Chapter 32 - Hospital

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(Trigger warning - extreme violence)

I can't see the faces of men but I know for a fact one of them is Tyler. What hits me harder than the beating I'm already taking is that I know that Luke is also behind one of the masks, does he think I'm that stupid? I know his voice, I was once his 'Brother'

I'm lying on the ground defencelessly, it's five on one and somehow all I can think about its Charlie, is she okay? Did they go after her before they came after me?

Two of the men are holding me down so I can't fight back, while the one I'd swung a punch at is on top of me, throwing punches left and right. A moment later the fifth joins in and begins booting me hard in the ribs.

I winch in pain, there is no way I'm going to make it out of this alive.

"Not so fucking tough now huh?" A voice yells as another man starts in on my rips.

I hear a horrible cracking, crunching noise and I yell out in pain. I don't want to show them I'm weak but the pain is becoming to much.

The five men continue the assault. I can feel my ribs are broken, and if I take one more knock to the face, I'm sure my jaw will be broken as well.

One of the men grab me and move me, I yell out in pain once more, now on my side and blood begins running from my mouth. I cough and sure enough more comes out.

Blood, I'm bleeding internally.

"Want us to finish him boss?" one of the males speaks as he pulls a gun from his side and places it against my head.

The barrel is cold and I close my eyes for a moment. All the pain has suddenly left my body, I feel numb.

"Leave him to die, leave him for his stupid girlfriend to find." the 'boss' spits and they all leave.

Then everyone goes black.

"Male, twenty years old found beaten in his home, believed to be a gang bashing. Name on his drivers permit is Zayd Cameron." An unfamiliar voice speaks above me. "We believe there is some internal bleeding, patient was unconscious during the entire ambulance ride, a neighbour called it in."

"Zayd" Another voice speaks and I'm shaken awake as whatever is underneath me is being moved.

I'm being rolled? Am I on a bed?

"Zayd can you hear me? My name is Dr Sara Hale and you're in Springs hospital." A woman speaks.

I open my eyes slightly and look at the woman above me. "His eyes are opening." She yells to the other people around us. "Get him into X-ray we need to find out where this bleeding is coming from and how bad it is." She orders.

"You're going to be okay honey." She strokes my hair softly, comforting me.

Once I'm pushed back into a room the same Doctor stands by my bedside and looks down at me. "Do you remember what happened?" She asks

I shake my head no weakly.


A nurse comes into the room and stands on the other side of my bed cleaning the blood from my face. While the Doctor speaks to me.

"The internal bleeding looks to be only temporary and it appears to have spotted its self but we need to keep a close eye on it." She tells me. "One more hit and you could have been killed." She sighs "Look I know it's not easy, but if you know who did this to you, please tell me." She begs.

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