Chapter 68 - Baby crew

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Charlie's POV:

It's been four months since we were blessed with our beautiful baby girl, and three months to the date she was born Lane and Shay welcomed their baby girl Amara Raven into the world.

So far Zay and I have been doing well adjusting to life as a family of three. Shay and Lane inform me we're blessed and she's the perfect baby, they tell us we have it good, but honestly, I think Easton was a good baby as well.

Evie sleeps through most nights, only on the odd occasion does she stir in the night or require a feed. She takes a bottle already, so Zay shares the night time wake up calls.

Stepping out of bed I make my way down the stairs and into the living room where I find Zay and Evie on the floor on her play mat, Zay blowing raspberries on her stomach and Evie giggling uncontrollably.

Laughing myself I step into the room and sit down on the floor next to them. "You're silly daddy." I smile at them

"She's too cute, watch." He blows raspberries on her stomach again and she giggles

"You don't call me cute and blow raspberries on my tummy." I tease like he had done with me and Easton back on Shay and Lane's wedding day.

Zay picks Evie up and sits her in her round pillow that allows her to sit up while being supported as she isn't quite old enough to sit herself up.

"Mommy's turn then." He grins and pushes me down

"No, I was kidding." I giggle

"Nope." He lifts my shirt and begins blowing raspberries in my stomach.

I giggle loudly, not only the feeling of his lips but the feeling of his messy hair tickling my soft skin. "Stop I giggle."

"But why? You're so cute." He teases

I look over at Evie "Help mommy." I giggle

Instead, she just giggles happily and waves her hands around, if she was old enough to clap her hands I'm sure she would.

The front door opens and Easton comes running through the door, he's getting so big now and he is so, so cute. Shay and Lane follow with baby Amara in the carrier

"You two do that in front of the kid?" Lane asks with a disgusted look on his face.

"Hey," I sit up "we're not doing anything, we're playing."

"Yeah. Playing." Lane smirks "playing gets your pregnant, right babe." He winks at Shay who rolls her eyes

"How are you going?" I ask as I stand and peek over at Amara who is sound asleep

"She's been good, maybe we finally have an Evie, she's been sleeping right through" She smiles

"Maybe girls are just better." I point at Lane with a grin before sitting back down on the ground with Evie and Zay.

This has become our new normal, hanging out with babies, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Jill and Jordan also welcome a baby into the world four months before we had Evie, they named him Leo and he the cutest little thing, he and Evie love spending time together, I ship them already.

"So, any more kids for you two then?" Lane questions with a smile

"I think so, I should give him a son at some point, right?" I grin and look over at Zay

"I'd love a son." Zay smiles "But if not, I'm happy with my little princess." He smiles at Evie who is still giggling at him.

Zay is a wonderful father, from the second Evie was born he's done everything he can to bond with her and allow her to know he's her daddy and he loves her beyond anything. Evie doesn't seem to have a favourite at the moment but I have no doubt when she's a little bit older she'll definitely be a daddy's girl, I don't mind though.

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