Chapter 46 - Wedding

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Charlies' POV:

The months have flown by since Easton was born and today is the day of Lane and Shay's wedding.

The wedding is being held at Lane and Shays stunning new home, in typical Raven/Logan tradition. It started when my uncle Alex married my aunt Star at grandma and grandads place, then Mom and dad married in our family home. Aunt Avery and uncle Ezra married at Grandma and Grandads as well, it's just become our thing to have laid back yet stunning backyard weddings.

Lane and the boys have done such an amazing job setting everything up, there isn't a thing out of place. Everything is perfect.

It's been a busy morning, who knew it took so long to get ready, but it does. Shay and I both had our hair and make-up done as well as some photos with the photographer she's hired for the after.

It's now half an hour until she's due to walk down the aisle, so I pull my cream coloured dress on, and wait for Sasha and Mom who are going to help Shay into her wedding dress, while I get Easton ready.

I make my way into Easton's room and a smile forms on my face as soon as I see him sitting up, keeping himself entertained. He's such a good baby and I've formed a very close bond with him. it breaks my heart that I'll be leaving him behind, as if it wasn't already hard enough leaving Zay now I have to leave my nephew as well.

"Hey beautiful boy." I coo as I lean over his cot.

He's busy playing his toy monkey, holding it in his hands trying to eat it like he does with everything.

"You put everything in your mouth don't you," I laugh as I speak to him in a baby voice. "Are you excited? Mommy and daddy are getting married" I tell him excitedly and he stops playing and looks at me and smiles as if he understands.

He melts my heart.

"I have a suit to dress you in." I continue to talk to him as if he understands.

I pick him up and hold him in my arms making my way to the wardrobe

"You're going to make an amazing mother." Zay's husky voice speaks from behind me.

I turn to him with a soft smile still holding onto Easton. "You think?"

 "You think?"

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"I know." He grins as he makes his way into the room.

"Do you mind holding him for a moment?" I question as I hold him out.

"Of course not, hey buddy." He smiles as he takes him into his arms and gives him a cuddle.

Zay with Easton, it's the scariest thing I've seen, it scares the hell out of me because he is so good with him, and for some reason, he goes from a 10 out of 10 to an 11 on the hot scale when he's holding him.

I grab the baby tux from the bag and make my way back over to them. Together Zay and I get him undressed from his onesie and dress him in his tux.

"Look at you, you're so handsome." I gush as I tickle his belly causing him to laugh.

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