Chapter 58 - Mistaken identity

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Charlie's POV:

Maybe it was rude of me to tell Jimmy my better idea was to come back to campus, go to my dorm alone and watch movies, but I didn't like the vibes he was giving off. I've told him a million times now that I'm in a relationship, in fact I told him I'm married and he seems to see me as some kind of challenge.

Jimmy dropped me off before heading back out for the day, he told me if I changed my mind to give him a call, but that won't be happening, there is only one man for me and that's Zay, it always has been and it always will be.

I was stupid to hang out with Jimmy in the first place, I actually feel horribly guilty about it.

I arrive back at my building and am headed for the door, when I see him. Zay, leaning against the wall, his eyes filled with pain.

"Zay." I yell and run over to him; I throw my arms around him. "What the hell are you doing here."

"Charlie." He almost whispers and pushes me back slightly "But I-you,"

"Zay," I run my hand across his cheek "What's the matter?" I ask sadly

"Fuck." he sighs and shakes his head "I uh, I may have made up an assumption in my head and I was completely wrong."

"Okay, you need to tell me what's going on, because I'm lost." I take his hand.

We make our way over to one of the tables and sit down. Zay explains how he was here to surprise me and that's why he wasn't answering my calls and how he'd heard moaning coming from my dorm room and the exchange of words and how he had assumed it was me.

"You really think I'd cheat on you?" I ask pulling my hand away feeling extremely hurt

"No, I-"

"I think the answer you're looking for is yes Zay, yes you do think I'm capable of cheating or we wouldn't be sitting here right, now would we?"

"I just thought I wasn't answering your calls and-"

I laugh cutting him off. "So, you think because you ignored my calls for a few hours I would jump into bed with the first guy who comes along? Nice."

"It's not like that." He sighs

"Then what's it like?"

"Look I just, I was wrong okay and deep down I know you wouldn't, I know you love me but Charlie how would you feel if you came to my place and heard all of that and the words spoken?"

I take a deep breath and let his words sink it, he's right. If I went to his house and heard all of that, and I couldn't make out the voices I would jump to the same conclusion.

"Right." I nod "You're right, I'd jump to the same conclusion." I tell him honestly.

He takes my hand across the table once more and rubs it gently. "Princess, I'm so sorry."

"It's okay." I smile softly "But just so you know, I was out with a boy today, I thought he was going to a be friend but turns out he just couldn't stop myself form flirting so I removed myself from the situation and I feel horribly guilty about it, I shouldn't have been hanging out with a guy anyway."

"Its okay to have friends who are male." He laughs "I mean you have heaps of male friends at home."

"Yeah, male friends who you know." I sigh

"You have nothing to feel bad about, we've both fucked up today let's just leave it at that."

I give him a soft smile as I stand up and walk my way to his side of the table, I sit down in his lap and give him a hug. "Let's not talk about it anymore." I tell him happily and press my lips to his.

Kissing me back, he pulls me closer to him, his strong hand moving up and down my back. "I have a hotel booked for us for tonight." He mumbles against my lips. "And dinner."

I pull back from the kiss and smile down at him, sitting higher as I'm in his lap. "My room clearly isn't safe to go into right now, so maybe we should just head back to the hotel and I'll buy a dress from somewhere in the city?"

"That sounds perfect." He kisses my lips once more and pulls his phone out. "I'll call us a cab this time, Rodger has been driving me around all morning." He stands up and places me on my feet. "Which reminds me, be right back." He jogs over to the doors and disappears.

He makes his way back out carrying a bunch of pink roses and a small black box.

"Zay, what's all this?" I ask with a smile on my face

"Well before I got my facts wrong, I showed up to your door with these." He hands me the roses

"These are so beautiful." I gush as I lift the roses to my nose and smell them.

"And this as well." He swaps me the roses for the little black box.

I open it revealing a white gold necklace with the same stone as my ring. "Wow, this is stunning." I run my hand over it and look back at him with a smile. "I feel horrible now, I didn't get you anything."

"Us being together is more than I'll ever need." He smiles

I remove the necklace from its box and hold it out to him. "Well you put it on me now."

"Of course Princess." 

Shorter chapter but this was all it needed. Did you guys really think Charlie would cheat? I mean come on....

 Did you guys really think Charlie would cheat? I mean come on

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