Chapter 38 - Game on

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I wake up wrapped in Zay's arms. Just the way I like it. Watching him sleep I smile softly and place a kiss on his cheek, he's the cutest, especially when he's sleeping.

Not wanting to leave bed yet I snuggle down closer into his arms, still mindful to watch his ribs that are healing a little more each day.

It's been five weeks since the attack on Zay, so his now almost fully healed but I'm still making him take it easy so he doesn't re-injure himself.

For the last two weeks I've been spending lots of time with the Cobras, especially Mom who's been teaching me how to aim and shoot properly. Dad and Lane have been helping with my fighting technique which has been rather grueling.

If I'm honest, I much rather training with Zay, but I'm sure it won't be long until he's back at it.

Frankie has officially moved back to town and is living in a small, but beautiful two-bedroom house in between the south side and the east side, however he spends most of his time on the East side with Sara.

Sara and Frankie have been seeing each other for the past five weeks since they first met at the hospital and they're so perfect together. Sara is such a wondering and caring person and she gets along with everyone so well, not only that she's kind to Zay and I think it's nice for him to have another caring mother figure in his life. She has even joined the Cobras and is going to be our Doctor for all emergencies.

"Charlie." Lane calls as he pushes the bedroom door open in a panic

"What?" I sit up quickly. Zay now waking next to me.

"Have you seen Shay?"

"No, we've only just woken now." I say confused.

"Fuck." He yells "she's missing."

"What do you mean she's missing?" I jump out of bed quickly.

"She left to go to the store and she hasn't been back, she left two hours ago." He says still panicked. "She's not answering her phone, and her car is still at the shop and she's gone, she's gone." he repeats the colour draining form his face.

"Lane." I place my hand on his shoulder "take a breath, well find her okay."

"I swear to god if anything happens to her." He says angrily.

"Go and call the guys and we'll find her okay? Don't lose your cool, you know what we have to do."

"Right." He nods and exits the room

"That doesn't sound good." Zay says from the bed, trying to get up.

"Here baby." I make my way back to his side and help him up.

He takes my hands and pulls himself up with an annoyed sigh. "I'm so over this."

"Hey," I place my hands on his cheeks. "I know it's annoying and I know you're frustrated but you've only got another week and you'll be back to normal." I assure him.

"You've been so patient with my cranky ass this entire time; I don't know why you put up with me." He laughs

"Because I love you, now stop it." I peck his lips quickly. "Come and help me deal with Lane before he blows."

We head downstairs together, side by side. Because he's almost done healing, he no longer needs my help to get down the steps, sit and do those small things, it's only getting in and out of bed that can still be a little painful.

"Fucking Tyler." Lane yells as he slams his fist into the wall.

"Lane." I yell as I make my way over to him and take his fist in my hand. "Stop." I demand.

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