Chapter 35 - Candle light

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Another 2 days have passed and I still haven't returned to school. At this point I don't know when I'll be going back but I have been completing all my work from home.

Mom and dad both agree that until we know for sure what's going on and who was behind the attack on Zay I'm to go to the hospital and home, that's it.

Tonight is Zay's last night in the hospital and its done my heart so much good to see him feeling better. Lots of his small bruising has healed and his face is starting to get back to its usual handsome self. Of course he still has a few broken ribs but he is out of bed now and able to do minimal activity.

"Are we still set for tonight?" I ask Dr Hale with a smile

"We're all set." She smiles happily.

"How was your date with Frankie by the way? Are you my mother in law yet?"

Sara blushes bright red and bites down on her bottom lip. "Uh, we had a lovely night and we're going to go out again soon."

"Is that all?" I raise a brow with a cheeky grin.

"Do you want my help or not?" She places her hands on her hips with a grin.

"You guys totally banged." I wink and enter the room.

"Hey baby." I smile over at Zay who is sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Hey, what are you doing back so soon? I haven't made it to the shower yet."

"That's Okay." I place my massive bag down on the bed and stand in front of him holding both of my arms out.

Zay places his hands on my arms and using me for support steps out of the bed.

"You okay?"

"Fine Princess." He nods.

"Do you want me to help you to the shower?"

"Why, do you wanna see me naked?" He winks playfully.

"I don't want you to hurt yourself, but I'm glad to have my playful Zay back."

I help him into the bathroom and then help him with his clothes. Once he steps into the shower, I leave him and head back into the room.

With the help of Sara (Dr Hale) I have a little date planned for Zay and I tonight. I pull some candles from my bag and light them, placing them around where they won't burn anything. After that I pull the food and drink out and place it on the tray, then I lock the door and turn the lights off.

Zay's POV:

It's good to be up and moving around again, sure I still need help with most things and will do for at least another four weeks while I heal, but I know I have people around me who love me and will help me out.

Charlie especially, she hasn't left my side for one single day so far. I'll never know what I did to deserve her but I'm so glad she's mine. If I could marry her tomorrow, I swear I would, there is not one person in this world who could never love me as much as she does.

Stepping out of the shower I grab my towel and dry off slowly not wanting to add to my injuries. I reach for my boxer shorts but of course I knock them and they fall to the ground.

"Charlie." I call

Instantly she appears and pushes the door open slightly "what's wrong?" She asks panicked

"Nothing, can you grab them?" I Point.

"Oh sure, you just wanted to get me all hot and bothered." She giggles and picks them up for me. "Do you want help putting them on?"

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