Chapter 23 - Together

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Dinner with the family was great. Having Sasha and Ryan back only added more fun and entertainment to the night. Ryan is one of the funniest people I have ever met and It's so nice to have them home. I know Shay is happy to have them back as well, as much as she loves staying with us, she loves spending time with her parents, they're very close.

It was nice to see the Cobra family interacting with Zay and making him feel included in everything. I know Zay isn't about the life they lead but it's clear that if he did ever want to play a part in it, they'd let him, they all get along so well.

After dinner I help Mom, Sasha and Shay clean up while the boys play a game of poker out on the back deck. I hate cleaning, I'd much rather be out with the boys but seeing as they cooked all the food this time, it's only fair I clean up.

"I see you and Lane are nice and made up." I wink as Shay as I pass her a dry plate to put away.

"What are you talking about?" She giggles

"How was fixing the car?" I nudge her.

"Oh my God." her eyes become wide and she almost drops the plate she's holding.

"Secret is safe with me boo." I wink again and hand her the last plate.

I exit the kitchen and make my way out the back where the boys are. "Who's winning?" I ask with a smile.

"Your boyfriend is kicking our asses." Lane huffs with a laugh.

"I don't know if I can except someone better at poker then me into the family." My dad laughs.

I take a seat on Zay's lap and look at his poker hand. "Ohh good hand." I giggle and I look at guys, psyching them out even further.

"Hell nah, I'm out." Lane laughs and throws his cards down.

"I think I might call it a night as well." Dad speaks up as he places his cards down. "Good job kid." He pushes the money closer to Zay.

"No guys, keep your money." he laughs

"We play for real cash around here boy, and you earned it, so take it." Dad grins as he leaves the table, everyone else soon following.

"Sorry I ruined your game." I smile down at Zay

"Are you though? Your smile says otherwise." He gives me a grin back.

"Mm, I might have had some other things in mind." I hum softly and lean down pressing my lips to his.

"What ideas?" He smirks against my lips.

"For a start, my house is a little full, I was wondering if we could go back to your place, and after that I could probably show you better than I could tell you."

"Go get your stuff." He grins and pulls his back from mine.

It didn't take me long to get my things together and after I say my goodbyes to the family we head out of the door.

We arrive at his place and I place my bag in his room, then make my way back out to the living room where he is sitting on the couch.

"Your room is cute." I smile as I take a seat next to him.

"Very boring compared to yours princess." He grins.

"Okay enough with the small talk, shall we just cut to the chase?" I giggle as I pull him closer to him and press my lips to his.

"What happened to my sweet, innocent Charlie?" He smirks against my lips and proceeds to deepen the kiss.

"She's gone, at least when it comes to this, but only with you." I grin back before sliding my tongue into his mouth.

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