Chapter 22 - Lies

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"He won't get away with this." Zay whispers once more as he continues to stroke the back of my hair. "Who did the interview, was it his father?"

"No." I shake my head still snuggled into him "Two officers I've never met before." I pull back from the hug looking up at him. "One of them one was nice, one of them hated me from the second I walked in."

"They had no right to treat you like Princess." He wipes my tears with his thumbs. "And I'm sorry I pushed you into this, I was just trying to help."

I shake my head. "I know you were only trying to help and I'm sorry for throwing it back in your face." I admit looking him in the eye.

"Charlie." Mom calls as she makes her way over to Zay and I. "What's the matter?"

After explaining everything that had happened at the station, both Mom and Zayd accompany me back to the station. We walk through the doors together only this time it's Officer Bradly sitting at the desk.

"Charlie." He stands up as soon as he sees us. "Officer Roberts has informed me of what happened earlier, I'm very sorry."

"My daughter won't be taking her statement back Bradley."

"No, of course not Mrs Raven. The interview room is taken at the moment, but please take a seat." He instructs.

The three of us make our way over to the sitting area, when the doors swing open and Tyler walks out with a cocky smirk on his lips. His face is beaten and his eye swollen, Lane sure did give him a beat down.

I watch as he walks by, he just stares at me with a blank yet psychopathic look in his eyes. Zayd slides his hand into mine, interlocking our fingers as we watch him.

"Why's he here?" I whisper to my mother

"I have no idea sweetheart, but Bradley better not be screwing us over or it's not going to end well."

We spend the afternoon in the questioning room with officer Roberts, alone this time. He takes my statement and assures me that with the proof of the images I have they should be able to press some kind of charges against him.

Zayd also made a witness statement about the day I met him and what he'd seen before he stepped in. However, he isn't the best witness due to the relationship between the two of us. Maybe if I'm able to find the unknown male who also stepped in on the south side it would stand up better in the eyes of the law.

For now though, this is all we have.

Once the interviews are over, we head back home to fill Dad and Lane in on everything that happened. Dad was of course furious about what had happened with Officer Dennis at the station and he assured us he was going to look into it further.

Honestly, I just want everyone to let it go. I want Tyler to be charged for if he ever chooses to put his hands on another woman again, and I want to put all of this behind me and move on. I want to get back to what a normal eighteen-year old's life should be like.

"Hey." Zay smiles as he makes his way into my bedroom.

"Hey, good shower?" I give him a soft smile back.

"The best shower, I could live in your bathroom." He jokes.

"Lucky you had spare clothes in your car huh?" I giggle softly. "Thank-you for coming with me today it meant a lot."

Zay sits down on the bed next to me. "I'm sorry I wasn't there the first time." he sighs "And I'm sorry I wasn't there when you told your parents."

"Zay it's fine." I shrug "It's not your responsibility to look after me."

"I want it to be." Zay mumbles looking down at the floor. "I shouldn't have pushed you away like I did."

"I understand." I shrug once more "Honestly you don't have anything to feel bad about. I told you at the start I would only bring you down and I never wanted that."

"Charlie." he sighs and looks back up at me. "You don't bring me down at all, you make me happy," He admits "I've been miserable this last week"

"Me too." I nod "I missed you." I give him a soft smile

"I missed you."

"So, let's put this all behind us?" I offer

"Sounds good to me." He nods

"Friends?" I ask with a smile

Zay laughs with a cheeky look on his face as pulls my face to his, pressing his lips to mine. "Sure, we can be friends." He mumbles against my lips.

After an intense make out session we make our way down stairs to have dinner with the rest of the family. Sasha, Ryan and Shay are all coming over for dinner tonight as well as a few of the guys from the Cobra's and their partners.

Things have been a little icy between Shay and Lane since he found out Shay had known about Tyler abusing me and she didn't tell him. I hope they work through it. I would never forgive myself if I was the reason for them to split.

"Charlie!" Sasha yells happily as she spots me from the kitchen and makes her way over.

I drop my hand from Zay's and place my arms around her giving her a huge hug. "I'm so glad you're back, Mom has been going crazy without you." I laugh and pull back from the hug. "How was the holiday?"

"Amazing, you should forget about college and just travel the world." She giggles.

"Sasha, are you putting ideas in my daughters head?" My dad warns with a smile as he walks by.

"Of course not, I'm just leading her down the right path." She jokes and turns her attention back to us. "Uh, who's this?" She asks looking at Zay.

"Uh, sorry how rude of me. Zayd this is Sasha, Shays mother, my mother's best friend and Lane's mother in law." I giggle at the last part "Sash this is my uh, friend Zay."

"Friend?" She raises a brow with a smirk on her face. "Okay, well it's lovely to meet you friend Zay." She gives him a hug before turning and making her way back into the kitchen.

"Friend huh? Your daughter plays it like you Am." She nudges her with a giggle. "Remember when you and Chet were just friends?"

"Oh stop." My mother giggles happily and nudges her best friend back.

Zay and I make our way onto the back deck where Dad and Ryan are setting everything up for dinner.

"Have you guys seen Lane?"

"Hello Charlie, I'm good thank-you, yes I had a wonderful holiday." Ryan laughs, his usual psychiatric self.

"Sorry." I laugh and give him a hug "Sash told you guys had a great time. I'm glad you're both back."

"We did." He nods "And to answer your question Lane's in the garage with Shay, her car has been playing up but she won't part with it." He rolls his eyes.

"Thanks, I'll be back in a second." I tell Zay with a smile and skip down the back steps.

I reach the garage and push the side door open softly. That's when I find Shay and Lane having sex on the hood of his car. I quickly close the door and make my way back up to the rest of the family not saying a single word.

Well at least I didn't break them up.

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