Chapter 69 - Growing family

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One year later:

"Are you ready to find out what you're having?" Sara questions with a huge smile

"Yes, tell us." I smile watching the screen above us

"You're having another baby girl and-" she pauses

"And?" Zay questions hurriedly

"And a boy!" She sequels

"Yes!" He exclaims with a huge smile and leans down kissing my lips "Another girl, and a son."

"I feel like we're complete now." I smile up at him honestly.

"Me too." He nods and presses his lips to mine again

It's been a year, and finally, our little family is coming together. Much like Shay, it took me a little longer to fall pregnant again then I expected, but the Doctors explained it could have been because my body wasn't ready yet and it would happen when it happened.

Today we are currently four months pregnant, meaning I fell pregnant close to Evie's 1st birthday. Not only did the pregnancy come as a wonderful surprise we also had the news that we were having twins, yep two. It did come as a shock, but we have twins in the family, Mom and Avery are twins so Lane or I were bound to have them.

I have one year until I'm finished my studies and when I'm done Sara has offered me a job in her clinic. A year ago, she gave up the hospital and opened her own practice, it's been better not only for her but also for her alliance with Cobras as there are no questions asked when we bring in injured members. Frankie and Sara are still together and are still crazy in love, they're so cute, if only Frankie was younger, they may have had children, but I think she's pretty happy just to have Zay.

Zay is still working at the garage with Mom and Austin and he still loves his job so that's a bonus and he's now only working four days so that we can spend extra time with Evie, or so he claims, secretly I think he's keeping an eye on me to make sure I don't do things around the house.

"Shall we go and tell everyone the good news?"

"Yeah, I think Shay and Lane are at Mom and dad's place."

We arrive at home to Mom and Dad's place and of course Lane and Shay are here, they're always here, I don't know why they moved out in the first place.

"Hello." I sing happily as we make our way in

"Hi baby." Mom calls from the kitchen

We enter and find her with Evie on her hip as she heats up her food. "Hello baby girl" I call to Evie.

As soon as she sees us, she puts her arms out and squeezes her hands together wanting to come to us. I reach my arms out for her, but she looks right past me and continues as she looks at Zay.

"Ha, daddies the favourite." I laugh

"Hey Princess." Zay takes her into his arms and she snuggles in close to him

"So, how did it go? Am I getting two more granddaughters or what?" Mom grins

"Two Grandson's she means," Dad adds with a smirk

"Well you'll both be happy because we're having one of each." I tell them happily

"Yes!" Dad exclaims in the exact same way Zay had done at the hospital, they're so alike sometimes.

"Is that it then? Family complete?" Shay questions as she makes her way over, giving me a hug

"That's it, a think a house of five is more than enough." I laugh and return the hug

"Congratulations Sis." Lane gives me a hug "Looks like you'll have lots of little cobras to run the show hey, pops." Lane grins at Dad

"About that." Dad clears his throat "I've been thinking, maybe it's time for you to take over."

"For real?" Lane asks shocked

"I'm not getting any younger and your kids are a little bit older now, Amara is almost one and Easton is two, why not?"

"I mean, yeah, if you think I'm ready." Lane nods

"You were born ready son." Dad smiles proudly

"There was something I wanted to ask you as well Zay." Mom adds "How would you feel about taking over the business, I'd still come in to help when you need me, but I think I'm ready to sign it over to its new owner and just enjoy life a little."

"Wow, uh." He rubs the back of his head sheepishly. "I mean I'd love to, but with the twins coming and everything, I just, I don't know."

"I had a feeling you'd say that." She laughs "I'll still cover you when the twins are born and in the lead-up, and you can still work your four days, it'll just be me signing the business into your name and you becoming the owner and boss."

"You really want to do that?"

"Who else am I going to give it to? My son wouldn't know what a spanner was if it hit him in the face." She jokes

"Rude." Lane huffs causing us all to laugh

"Okay." I nod

"Okay, you'll take over for me?"

"I'll take over for you." He smiles proudly

Mom wraps her arms around him, giving him a big hug "I'm so glad."

"Thank-you" He adds

"Thank you for being a wonderful son in law and for giving me lots of grandchildren." She laughs

Smiling dad leans back on his chair. "How good is life sweetheart, we can sit back and relax and let the children stress." He smirks

"There will be no stress old man, I'm a boss."

"Ha, okay son, I give you two days before you're calling me for help."

"We'll see old man, we'll see." He grins

"This call for drinks," Shay calls excitedly as she makes her way to the fridge

"Water for me." I remind

"Yes, well water for you, but congratulations all round everyone!" 

You guys, there is one chapter left!!!

You guys, there is one chapter left!!!

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