Chapter 16 - Tyler

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Lane's POV:

"You know where to find me when you need more." Tyler smirks at the young girl who hands him a twenty while he passes her a small bag of pills.

"You must really have a thing of alleys Bradley." I march myself down to him.

"Sup Lane." He nods his head as if we're mates.

"Not only are you selling drugs to under aged girls, you're selling drugs on my turf."

"Look man why don't you just back up a little." He takes a few steps back.

"And not only are you selling drugs on my turf, you've been putting your hands on my sister." I get in his face.

"Me?" He scoffs. "If Charlie says someone is putting hands on her you might want to look at her new boyfriend from the south side. She moved on quick, didn't she?"

"So not only have you been hitting her, you're going to call her a slut right to my face?"

"If the shoe fits." He shrugs with a smirk on his face.

Flying into a rage I grab him and smash his head into the brick wall. "If you ever," I swing a hard punch at his jaw "Put your hands on my sister again." another punch "I'll fucking kill you, you got it?" I take another swing colliding with his face once more

"You won't get away with this Lane." He laughs, blood pouring from his face.

"What huh? You're going to tell your daddy and have him come arrest me?" I whisper shout in his face as I hold him against the wall. "Too bad your dad needs my family more than we need him. But go head buddy, run and tell your little daddy and I'll make sure everyone in this town knows who you really are." I swing another hard punch.

Charlies POV:

This is why I didn't want to tell my family; this is what I was afraid of most. Lane has gone after Tyler and my parents are having a heated discussion with the office door shut as if I can't hear them. This was never about protecting Tyler; this was about dragging my family into my mess.

"Chet you really need to go after him." My mother raises her voice slightly.

"If I go after him Amity I'm only go to join in on the beating, he had no right to put his hands on our daughter."

"No, he didn't and you know I want to kick his ass as well as you do, but we have to think about this."

"I have thought about it, at this point Lane can do as he likes, Tyler deserves everything he gets."

"If you won't go after him Chet, I will."

"Go then I'm not stopping you, but just remember it's your daughter who ended up with a split lip and just told us it's been happening for months. You want to protect the person who's been abusing her, go right ahead."

"Are you kidding me?" Mom yells. "You always know what to say to make me feel like shit don't you Chet."

Sighing I make my way down my bedroom and grab my small overnight bag from the wardrobe. I place a few items of clothing in it as well as make-up and a hair brush and zip it up. I know this is my fault and now I'm walking away from it, but I can't sit around and watch my parents fall apart because of me.

I pull my suitcase down the stairs and as I reach the bottom Lane slams the front door shut. He is covered in blood, it's all over his shirt, his knuckles are split open and bleeding and he still looks angrier than ever.

"Lane." I sigh and make my way over to him.

"He won't ever touch you again Charlie." He looks me dead in the eye.

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