Chapter 6

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It was November 18th. We were back in the writers room today. I was working on a song that I had written a few years ago called 'Over You'. I was planning on singing that song along with 'Roses' and a few more songs on the tour. I was messing around with my acoustic guitar, because when I sang 'Over You', I only used the acoustic guitar. Ryne and Jase were in a studio practicing some songs together. I knew Maddie and Tae were floating around somewhere, but they did a lot of their writing on their own time. Carrie and Hannah, Naomi, and Jennifer all had writing sessions on Wednesday's and Thursday's, but Hannah was coming in today to help Ridge.

There was a knock at the door then Hannah came in.

"What's up?" She asks. I put my guitar on the table.

"Going over some songs" I answer. "Ridge is in Tuck's office". Tuck and Christian had a business meeting today.

"I wanted to tell you something first" She says sitting down.

"Okay?" I ask. She looked nervous and kind of disgusted with herself.

"Well, 'he who shall not be named' has been calling me a lot lately, and texting me at night" I say. Her ex husband's name was 'James Parks', but we never actually talked about him because of the depression she went into after the divorce.

"W-What?" I ask.

"I know that he's drunk when he's doing it, but still. He calls and texts and-".

"Han, please tell me you didn't" I say.

"It's the only thing he wants that I actually can give to him, so why not?" She asks.

"You know it's not right. You're not meant for a one night stand or booty call or whatever it is, and you know that" I say.

"Yeah, I know. He saying he wants more and everything and part of me does too, but I think I'm going to call it off. Although, part of me wants to just keep it on the low and continue just because I can. No strings attached" She says. I shake my head and look to the ground. I noticed she was wearing her black boots that kind of turned into her signature shoe. I kicked her boot.

"Those ain't your head over heels" I say. She smiles realizing I made a reference to their song. "I mean it. Stop doing it or you're gonna end up in a heap of trouble". She stands up.

"Yeah, I know. I just needed to tell someone about it. I'll call it off" She says. I smile.

"Good" I say. She goes to walk out of the door then comes back in.

"Please don't tell Jenn or Naomi. You know they hate him more than I do" She says. I nod my head.

"You got it. Now, go help my baby be as amazing of a songwriter as you".

***Ridge's POV***

I had only been playing mandolin for a couple years. Hannah had taught me how to play. I knew how to play a lot of instruments and Hannah had taught me all of them. I was really hoping I could add mandolin somewhere in the new song for Isaiah. I was strumming a long the chords when Hannah walked in.

"Ridgey" She says.

"Hey, Han" I say.

"Coming along good?" She asks getting her mandolin out of the case. I nod. "Is the song actually finished?".

"Yeah, it is. I want to sing it for everyone at the Christmas Party" I say.

"Well, let's hear what you got" She says. I nod and begin to sing the song. I did the whole song and when I finsihed, she applauded.

"You wrote it all yourself?" She asks. I nod.

"Yeah. Mama told me to stop trying to make it perfect and just write how I really feel, so that's what I tried to do" I explain. She smiled.

"Your mama knows what she's talking about" She says. I nod. She looks at me and a smirk appears on her face. "You really love that boy don't you?". Her words made me blush so badly.

"I-I do. It kind of scares me sometimes because I love him so much" I say. I hadn't really opened up to anyone about my fears before with Isaiah.

"Why does that scare you?" She asks.

"I-I guess because I've heard all the stories of other people's heartbreak. It sounds bad, but I just don't want that for us" I say.

"Other people's heartbreak?" She questions.

"I mean, mama and daddy didnt even know they liked each other until they were twenty two. Think of all the memories they could have made together before then. And Maddie and Jonah broke up and were off and on for a while. And everyone knows about Tae's huge heartbreak. Naomi and Jennifer both were engaged and called it off. Then...there's you" I say. Her face goes soft.

"That isn't going to happen to you and Isaiah. You're going to run into rough patches, but I promise that it won't. I know that because all those situation, minus Jenn and Naomi, ended with love again" She says. This time, I cocked an eyebrow.

"Love? Han, I love you, but I don't think you can tell me anything about love right now" I say. She didnt take offense to that, thankfully.

"What do you mean?" She asks.

"I...I saw you pull in, so I knew you'd go see mama to check if I was with her. I was about to open the door when I heard you tell her about your ex husband. I know what happened" I say. She went white.


"I won't tell anybody, but...why on earth would you do that? After the way he treated you, the things he said to you. That's not love, and I don't think it ever was" I say. She swallows hard.

"Sometimes it's just nice to feel wanted" She says. That kind of broke my heart.

"You're worth more than a one night stand" I say.

"He keeps saying he wants more, but I don't. Like I said, it's nice to feel wanted" She says.

"You're better than that" I say.

"I know that he's lying when he's saying he wants more and begs for me back. Saying he isn't using me. I know I need to stop it" She says. I nod my head.

"You do" I say.

"I mean, it's just a room key. He doesn't have to lie to me about it. I'm using him, so why can't he just use me? Why can't he just stick to what a one night stand is meant to be?" She asks.

"One Night Standards?" I ask.

"Yes. That's all I'm asking" She says. I shake my head.

"Han, you can't keep it up. You're better than that and you know it" I say.

"I know I am. But let me be a lesson to you. Don't be like me" She says. I smiled. "What?".

"I remember first seeing all you guys on stage. You, Maddie and Tae, my mama" I say.


"All I ever wanted to be was just like you guys" I say. "Just like my mama, and my aunties. Because you all are the best".

"You won't be like us. You'll be better. Take my word for it".

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