say.

"Maddie still treats Jase like he is her perfect little baby that can do no wrong. She will kill him if she finds out he's having sex and she's going to kill Ryne for being the girl he's done it with. Then she's going to kill them both again for not being safe and having a baby on the way" Tae rants.

"Damn" Hannah says.

"She isnt going to want to tell Maddie" Ridge says.

"I don't think she's got much of a choice" Hannah says.

"Well, I'm not telling her and none of you guys are either" I say. They all agree not to say anything. "Now, Ridge are you okay?".

"Yeah. I mean, I'm sad, but I'm still young and haven't really thought about kids yet" She says. She truly seemed like she was handling it well.

"You know we're here for you, sweet girl" Tae says. That had been her nickname for Ridge since the day she was born.

"I appreciate you and Mama for saying that, but I think there's someone else I'll be going to about it" She says and looks at Hannah. Hannah wraps her arm around Ridge and kisses the top of her head.

"I got you, baby" She says. I was so thankful my girls had so many people to lean on.

Ridge had fallen asleep before Ryne, Naomi, and Jennifer got back. I stepped outside to talk to the doctor and to tell Tuck. He and Rocky were in the waiting room.

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