Chapter 70 - All grown up

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This is the final!

It's been twenty-four years since the first cobra baby was born into the family, yes twenty-four years ago today Easton was born followed by Leo, Evie, Amara and then our beautiful twins Romee and Reid who are now twenty-two years old.

Lane took over the Cobras from the day that dad stepped down and I must say he's done a wonderful job for the last twenty-one years, no matter how bad things got, Lane was able to handle it, but today Lane informed me he is stepping down and he is going to hand over to his own son, Easton.

I'll be the first one to put my hand up and admit, I'm worried about how this will end. Easton is a wonderful boy, well man as he is now, and he's a great leader but these last two years he's really gone off the rails. It all started when the girl he'd been seeing ended things with him, she said she couldn't handle the lifestyle and it wasn't for her anymore, the next week she'd move on with someone else and it broke them. After that his personality changed, he started drinking more, partying at his club more, smoking more, and sleeping with any girl who gave him a second look, which I'll be honest is most girls.

A few of the members are worried he is going to turn the Cobras into a laughing stock, but Lane seems to think this will give him the kick up the butt he needs to pick himself up and move past his issues, after all, there has been a lot of time between now and the time he and his now ex-girlfriend broke up.

"Hi Mom." Evie, who is now twenty-three smiles brightly as she walks into the living room hand in hand with her boyfriend of the past seven years Leo.

Yes, Leo. Leo Thompson, son of Jillian and Jordan Thompson, I told you I shipped them.

"Hi honey." I smile back "How was your day"

"Good." She smiles and sits down next to me "We stopped by the shop and saw Dad and Reid, he's doing really good."

"I'm glad to hear that, I bet your dad is loving spending time with him."

"I'm not sure he's there for Zay." Leo grins

"Oh yeah?" I raise a brow with a smile

"There's this new girl, she moved to town a few weeks ago and she's working at the coffee shop across the street, I think he has a little crush."

"Is she a nice girl?" I question

"She seems to be, I've spoken to her a couple of times now." Evie nods

"Then I approve, ship away." I giggle softly

"You're so weird Mom." Evie scrunches up her face with a giggle

"I just want all of my babies to be happy and fall in love, and give me lots of grandchildren." I point to them "I'm looking at you two, chop-chop."

"One day, but not yet. We want to travel and see more of the world before we make that kind of commitment."

"Fine, I'll wait." I sigh playfully.

"Hey guys." Romee enters the room

"Why don't you pick on Romee, she doesn't even have a man." Evie teases

"I'm way too busy with my studies to worry about a boyfriend."

"You'll find someone when the time is right baby, don't worry," I assure her with a smile

For three amazing children, who are all kind, loving, and giving they are all very different. Evie has a gypsy soul, she likes to travel and go where the road takes her, she and Leo spend lots of time discovering new places, and they spend lots of time at the beach, they love surfing and being in the outdoors. I guess that's what makes them so perfect for one another, they share the same dreams and goals.

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