Chapter 6 - Dinner

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Charlies' POV:

The rest of the week flew by quickly. Uncle Austin was off for the rest of the week sick so I spent my week helping Mom and Zayd at the garage.

"You know I've been thinking." I look across at my mother. "Once I'm finished school I want to come and work here with you."

"If that's what you want to do, I can't stop you." My mother shrugs. "But you're a very smart girl Charlie, you can do anything you put your mind to, you don't need to follow in my footsteps."

I look at my mother a little disheartened, what does she mean by that? Surely she isn't putting herself down right now?

"What do you mean by that?" I frown. "You know you're smart as well right?"

"Oh sweetie." she laughs. "I'm far from smart, I did horrible in school, I got all D's. School wasn't for me and I'm the first to admit that. But you." She makes her way over to me and cups my cheeks in her hands "You got your father's brain, you're smart and you don't even have to try." She smiles and drops her hands from my face. "If you choose you want to come and work with me, that's fine but if there is something else you'd rather do, do it Charlie girl." She smiles at me again. "I'll always support you no matter what."

"I know Mom." I give her a soft smile. "I'll put some more thought into it, but just so you know, I love you just the way you are, book smart of not, you're the best Mom."

"Aww thanks baby." She smiles.

"Can you be my mom?" Zayd laughs as he walks in on our little moment.

"Sure," She shrugs with a grin. "You'd have to marry my daughter first though." She smirks.

"Mom." I shake my head with embarrassment.

"Oh Charlie It was a joke." She grins. "I'm sure your dad is very supportive of you as well Zay." She turns her attention back to him. "Is he back in town as well?"

"Uh, no it's just me." He shrugs "Dad and I aren't on speaking terms at the moment, we haven't been for over a year now."

"Oh?" My mother frowns. "So, who are you living with here?"

"Myself. It's a long story, but dad isn't the same guy you know when he left here."

"Clearly." My mother sighs as she looks at Zay symptomatically. "If you need anything let me know." She offers him a soft smile

"I'm good, just having a job here is enough to help me out." he smiles back.

"Alright well, pack up for the afternoon it's Friday and I'm tired and I want to go and spend some time with my husband." She places her tools back in her toolbox and washes up.

"I'll see you both later." She exits the shop.

Zayd and I clean up the mess lying around and place everything back where it goes. Picking up a spanner from the ground I stand up and reach across him placing it in his toolbox. "Done." I smile up at him.

Taking a step closer to me he places his hand and on my arm. "Dinner tonight?" He smiles down at me with his perfect white teeth.

"Tonight?" I breathe out softly, our closeness heating up my body. "Sure." I gulp softly "Tonight is good." I nod

"I'll come and pick you up at six."

"Sounds good." I nod, not daring to look him in the eye.

What the hell is wrong with me? I've only known this guy a week and my body is already reacting to him. If I had it my way, we'd skip the date and head right back to his place. Oh God.

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