Chapter 57 - Unfaithful

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I arrive at the airport with an hour to spare. Once I've checked my bags in, I make my way into the main part of the airport. My gate is the first one so I won't have to walk very far to get to it. I wonder around looking at all the little shops and then a jewellery shop catches my eye.

Hoisting my carry on bag onto my shoulder I make my way into the store. Instantly the two girls behind the counter stop talking and give me their full attention.

"Hello sir, can I help you?" one asks

"I was hoping to buy something for my fiancé, but I don't really know where to start." I admit.

"Yellow gold or white gold?"

"White gold."

"Well that's a good start." She gives me a warm smile and makes her way over to the white gold section of the store. "Any ideas at all? Rings, earrings, a necklace?"

"Well we only just got engaged a few months ago, and I got her earrings for her birthday, so maybe a necklace?"

"What do the ring and earrings look like?"

"The ring is a round 2-carat diamond with a plain band and the earrings are hearts, they're Tiffany."

"Oh, lucky girl."

"she deserves it." I assure her with a smile

"Okay, well, how about we look at something that might match her ring."

"Sounds good to me." I smile, still having not a single clue.

With the necklace all boxed up I make my way down to gate one, where I'm able to start boarding already. I had paid for an economy seat but Chet and Amity upgraded it to a business class ticket once more, I assured them they didn't have to, but they wanted to.

I settle into my seat and am thankful that once again no one sits next to me, if it's not Charlie next to me, I'd rather sit with no one at all.

The flight is much the same, I watch some T.V, listen to some music, and snack out on food and drinks. The flight always seems longer without her, but it's worth it.

When the plane lands I have to wait for my bag as usual, luckily, it's the first one down the shoot because my ride is already waiting. I make my way out the doors and head right to where Rodger is waiting to pick me up.

"Hey man." I grin as I get into the backseat.

"Nice to see you again so soon Mr Cameron, what are you doing back already?" He asks as he pulls into the traffic.

"It's Charlie and I's anniversary so I'm surprising her, which reminds me, can you stop by a florist on the way?"

"Of course sir." He nods "You know you remind me a lot of her father."

"I do?" I question

"Just the love you have for her, it's the same love that her father shares for her mother, it's nice to see."

"If I'm half the man Chet is that's fine with me." I laugh

"Give yourself some credit sir, how many other men would fly five hours to see their fiancé for one and a half days and then get right back on a flight?"

"I don't know, shouldn't ever man do that for the woman he loves."

"Ahh, now see that's where you need to give yourself some more credit, most men do not."

I let his words sink in as I look out the window.

We soon arrive at the florist and I run in getting a bunch of pink roses, I like red roses better, but Charlie likes pink, so pink it is. I make my way back to the car and get in buckling up once more.

"Where to?" He asks

" Intercontinental Barclay"

We make the drive and he pulls up out the front. "I'll be back in one moment, I'll just drop my bags to the room." I tell him as he finds a park. "You're welcome to come in with me if you like."

"No thank-you sir, I'll wait right here, I don't think I could afford to walk through the front doors." He jokes.

I make my way into the stunning building and check in. I take the elevator up to the top floor and make my way to the door, using the swipe key to open it. The suite it stunning, everything I hopes it would be, if not more. I place my bags down and change my shirt quickly, adding some cologne as well and then head back out the front to my car.

"Alright, to the campus."

We arrive at the campus twenty minutes later and Rodger parks the car out the front.

"Will I be driving you and Miss Charlie somewhere tonight?"

"Yes, little Italy, I want to take her to this restaurant with amazing pasta"

"Excellent choice, I'll be here to pick you up at six."

"Thanks Rodger." I reach into my pocket and pull out my wallet, and hand him a fifty dollar note. "Here, take this."

"Sir, I'm already well paid by Mr Raven, that isn't necessary.

"Please take it." I tell him and sit it on the centre console before exiting the car.

I grab the flowers and the box holding the necklace and make my way into the campus. It's Saturday today so there aren't many people around, knowing college kids they're probably all hung over from a Friday night party, the only reason I wish I came to college, the parties.

I make my way into Charlie's building and make my way down the end of the hall, sliding the box into my pocket to free up a hand I raise my hand to knock on the door and that's when I hear it.

"Oh god yes, right there."

Muffled moaning coming from inside her dorm door.

"I bet your man doesn't give it to you this good." A male voice speaks.

Her muffled moans fill my ears one more and I swallow a dry lump in my throat, I think I'm going to be sick. I leave the roses and the necklace at the door and make my way out of the building, I need air and I need it bad; I feel like I can't breathe.

Leaning against the wall I take a few deep breaths. This was a mistake, this entire thing was a mistake. Did I really think that putting a ring on her finger would stop her from finding someone better than me? I'm trying so hard to be the perfect man, I feel like I'm doing all the right things and I do it because I love her, but maybe it just wasn't enough.

I feel my eyes glassing over and I blink it away quickly.

Fuck this.....

Fuck this

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