Chapter 61 - Baby Daddy

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My blood tests confirmed I am indeed two months pregnant. I spoke to the head master of the college and we weighed up my options as to what might be best for me. We reached an agreement that I would study from home in Springs and still be a part of the school via correspondence.

Because I'd already been studying courses online prior to starting we were able to use it as points to excel me up a year, so my course is now three years and not four.

I've packed my dorm room and said goodbye to the few friends I've made, but the only one it's hard to say goodbye to is Angie. I promised I'd keep in touch with her, and she with me, I know I've found a friend for life in her.

I wait on the side walk until Rodger pulls up and I jump into the car, Rodger taking my bags.

"I'm sorry to see you go already miss."

"Don't be." I smile "this could never be home; home is where my family is."

"Very true miss." He nods as we head towards the airport.

The flight home wasn't fantastic, I was a little sick during the flight but the cabin staff where amazing and took good care of me.

When I finally land home it's midday, and by the time I claim my bags and wait for my ride it's 12:30

The car stops in front of me and Shay jumps out giving me a huge hug. "I'm so happy to have you home."

"I'm so happy to be home." I lift my bags into the car and get in buckling up.

"So, no one else knows your here?"

"Nope, just you." I shrug

"Right, well I'm assuming I'm taking you to your parents place? Neither of them are home."

"Actually, can you take me to Zay's place?"

"Uh," she bites down on her bottom lip. "N-no. I think home is best for now."

"Okay?" I ask raising a brow.

"You should see how much Easton has grown." She changes the subject

"Where is my little man?"

"He's at home with Lane, they're having father son time." She laughs "he's such an amazing father." She gushes

"Baby number two won't be far off them? I tease.

"We're trying time baby number two. It hasn't been as easy at the first time when we weren't trying at all." She laughs "but we'll fall again when the time is right."

"With that attitude I'm sure you will as well."

We pull up at home and I exit the car, dragging my bags inside and up to my room, everything is still just how I left it, only I notice Zay's things around the room, is he living here.

"Shay, why are all of Zay's things in my room?" I question

"You'll have to talk to him about that." She shrugs

I make my way downstairs and grab my keys from the hook. "I'm going to head over to the garage and surprise him."

"I'll lock up and head home to my boys." shay smiles

On the drive to the garage my stomach fills with butterflies I'm so excited to see him, and I'm so excited to tell him the news.

We last spoke this morning before my flight, and he has no idea I'm on my way, or what I'm about to tell him.

I pull into the driveway of the garage and park the car before stepping out and walking into the garage.

Zay is busy working away on a car, mom and Austin nowhere in sight.

"Can I get some help or what?"

Zay's head shoots up and he drops his tools. "Charlie!" He yells and runs to me picking me up, spinning me around as he plants kisses all over my face.

"Hi baby." I giggle.

He places me back down on my feet and presses his lips to mine then pulls back and looks at me "what are you doing here?"

"I've decided to come back home."

"Like for good?"

"Yes, for good."

"But why, I th-"

I press my finger to his lips. "I've arranged everything with the collage and I'm going to study from home, I've also been able cut my years from four to three with the extra study I've done."

"Okay," he nods "but-"

"I'm not done." I smile "there is something I need to tell you."

He stares at me for a moment, unsure if he should speak or if I'll cut him off again.

"I'm two months pregnant." I smile

His eyes go wide for a moment. "We're having a baby, that's what you're telling me?"

"Yes Zay, your little visit got me pregnant and now you're my baby daddy." I giggle

His eyes fill with tears and he pulls me into his arms, holding me. "I'm so fucking happy."

"I'm happy too." I tell him honestly as I snuggle into him.

A second later Mom enters. "Charlie." Mom gasps and runs over.

I pull back from my embrace and give her a huge hug. "What are you doing here? Oh, I missed you so much."

She turns to Zay and sees the emotion of his face. "Honey what's wrong?" She asks

"I'm going to be a dad." He announces proudly.

"Wait." Mom stops and looks back at me. "You're pregnant?"

"Yes, two months."

"Oh my god." She squeals filled with excitement.

I move back to Zay who places his arms around me, snuggling me from behind.

"I'd like to request a girl this time." Mom laughs happily, tears streaming down her face.

"We'll see what we can do." Zay laughs

I turn my head to him "by the way, why are all of your things in my room?"

"Uh," he mumbles

"That's the same reaction Shay gave me." I huff

"Just trust me, okay?"

"Okay." I nod and press my lips to his.

"Alright, let's close up early and get home and celebrate!" Mom grins from ear to ear

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