Chapter 66 - Final goodbye

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We arrived at Grandads home the next day at around 1 PM. He was surprised to see us all, but I think deep down he was thankful even though he'd told us not to come.

It was hard being in the house without her at first, but as one day turned into two and we spent time talking about our happy memories with her it began to feel a little better.

I was so thankful to have Zay by my side in all of this. I've tried not be snappy with him and I've slipped up a few times when I get lost in my own emotions I'm trying to hide, but I always apologie right after and he of course forgives me.

Today is the day, Grandmas funeral. I don't know how we're going to get through this, but what I do know is that we'll do it together as a family.

I make my way down stairs dressed in a simple black body-con dress and a jacket. My usual nice dresses no longer fit me due our little girl, but she's worth it.

Mom, Dad, Lane and the rest of the family are all down stairs with breakfast in front of them, only no one looks to be eating anything.

"Morning." I whisper as I enter the room, not wanting to startle them.

"Morning." They all reply in a flat tone

Moving along I make my way into the kitchen and take a deep breath as I turn the kettle on.

"Morning baby." Zay gives me a soft smile as he makes his way into the room after me.

"Hey." I smile back

Now standing in front of me, he pulls me into his arms and kisses the top of my head. "You okay?"

"I'm okay." I nod.


We all travel to the church together in a few cars and park out the front. When I step out of the car everyone is there, all the past and present Cobras as well as their wife's, girlfriends, boyfriends, husbands and even some children who are now the same age as me. It's crazy to see so many people here but grandma was a wonderful lady who would have done anything or anyone, so I'm not surprised she had touched so many lives.

As we make our way through, lots of people stop us to talk for a moment and tell us how sorry they are, I except their condolences and keep moving, Zay by my side the entire time.

We enter the church and I come face to the face with the coffin in front of me. I feel a lump form in my throat as I try to keep my emotions in check and keep moving in, finding my seat near Avery, Ezra Alex and Star as well as my cousins.

"How's granddad?" Emery questions

"He seems to be doing okay for now." I whisper as I look over him sitting on the other end of the row.

"Hi baby." Aunt Avery smiles as she gives me a hug "Look how big you're getting." She rubs my stomach.

"I know, not long now." I smile back softly.

Music begins to play and everyone fills the church, there is standing room only and many people are piled up outside as well. Once the music stops the funeral director begins to speak.

"Good afternoon everyone and thank-you for joining us to celebrate the life of Evana Logan, much loved wife, mother, grandmother and great grandmother. When I was first asked to speak on behalf of the family today, we sat down together and spoke in great length about what Evana meant to everyone and from what I can gather she was an amazing woman. Words like bubbly, funny, and loving and the fact that Evana was the kind of woman who would do anything for anyone in need is what comes to most people's minds when they think of her, and I'm sure you'll all agree."

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