Chapter 29 - School

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This morning I woke up alone again. I hate not having Zay next to me but school is back and we're going to have to get back to some kind of normality.

Not wanting to draw any attention to myself I dress in a causal top, skinny jeans and a light jacket as it's a little cooler this morning. After fixing my hair and putting on some very light make-up I make my way out to my car and start the short drive to the school.

I pull into my usual car space and take a few deep breaths. I'm feel nervous. Nervous because I don't know what to expect, nervous because I'm going to see Tyler even though he isn't to talk to me or come near me, and nervous because I'm doing this alone.

Shay still hasn't spoken to me since our argument in the garage yesterday, even at dinner when we all sat down together, she ignored me the entire time as if I wasn't here. I have no idea what I said to make her feel so bad, but I guess I stuffed up big time.

I take another breath and place my hand on the door handle. "I can do this." I talk to myself out loud.

Buzzzz, Buzzzzz, Buzzzz.

I take my phone from my bag and smile at the screen. Zay Calling

"Good morning." I answer the phone as upbeat as possible, one because I am happy to be talking to him and two, I don't want him to worry about me.

"Good morning Princess, are you at school yet?"

"I just arrived, I'm still in the car just about to head in."

"Are you feeling okay?" He questions.

"I'm okay, I'll be fine, we've been over this." I smile into the phone.

"Okay, okay I'm sorry." He laughs softly. "I just worry."

"And I think it's very, very sweet that you worry about me, but if I run into any trouble, I'll tell you, I promise."

"I'll let you go, but call me and let me know how you're going when you have a chance."

"I will." I smile into the phone once more. He's such a sweetheart.

"Alright, well I lo- uh, just have a good day."

"You too, I'll talk to you later."

I hang up the phone and place it back into my bag. Stepping out of the car I lock it and make the short walk into the school condor. At this point I'm my usual invisible self, so that makes me feel a little bit better.

When Tyler told me everyone in school hated me, I believe him, so the fact no one is whispering, looking at me, or nudging their friends as I walk bye confirms I'm in the clear and he was all talk.

I arrive at my locker, which is located next to Shays and I sigh softly. I haven't seen her today; in fact, I don't even know if she's going to show. I just hope Ellie and Mazie are here so I don't have to eat lunch on my own.

I place my things into my locker and look at my timetable once more. "English." I whisper and grab my English book and pencil case back out. I close my closer and the bell rings.

Phew I made it just in time.

"Char." Shay calls as she comes running down the hallway.

"Shay, are you okay?" I ask concerned.

"I'm fine." She nods. "I just needed you to know I'm so sorry about yesterday and last night. It's just your words hit me hard, you're right I'm so excited and I was getting ahead of myself and then when you said what you did, it put fear me in." She admits.

"Oh Shay." I sigh sadly "I'm so sorry, that was never my intention." I tell her truthfully.

"I know." She nods "And I'm so sorry." She opens her arms for a hug.

I hug her, and forgive her instantly. She's going through a lot right now and I need to be a little more understanding.

"I better go, I don't want to be late." She smiles and runs off down the hall.

I turn to my right as I attempt to make my way down to the hall to my English class when I come face to face with Tyler who is leaning against the lockers with a smirk on his face. I look to my left and to my right again, no one, it's just him and I.

"What do you want?" I spit.

"Nice to see you too Charlie, you look good, that new boyfriend of yours is working wonders."

"I guess good sex with do that for you." I smirk cockily at him.

"Always such a smart mouth." He takes a step closer to me.

For the first time I'm not afraid of him, I step up to him and push him back. "Back the fuck up Tyler." I warn him. "You're not allowed to be anywhere to near me, you're not allowed to speak to me, you're not allowed to even look at me, so If I was you, I'd leave before I call the police."

"Do you want my dad's personal number?" He smirks down at me.

"Fuck off Tyler." I hiss.

"You know that new boyfriend of yours has given you quite the potty mouth."

I roll my eyes and walk away.

"South side scrum will do that do you."

"What did you just say?" I hiss as I turn quickly on my heel.

"I said south side scum will turn you into one of them."

I lurch at him quickly and my fist collides hard with the side of his face. "Don't speak about him like that, the only scum around here is you." I stand tall, no longer scared of him.

"Bitch grew some balls." He laughs as he rubs his jaw. "Did your new boyfriend teach you how to hit before or after he got done fucking you in the shower?" He pulls his phone from his pocket and shows me a video. The video, the video of Zay and I at the gym.

"Slut." He laughs as he keeps his phone held up to me. "I can't wait to show everyone."

"Fuck you Tyler." I yell and slap the phone from his hand causing it to hit the ground hard, smashing.

"Bitch." He yells once more and raises his hand to me.

Before he has the chance to touch me, I grab his arm and bend it back, pushing him away from me.

"Hey, hey!" A teacher yells as he comes running into the hallway. "Break it up, both of you, office right now." He yells and marches himself down the hall to the principal's office.

"And for your information Tyler, it was after, and it was fucking amazing. He makes me feel things I never felt with you, in fact, I'm not sure I felt anything at all when it came to you and your micro dick." I laugh and walk away, headed for the principal's office.

"Miss Raven your parents have been called and they're on the way. Sit." he orders.



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