Chapter 18 - The club

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"You look amazing." Paisley smiles as she takes a step back and admires her handy work.

"Thanks." I smile back shyly. "I love this dress."

"You can keep it, it looks better on you then it does on me anyway." She shrugs.

I smooth the black material down over my body and take another glance in the mirror. "You look stunning." A husky voice speaks from behind me.

I turn on my heel and come face to face with Jasper. Jasper is one of the Cobra members. I've known him for a few years now but we've never sat down and had a proper conversation. Jasper is really quite cute; he has messy blonde hair and huge blue eyes.

"Thanks, you look good too." I smile softly.

I wasn't lying, he does look nice tonight, he's dressed in some tight denim jeans and dress shirt with the top button undone and the sleeves rolled showing off his sleeve of tattoos down his right arm.

"Zack tells me we're taking you girls to the club tonight?"

"Seems that way." I laugh softly. "It was P's idea, sorry she dragged you into it."

"I don't mind." He rubs the side of his neck sheepishly.

"Well, I'm ready to go when you are." I smile softly

Zay's POV:

This club is rubbish, sure Jordan seems to be having a fantastic time, but me? I wish I was back at home feeling sorry for myself, at least the drinks at home are already paid for and don't charge me ten dollars every time I open the fridge door.

"Come on man, lighten up would you?" Jord laughs as he hands me another beer before turning once more to order another drink.

"Thanks." I take it from him and take a sip.

Out of the corner of my eye, I notice two females walking towards us, both are blonde, both are beautiful, neither one of them is my type.

"Hey cutie," One of them smiles as she flips her blonde hair over her shoulder.

"Hey." I give her a small smile back.

"We saw you and your friend from across the bar and wanted to come and say hello."

"Is your friend single?" The other female asks with a smile

"He sure is." I nod and nudge Jordan who turns around instantly

"Sup ladies." He smirks

"You're even cuter up close." she giggles and takes a step closer, the two of them whisper to each other the music.

"And you?" The first female asks with a smile "Are you single?"

"Uh," I bite down on my bottom lip softly.

"I love you tattoos." She runs her finger up my arm which is currently leaning on the bar.

I open my mouth to answer, but something catches my eye. Charlie. Charlie is here with a few people I'm assuming are her friends. She looks stunning like always, her long dark hair is out and dead straight and she's wearing make-up tonight, the dark eye shadow making her stunning green eyes stand out even more than usual, and don't even get my started on that black dress tight against her body.

One of the males she's with seems to be very close with her, and I'll be honest I feel a twinge of jealously run through me as I watch him guide her to bar with his hand on the small of her back. Maybe she is keeping Saturday night as date night, just not with me.

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