Chapter 20 - Face it

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Zayd's POV:

I arrive at the garage early this morning partly because I didn't get any sleep last night at all and partly because I'm worried about working alongside Amity after I've messed things up with Charlie. Sitting at the office desk I write out all of the paperwork for the car we're going to be working on for the day.

After the paperwork is complete, I make my way over to the first car and begin work.

"Good morning Zay, I'm glad you're here early." Amity smiles as she enters the garage

"Morning." I reply from the hood of the car I've started work on.

"Can I talk to you a moment?" She asks as she stands next to the car.

"Sure." I place my tools down and give her my full attention.

"Charlie spoke to Chet and I about Tyler on Friday night and she told us the truth about how the two of you really met." She takes a breath

"I just wanted to thank you for standing up for her that day, if it wasn't for you, I don't know if she would have ever told us." Amity speaks now with tears filling her eyes. "She also told us that you ended things with her, or put a stop to whatever it was you two had going on."

"Right." I nod slowly wondering where this is going. Am I fired?

"Just so you know, I still think you're a great kid with or without my daughter and I respect your decision to do what's right for you, you'll always be my family just like your dad." She gives me a small smile.

"Thank-you Amity." I give her a small smile back. "Is Charlie doing okay? You know since she told you and all?"

"I haven't seen too much of her she went to stay with her cousin Paisley over the weekend, but when she came home last night, she seemed okay." She sighs. "She has to go down to the station and make an official statement against Tyler."

"Are you going with her?"

"No." she shakes her head "I offered as did Chet and Lane and Shay for that matter but she said that she needs to do it on her own."

"Is that a good idea?" I wonder out loud

"I don't want her there on her own." Amity admits "But she's old enough in the eyes of the law to not need an adult present."

"Right." I nod taking in the information. "Well I'm happy that she's doing the right thing, not just for her but for any other woman Tyler ever enters into a relationship with."

"You care about her, don't you?" she asks catching me off guard.

"Of course I do." I answer quickly. "Just because I ended what was going on between us doesn't mean I don't care."

"I never said it did." Amity snaps back with a grin as she folds her arms across her chest. "You know it is possible to still be friends, you don't have to completely ice each other out."

"Maybe." I shrug and check my watch. "I should get moving on these cars."

"Sure." Amity nods.

Charlie's POV:

Another boring day at home. Shay left early this morning to avoid Lane, Lane is out doing god knows what, Ellie and Mazie are out of town and P is at work. If I could spend my day how I want to I'd be working at the garage with mom but I don't want to get in Zay's way, after all, it's his workplace now and he doesn't need me bothering him.

I flick through the T.V channels for the millionth time before placing the remote down with a sigh. Maybe this is a sign that I should be down at the station giving my statement rather than sitting at home trying to find other things to do with myself.

Standing up, I head upstairs and get dressed into a simple summer dress and some slip-on shoes, I brush my long hair and then head downstairs to my car.

The drive to the station is slow, but it only takes me about ten minutes to arrive. Once I do, I park the car out the front and take a deep breath.

"You can do this Charlie." I tell myself out loud and place my hand on the door handle. I watch as a few officers leave and enter the building and slump back in my seat.

"Who am I kidding? Let's face it, I can't do this."

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