Chapter 51 - NYE

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"Has it all sunk in yet?" Jill questions.

"I guess a little." I nod. "Tonight is my last night with you all, I'm so sad," I admit.

"You're only a five-hour flight, I'll come to visit." P grins.

"And I'm dying for an excuse to get Lane to take me to New York so this is perfect," Shay adds as she rocks Easton in her arms.

Tonight is New Years Eve, it's also the last night I'll be spending with all of my family and friends before I leave for New York. I'm trying hard to be positive and happy, but on the inside, my heart is breaking, I'm going to miss them all so much.

"Hey." P pouts. "Stop with the sad face, let's just have the most amazing night ever, okay?" She raises my chin with a smile.

"Okay." I nod.

"You know you guys don't have to have it here for my shake." Shay mentions as she continues rocking Easton. "You can go out to the club like old times."

"What would be the fun in that?" I shrug. "We're all in relationships now, and besides I want to spend the night with all of you, my entire family, but especially this little man." I take a very fussy Easton from her arms.

"What's the matter baby?" I whisper and rub his back, his fussing stopping instantly.

"Baby whisperer over here." Shay laughs, the rest of the girls laughing as well.

"He just loves his aunt Charlie." I smile as I continue to run his back, his little head snuggled into my shoulder.

"Are you cool to look after him while I go and get a dress to wear tonight?"

"Don't you own like a million dresses?" I raise a brow with a grin.

"Yes, but I want something hot to wear, it's been a long time since I felt sexy and I want to find the perfect dress to have Lane tare off me."

"Oooo baby number two?" P giggles

"Okay that's gross, I don't want to hear about that, but yes, more babies please."

"I'll see what I can do." She grins

"Alright go, I'll hang out with the little man." I assure her.

"I'm coming, I want something new as well." Jill jumps up and runs out the door after Shay.

Sitting down on the bed I kiss the side of Easton's head softly. "Just me and you little man."

Zay's POV:

I make my way upstairs and towards the end of the hall, to Charlie's room. The girls left about two hours ago but I haven't seen Charlie leave her room.

Her bedroom door is open and I step into the doorway, a smile spreading across my face instantly. She's half laying down, half sitting up with Easton on her chest, His head is snuggled in between her boobs and she has her arm wrapped around him, both of them fast asleep.

I pull my phone out and take a quick photo of the two of them before admiring her once more. Can't she just stay here so we can buy a house and start a family already?

Her eyes open slowly and her grip tightens around Easton protectively as she's clearly woken by a presence but unsure as to who's.

"Sorry Princess, I didn't mean to wake you." I make my way over and sit down on the bed next to them.

Her body relaxes and she gives me a tired smile. "It's okay, I didn't realize we'd fallen asleep."

"You're so good with him." I stroke his head softly "I can't wait for us to become parents."

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