Chapter 39 - Tick tock

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Zayd's POV:

I'm annoyed. I'm annoyed because I'm not out there with them and I'm annoyed because Lane was so quick to hand over his sister. I get it, Shay is the love of his life and she's pregnant with their child, but Charlie is his sister and she also happens to be the love of my life so it really hurts me that she's going to be used in this game Tyler is playing.

"You okay?" Amity asks as she comes and sits down next to me.

"I'm fine." I shrug.

"You know Chet is going to look after her right? They're not going to let anything happen to her."

"It's not them I'm worried about, it's what Tyler is planning to do with her once he has his hands on her." I sigh. "I want to be out there Am, I don't want to be sitting here."

"You know Charlie wouldn't want that; you're still recovering."

"I'm fine." I tell her as I stand up. "See, perfectly fine.

Ding dong. The doorbell rings.

"I'll get it." I tell her and make my way to the front door. I pull it open and come face to face with Jordan.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I snap.

Charlie's POV:

"Did you see anything?" I ask as Jasper comes jogging back over.

"She's in there, she looks scared but I don't think they've hurt her."

"How many men are we talking?" Dad questions from behind me.

"I could only see three, one them being Tyler." Jasper informs.

"Right, I'll call him and we're making the swap." Lane says as she grabs his phone.

"Hold on a second." Dad says with an annoyed tone in his voice. "I understand Shay is your girlfriend but have you forgotten Charlie is your sister, we need to think this through."

"She can protect herself dad." Lane fires up and the two of them begin fighting.

"Stick to the plan, we out number them." Dad begins.

Sighing softly, I make my way towards the small wooden shack in the middle of the woods. I raise my fist to the door and knock loudly.

"Fuck, guys move." I hear Zack yell in a shushed tone.

The door swings open and Tyler is standing there with a smirk on his face, he rips me in the door before anyone has a chance to fire. "Charlie, so nice of you to finally join me."

"Let Shay go." I say looking up at him.

"You don't make the calls remember I do." he laughs

"Let her go Tyler, please."

"You know I've always loved it when you beg for me." He spins me around and places his forearm across my throat, his gun to my head.

"Tyler you said you'd let her go if you got me, I'm here." I struggle as he pushes me down the hallway.

"Would you shut the fuck up?" he pushes the gun into my temple harder.

We reach a room with a closed door, it's the same window that Jasper had been looking through earlier. Tyler throws the door open and nods at none other than Officer Dennis. "You can leave." He tells him, and he leaves the rooms.

I spot Shay sitting in the corner of the room. "Shay." I yell and she looks up at me.

"Charlie." She says in shock.

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