Chapter 2 - Zayd

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Zayd' POV:

What a dick, doesn't he know the only time you should put your hands on a women's throat is in the bedroom? After witnessing what I'd seen in the alley I knew I had to step in and do something, I couldn't just leave her there with him. I couldn't just walk away.

After exchanging names and Charlie agreeing to have lunch with me, we made our way down to the only cafe in town and ordered some sandwiches to go. I offered to pay, but she rejected my offer and said after my helping her she would pay for lunch. Reluctantly I let her but I'd hate for her to think I'm some kind of charity case.

With sandwiches in hand we made our way down to the pier overlooking the water.

"So," Charlie smiles as she looks up at me from my side, her half-eaten sandwich in hand.

"So," I smile back down at her.

"Do you go to school?" She asks attempting to make conversation.

"I finished school two years ago. I just turned twenty."

"Oh." she nods "I'm in my final year this year, I turn nineteen in a couple of months"

"I'm sure you're off to college though?" I question with genuine interest.

"You know I'm not sure yet." She shrugs. "I know you'd assume coming from the east side my parents are super rich and strict, but they're nothing like that." She gives me an honest smile.

"My mom and dad raised me to make me own decisions, but they've also led me down the right roads to make the right choices on my own if that makes sense?"

"Perfect sense, they raised you well and so you make good choices anyway." I shrug.

"Well except for Tyler I suppose." She sighs and looks down at her sandwich.

"I'm assuming Tyler is the asshole who had his hands on you in the alley before?"

"That's him." She sighs again and looks back at me. "He was really kind to me in the beginning, but that all changed a few months ago." She admits. "I've ended it with him, but I know I still need to tell my parents, I just, I don't know how."

"From what you just told me you sound like you have great parents, I'm sure they'd help you." 

"My dad is friends with his dad and his dad also happens to be the head officer of Springs police." She rolls her eyes.

"Hmm." I hum "Well thank-you for stopping me punch the son of the head police officer, I don't need any more marks against my name." I laugh.

"Oh, I have a bad boy on my hands huh?" She giggles

"Something like that." I give her a smirk.

"Sweetest bad boy I've ever met." She looks at me, my eyes locking with hers for a moment before she turns, blushing and looks back out at the water. "What about you then, you didn't want to go to college?" She changes the subject quickly.

"Not really, school was never my thing I hate studying and to be honest I didn't always get the best grades. I'm good with my hands though."

"Oh, you are huh?" She teases as she nudges me softly.

"I meant physical work, but now that you mention it, I'm pretty good with lots of my body parts," I smirk playfully.

Blushing she turns her face away and bites down on her bottom lip trying to laugh. "Okay, I set myself up for that." She pulls herself together and then turns back to me. "What do you do for work then?"

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