Chapter 24 - Real talks

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"I'm not sure if we should never fight again or fight more often?" I smirk softly down at her.

"How about I make you a deal, no more fighting but we can keep the sex the same?" Charlie winks.

"Sounds good to me." I grin back and move her messy hair from her face. "I know you don't want to talk about it, but I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks." She smiles softly. "Thank you for making me strong enough, to tell the truth."

"I didn't make you strong Princess, you are strong," I assure her as I keep my hand on her chin, keeping our glace locked.

"Yeah but-"

"But nothing Char, you are strong and you are brave and you don't need someone to make you feel that, not me, not anyone."

"I'm glad you think so."

"The sooner you believe it, the better." I press my lips to her forehead.

"You seemed to get along really well with everyone at dinner tonight." She changes the subject slightly.

"I did." I nod "They all seem like nice guys."

"They are, I know it might seem hard to believe because of what they do for a living but they really are great. I'm kind of thankful dad has been able to keep them under control though, because no one in the crew takes well to men who hit woman."

"And nor should they." I agree "If I'm honest with you I'm jealous I didn't have the courage to do what Lane did. I want to beat every last breath out of him, but if I do, I'll go to jail and it'll all be for nothing, because then I won't have you."

"I'd come visit." She giggles playfully. "No Zay, I'm glad you didn't, I want you right here with me." She presses a soft kiss to my lips.

"You have school starting back up in a few weeks, how are you going to handle that if Tyler is around?"

"I'll be fine." She places her hand under her head as she lays up on her side looking at me. "I have an idea, and I was wondering if maybe you'd be able to help me."

"Of course, whatever you need."

"I was thinking maybe you could teach me some self-defence?"

"I mean I can, but wouldn't your dad or brother be better?"

"They're busy and besides I thought it could be something for us to do together, I know you love the gym and boxing." She smiles

"I think I know why you want to train with me so bad." I grin

"Why?" She bites down on her bottom lip

"You just want to see me all hot and sweaty without my shirt on." I smirk

"Well there is that." She flirts as she runs her hand down my abs. "But I kind of already have you hot, sweaty and shirtless right now."

"Round two?" I smirk

"Zay." she pushes my playfully. "Will you help me or not?"


"Okay?" she asks excitedly.

"First session is tomorrow you're getting up with me at four am."

"Four am?" She yells with a screwed-up face. "Maybe ten?" She grins.

"I leave for the gym at four."


"No butts Miss Raven, if you're training with me, I'm not taking it easy on you."

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