Chapter 43 - Marry me

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It's been a few weeks and I'm finding myself in a much better mind frame. I've been taking some online courses in counselling and not only is it helping me learn, it's also helping me as a person and I've been able to move past my guilt by helping myself.

It's Saturday and we're having some kind of party that Lane has put together, I have no idea what it's for, he says he just wanted to catch up with the family but me, I think he's up to something.

My bedroom door opens slowly without my noticing and then I hear his voice. "Hey Princess."

I move my laptop and jump off the bed quickly, I take two quick steps and throw my arms around Zay who catches me with a laugh.

"I missed you so much." I begin placing kisses all over his face as he laughs.

Zay has been away for the last week sitting exams to become a fully qualified mechanic, Mom has been studying with him and helping him get ready for the test for the last couple of months so I'm sure he'll kill it.

"I missed you to baby." He presses his lips to mine. "I don't ever want to be away from you that long again."

The doorbell rings and suddenly the house is filled with booming voices. I listen for a moment and then squeal excitedly as I grab Zay's hand and drag him down the stairs with me.

In the entry stands my aunt Avery, uncle Ezra and cousin Emery along with a female as well with my uncle Alex, aunt Star, my cousin Hope, with a cute male who I've never seen before and Grandma and Granddad.

"I didn't know you were all coming." I yell happily.

"My baby." Grandma calls back and opens her arms.

I let go of Zay's hand and run down the stairs wrapping my arms around my grandmother who I haven't seen in what feels like forever. It's times like these I'm glad our family line seem to have children early.

"How are you?" She asks as she steps back and takes my face in her hands smiling at me.

"I'm good grandma." I smile and give her another hug.

I turn to Zay who is making his way down the stairs looking a little awkward and I reach for his hand, he takes my hand once he reaches the bottom of the stairs and I smile at my family. "Everyone this is Zay, my boyfriend." I say proudly.

"So nice to meet you." My grandmother gives him a hug.

I introduce him to everyone and we head outside to where Mom and Dad have been busily setting up for this party.

"You have a huge family." Zay whispers as he wraps his arms around me from behind.

I snuggle my body into his and rest my head on his shoulder. "I do, but I wouldn't have it any other way." I admit as I watch them all talking and laughing together.

"I take it you want a big family than?" Zay questions.

I turn to face him, his arms still around me and now mine around him as I look up at him. "I do." I nod. "I want at least two children." I tell him honestly.

"I'll give you ten if that's what you want." He smiles down at me.

I press my lips to his with a smile, he makes my heart so happy.

"Yo Zay." Lane calls as he enters the backyard with Shay who is now well and truly showing with her cute bump.

"Hey man." Zay smiles back as he pulls away from the kiss.

"Can I borrow you?" He questions.

"Of course." He kisses my temple and leaves the backyard with Lane, leaving me and Shay to get around and talk to everyone in the family.

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